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Support the ECM-1240


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Hello chrkov,


Currently, we monitor only two channels and then sum them up. I was not aware that ECM-1240 has 6 channels. We might consider the second channel (and polarity) for a future version if requested.


With kind regards,



From what I have read, I do believe that the plugin will support the ECM-1240 main channel. But will it be able to monitor all 6 channels?



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  • 3 months later...
Currently, we monitor only two channels and then sum them up. I was not aware that ECM-1240 has 6 channels. We might consider the second channel (and polarity) for a future version if requested.


Chalk up one more interested user! I have an ECM-1240 on order. The additional channels on this model allow you to monitor energy consumption of individual loads like A/C compressors, clothing dryers, etc. I could see this kind of data being valuable for incorporating into ISY programs that are designed to monitor, minimize or schedule electricity usage.



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  • 2 months later...

Hi Chris, apologies for a tardy reply.


Yes, indeed we do have plans to have ECM-1240 functionality by mid to late September.


With kind regards,


Is there any projected date yet on when full ECM-1240 support will be appearing? Mine's arriving this week, and I definitely look forward to integrating it into a few programs.





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  • 1 month later...
Hi Chris, apologies for a tardy reply.


Yes, indeed we do have plans to have ECM-1240 functionality by mid to late September.


With kind regards,


Is there any projected date yet on when full ECM-1240 support will be appearing? Mine's arriving this week, and I definitely look forward to integrating it into a few programs.






Hi Guys,


Just curious how things might be progressing with the 1240 meter. This device is on my purchase list but will only be useful if I can monitor individual loads and adjust programs based on them.


Wondering what projected timeline may be and what features could be included.





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Work on support for the ECM-1240 was delayed for a bit but it is in-progress now.


Currently, the ISY is able to collect data from all 7 channels. The data is sent to ISY clients using an extension of the existing data format. ISY programs are able to make use of the individual channels in conditions.


What I'd like to see is some discussion on how everyone would like to use the data so that it can be collected and made available in a form that useful. The ECM-1240 raw data is basically 7 channels of current power utilization, #amps being drawn on channels 1 & 2, and line voltage.


So ideas? thoughts?

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Hi Bob,


Glad to hear that work on support for the ECM-1240 is underway!


My interest in the additional channels is mainly to use the usage data for analysis/graphing. Hence I'm hoping to see this data exposed via REST.


I'm also assuming that we'll be able to access current usage for each input in programs.


Also, please take a look at how total usage is stored. It seems that values greater than 597 KWH are not accepted by the ISY.




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All I really need is real values for (Ch2 (in my case Solar) and Net (Ch1 - 2xCh1Polar)).


Matt, That's similar to my own requirements since I have solar also. While I haven't started trying to implement this yet, I'm thinking that what is really needed is "virtual" channels that can be some combination of real channels. When configuring the support, you select which real channels you want data for and and have the ability to create the "virtual" channels. This is a much larger project than just adding support for the additional ECM-1240 channels.


I keep forgetting about the polarized values even though I use them myself. I'll have to add those in.


I think it will be a phased approach, first phase adds additional channels, second phase adds some configurability and maybe a different output design, third phase adds virtual channels.



Hi Bob,


Glad to hear that work on support for the ECM-1240 is underway!


My interest in the additional channels is mainly to use the usage data for analysis/graphing. Hence I'm hoping to see this data exposed via REST.


I'm also assuming that we'll be able to access current usage for each input in programs.


Also, please take a look at how total usage is stored. It seems that values greater than 597 KWH are not accepted by the ISY.





Jim, Good feedback. I haven't tested REST yet, but I will. There's no reason why it shouldn't work.


Yes, I have the program screens set up to allow for conditions on each channel's current use and each channel's total utilization. This mimics what's there now except that each channel is individually selectable.


I haven't noticed any limits on the total, but I'll look into that. I have a simple ECM-1240 simulator that I can use to feed any data I want to the ISY. Right now I'm testing with just random values, but I'll make some changes to create some large, increasing values too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, it was all working but the output wasn't really fitting with the overall module strategy for the ISY. I've been working on fixing that and currently have the ISY outputting the data in the correct format. I also spent quite a bit of time to make sure the data values are correct. The REST interface isn't right yet and the admin console isn't updated to handle the new format.


