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Integrating ISY 994i with iRobot Roomba 980


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  • 10 months later...

For anyone else trying to set it up, I did some quick digging this morning, there's a great thread here https://community.smartthings.com/t/roomba-980-wifi-connectivity-reverse-engineering/44860/165 - read from the last post up. Options are run a local server (https://github.com/koalazak/rest980) or use IFTTT (plus ISY Networking Module per http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_IFTTT_Integration) Once iRobot fix their auth page (there's no way to log in at the moment, something is busted as it's the same from within Alexa and IFTTT) I'll give IFTTT a go.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Turns out iRobots auth problem was my problem, piHole was getting in the way.


Anyway, IFTTT works great. Set up 3 applets to start, stop and dock following the instructions here http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_IFTTT_Integration to get IFTTT working with ISY.


Then added a program that starts Roomba when my alarm is to Armed Away, and a program that stops, then docks Roomba when it's disarmed. Only bit you can't do with IFTTT is get Roomba's current status, so if it's finished it's job when the alarm is disarmed it gets the stop and dock command anyway, which doesn't seem to bother it.


I also set a variable in the start program and check for it every time it runs to stop it running more than once a day. It gets reset every night when i set the alarm to armed stay so it's ready to clean up our mess the next day... :-)

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Turns out iRobots auth problem was my problem, piHole was getting in the way.


Anyway, IFTTT works great. Set up 3 applets to start, stop and dock following the instructions here http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_IFTTT_Integration to get IFTTT working with ISY.


Then added a program that starts Roomba when my alarm is to Armed Away, and a program that stops, then docks Roomba when it's disarmed. Only bit you can't do with IFTTT is get Roomba's current status, so if it's finished it's job when the alarm is disarmed it gets the stop and dock command anyway, which doesn't seem to bother it.


I also set a variable in the start program and check for it every time it runs to stop it running more than once a day. It gets reset every night when i set the alarm to armed stay so it's ready to clean up our mess the next day... :-)


If you're on v5.0 there's a node server for direct integration with Roombas.  It will alert the ISY when the Roomba stops, when it's docked, etc...  Shameless plug: https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/23292-polyglot-roomba-v2/

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Awesome, thanks, does this work with a 690? i tried the BLID method but it looked like the firmware I'm running was preventing me from accessing it locally, from what i read iRobot changed the protocol they were using to control it?


Yes, it will work with a Roomba 690, there will just be less data/options available (no bin full sensor or x-y-theta position tracking).


I did block internet access to my Roombas to prevent firmware updates but I haven't heard of any recent firmware updates breaking access.  I did have trouble getting the BLID and password using the python project though; I wound up using the original node.js project: https://github.com/koalazak/dorita980

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The 900 series software is labeled version 2.x while the 600 and 800 series shows version 3.x.  My Roomba 690 is on firmware "3.2.10+32" last updated on 07Dec17 and working well.  The node server implements an MQTT client for communications with each roomba.  


What were your results from trying to get the robot's BLID and password from the dorita980 project?

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  • 1 year later...

Yes, the Roomba node doesn't currently have a mechanism included to automatically retrieve the required credentials.  The dorita980 node is required to get the credentials needed to set up the node.  With the ability to use node.js in polyglot it would be very easy to polish this up a bit and have the integration process be more automatic if anybody has the time.


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