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OFFICIAL Release 2.7.0 is now available


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Please help! I am extremely frustrated and don't want to give up on ISY


Sorry to hear about your issues. Here are some suggestions/questions:


- Have you tried the update from a different PC?

- Is your PC on wireless? If so, can you try hardwired?


I have seen an issue first-hand where a bad router, that appeared fine during normal web browsing, etc., was corrupting data enough to cause issues during ISY firmware updates. I know this might be asking a lot, but:


- Do you have another router you might try?

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- Have you tried the update from a different PC?

- Is your PC on wireless? If so, can you try hardwired?


I have seen an issue first-hand where a bad router, that appeared fine during normal web browsing, etc., was corrupting data enough to cause issues during ISY firmware updates. I know this might be asking a lot, but:


- Do you have another router you might try?


Thanks for the suggestions MikeB... I have tried from multiple different wired PC's with no change.


I don't have another router, and had even thought of that as a possibility but didn't really want to shell out yet more $$ to try another long shot. However, in the absence of any other ideas I will give it a shot.


I have had a Linksys RVS4000 Gigabit router for about 2 years now, and it hasn't been a known issue yet. However, it hasn't lived up to its promise and I wouldn't be too unhappy to get rid of it. Thinking out loud, this might be the common thread between the issues at this location and the issues I have at my other ISY remote location (same router at both places).


Question: Does anyone else have this particular router working? If so, are there any particular settings / config that I need to apply? Does anyone have a Gigabit router that coexists well with ISY?

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I just tried auto upgrading from 2.6.8 to 2.7 and I can't run the Admin Console any more.


I get a Java crash. I have restarted my browser, clear the cache and tried in 2 browsers. It appears to do some class downloading and then spits the error below.


I'm not sure if it was something that I did, but the upgrade process seemed to hang at 92%.


Is there a recovery procedure I can follow?




load: class com.universaldevices.client.ui.UDClientApplet.class not found.

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.universaldevices.client.ui.UDClientApplet.class

at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)

at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2ClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)

at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager.createApplet(Unknown Source)

at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager$AppletExecutionRunnable.run(Unknown Source)

at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

Caused by: java.io.IOException: open HTTP connection failed:

at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)

at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.access$000(Unknown Source)

at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)

at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)

... 7 more

Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.universaldevices.client.ui.UDClientApplet.class

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I have had a Linksys RVS4000 Gigabit router for about 2 years now, and it hasn't been a known issue yet. However, it hasn't lived up to its promise and I wouldn't be too unhappy to get rid of it. Thinking out loud, this might be the common thread between the issues at this location and the issues I have at my other ISY remote location (same router at both places).


I definitely don't want to send you barking up the wrong tree, but it is an issue I experienced first-hand with an older Netgear router. It operated fine for normal web browsing, but it appeared to somehow be corrupting higher-bandwidth network traffic, resulting in failure to install ISY firmware updates. A replacement router worked perfectly.


You may be having a completely different issue, but with all the various things you've tried I'm running out of suggestions. If your ISY is set to a static IP, you could connect it directly to your PC using an ethernet crossover cable and try to install the firmware update manually.

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I just tried auto upgrading from 2.6.8 to 2.7 and I can't run the Admin Console any more.


Are you running an ISY-99? If so, I would try re-loading the firmware. See if you can access your ISY via this link:



If that works, please try following the instructions for a manual firmware update:

- Userid = isy

- Password = autoupdate

- Download the update from http://www.universal-devices.com/update ... nsteon.zip do not unzip

- Choose Help->Manually Upgrade My Lighting and choose the file you downloaded in the previous step



Please let us know how you make out.

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Just a quick question / observation:


Since I've upgraded to 2.7.0 I had to restore several of my devices. (and maybe more...)


I also noticed the IOLinc had "lost its way." I was using it control the garage door and although the sensor indicated (on the KPL) the door was opened, but the KPL button assigned to close it would not carry out its assignment.


My guess is I will have to relink it as I will all my motion sensors.


Hopefully I will not have to rewrite my programs.


Why does this occur?



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Why does this occur?


Hi Joe -


Upgrading the firmware on the ISY definitely doesn't touch any device to device links, so I'm not sure why any scenes you might have created would be affected.