I did find some problems with the data values that may be what caused the 597KWH limit Jim is seeing so those are fixed.


I think, and Michel will have to verify, this is going to be in 2.7.7. It might even be what's holding up the release now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have two questions. The first is what package for the ECM-1240 do I order to ensure it interfaces with my ISY99. Second question is how do I order the EMC-1240. I went to their website but did not see the EMC-1240 on the store check out page. Saw a description of the various packages but knowing to click on to order.



Currently, we monitor only two channels and then sum them up. I was not aware that ECM-1240 has 6 channels. We might consider the second channel (and polarity) for a future version if requested.


Chalk up one more interested user! I have an ECM-1240 on order. The additional channels on this model allow you to monitor energy consumption of individual loads like A/C compressors, clothing dryers, etc. I could see this kind of data being valuable for incorporating into ISY programs that are designed to monitor, minimize or schedule electricity usage.



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I have two questions. The first is what package for the ECM-1240 do I order to ensure it interfaces with my ISY99. Second question is how do I order the EMC-1240. I went to their website but did not see the EMC-1240 on the store check out page. Saw a description of the various packages but knowing to click on to order.


The ISY needs to communicate with the ECM1240 over the network. This means you need one of


1) EtherPort adaptor if you want it directly wired to your network. (Package B or B+)


2) EtherBee adaptor if you want a wireless connection between the ECM-1240 and the network. (Package C)


3) A computer running full time with a serial connection to act as a server. (Package A or A+)


I'd recommend #1 or #2 just because that will be more reliable and you don't need to have a computer on 24x7 using more energy :) I don't have any experiance with the EtherBee set up so I can't comment on how well it really works. You might want to review the couple of threads over at the Cocoontech http://www.cocoontech.com/portal/ forms on the ECM-1240.


Also, you can see some diagrams of the connection methods here: http://www.brultech.com/HomeEnergy/ecm1240intro2.html


As for what CT's you need, that I can't help you with. Your best bet would be to send Brultech an email with some details about what you want to monitor, what size electrical panel you have, etc. They should be able to recommend the best options.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I want to measure the power coming in and shed load based on time of day. I'm in Arizona and the utilities have demand billing so it's in my best interest to carefully control my power during the peak period. Especially in the summer.


So, I want to measure the input power on both legs of my split phase 220 and when it reaches some number, start turning stuff off. I already have a remote contactor controlling the water heater and parts on order for each of my air conditioning compressors. Pool pump, dryer and electric range are on the list but further down.


This is an incredibly effective method of lowering my bill. During the summer I had one bill that went over $400. After installing new thermostats that had different capabilities I was able to cool the house down in the morning and then shut off the compressors letting the house coast through the afternoon. I had the air handlers come on periodically to move the air around and equalize the temp and ceiling fans to keep it moving within a room. The remote contactor for the water heater shut it down also for the period.


Power savings: $200. Paid for the thermostats and parts for the contactor in one month. My peak usage was 7% of my total usage. However, I want to be able to use the pool pump in the afternoon when it's hot and the pool is the most fun so I may have to give part of that up.


But, it would be good to monitor the other channels as well. For example, turning off the fans in the refrigerator and freezer from midnight to 0600 when no one is opening the doors would save a little bit that could allow for an extra cycle of the washing machine. The other channels could be used for telling not only if something was left on at bedtime but where it was.


Anyway, this is what I want to use it and the ISY for. It should pay for itself and the bonus of controlling lights and such in a year or so.

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I want to measure the power coming in and shed load based on time of day. I'm in Arizona and the utilities have demand billing so it's in my best interest to carefully control my power during the peak period. Especially in the summer.


I also live in Arizona. I had hoped to just put the ECM-1240 in my garage, but Paul at Brultech recommended against it due to the summer temps it would hit, so I extended the CT leads for an indoor install. If you're interested, I posted a break-down of the install over at http://www.cocoontech.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=14233



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