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How to replace a KPL and not have to reprogram???


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Add the new KPL to the system than right mouse click and use the replace with. The new KPL should be listed as one of the available option keeping in mind it must be the same type: Dimmer vs Relay.


Once the system has successfully replaced the KPL it will delete the *New* KPL and replace it with the existing KPL name.

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Do not rename the newly added device. Once the replacement is completed, the new device will have the name of the replaced device and will also be correctly added to scenes and programs. The ISY will shut down, you'll need to restart and wait until the ISY is not busy (look at the lower left corner). The only indication that the replacement occurred will be the new device's Insteon ID.


The old device should be removed from any folder it's in before you can use the replace function.

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No, only if the main device is (IN) a folder. A device in a scene is not considered in a folder.





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