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Device options not seen in ISY


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I have a curiosity question about certain Insteon device options that don't appear in the ISY.

An example of this would be Load Sense on the Outdoor On/Off module.  I can turn Load Sense on or off directly on the Outdoor module, but I don't see an option to set this from the ISY.

Is this because some devices don't expose some options that could be changed programmatically?

Are there too many "tweaks" that can change between hardware versions within a device line to keep up with (for example, LampLincs no longer support Load Sense - which will be a another question I'll post shortly) so just the most common ones are available?

I suspect the answer is probably a combination of these and maybe other factors.

This has never been a problem, but I've been curious.


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This has been a long time problem where the ISY Series Controller does not support the various software options.


This has been seen in the lamp linc, open- close, energy monitor, motion sensor, etc.


The open-close sensor lost the two node via the jumper pin many years ago. This feature option must be enabled via software controller. There has been no work tasked to include this basic feature and more than likely never will.


If you had HL2 software and the modem you could check to see if these options are present and activate it. But since HL2 was EOL many of these features would not be listed for access.





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