This certainly isn't typical. Depending on what previous firmware version you were running, you may have to remove and re-add your Motion Sensors since newer firmware versions treat them differently.

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Just a quick question / observation:


Since I've upgraded to 2.7.0 I had to restore several of my devices. (and maybe more...)


I also noticed the IOLinc had "lost its way." I was using it control the garage door and although the sensor indicated (on the KPL) the door was opened, but the KPL button assigned to close it would not carry out its assignment.


My guess is I will have to relink it as I will all my motion sensors.


Hopefully I will not have to rewrite my programs.


Why does this occur?




My IOLinc also lost the Sensor. I had to remove and re-add. I mentioned this to Michel, he is looking for an error. Now that you confirmed that I am not hallucinating I will add it to the bug list.


Good news is the motion sensors made it through; do they work for you?


I'm not sure why you would have to restore devices though. What was the previous firmware version you used?



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Ok, maybe I spoke too soon...


Actually, I think the problem is me (noob). All of my devices and programs are still there, but none of the device settings show up correct (levels, ramp rates). If I use a keypad, the scenes are still there. They just aren't showing up in the administrative console correctly.


I backed up my ISY before upgrading. Do I need to restore my devices and/or ISY and how do I go about that?

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My IOLinc also lost the Sensor. I had to remove and re-add. I mentioned this to Michel, he is looking for an error. Now that you confirmed that I am not hallucinating I will add it to the bug list.


Good news is the motion sensors made it through; do they work for you?


I'm not sure why you would have to restore devices though. What was the previous firmware version you used?





My motions sensors work, but they don't report their status to the ISY. So I will have to relink.


This is the same reason why I am having to restore some (maybe most) of my devices. The devices in question (when switched locally) would not report their status to the ISY. Restoration resolved this issue. If the ISY was responsible for the operation of the switch, the status was correctly reported.


This certainly isn't typical.

Mike: Ask Michel about how typical my issues are...


The previous firmware was 2.6.15.



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That link pulls up the console, but all the tabs are blank.


When the console comes up, does it first prompt you for a username/password?





No, no username password prompt and there is no option Help->Manually Upgrade.


I just tried to telnet in and discovered that it is still reporting that it is running 2.6.8, so something in the upgrade procedure must have failed.

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Please do be kind enough to go to Tools->Diagnostics->PLM Status/Info to make sure that your PLM is still on line. If not on line, then please unplug, wait 10 seconds, and plug back in. If on line, query My Lighting and let me know what you get.




Yes, the upgrade has failed. The main issue I have is:

1. You can telnet to ISY BUT

2. You do not get the login prompt when you go to http://www.universal-devices.com/99i ... this does NOT make sense


Would you be kind enough to:

1. Close all our browser windows

2. Control Panel|Java|Settings|Delete Files


Also, do you have any firewall software installed?



Please send me an email (tech@universal-devices.com)



Please go to Tools->Diagnostics->Show PLM Links, when done, click on Count and let me know the total number of links in your PLM


With kind regards,


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Would you be kind enough to:

1. Close all our browser windows

2. Control Panel|Java|Settings|Delete Files


Also, do you have any firewall software installed?



I did that and I still get the same stack trace. I tried on 2 computers and they both fail the same way.


I don't have any firewall or AV software installed.


Is there anyway for me to force an update or download some kind of log file without using the Java Admin Console?

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I did that and I still get the same stack trace. I tried on 2 computers and they both fail the same way.


I don't have any firewall or AV software installed.


Is your ISY setup for access over the internet? We may be able to try and upgrade your firmware remotely.


Otherwise, please submit a trouble ticket here and someone from the support team will get back to you ASAP:



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1. For those upgrading from release 2.6 (ISY-26) and release 1.0.0 (ISY-99i)

--->Please note that releases 2.6.1 and above will use default HTTP/HTTPS ports of 80/443 respectively. As such, before upgrading Disable Internet Access

--->ISY-26 owners will have to upgrade to release 2.6.5 ( http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=1409 ) before upgrading to release 2.7.0

--->If you are upgrading from 2.6.1, please make sure you export all your programs and store them in a safe place




Please be sure to have a good backup of your ISY before proceeding.


Since 2.7.0 is an official release, a notification should appear in your ISY's Admin Console. HOWEVER, because the ISY-26 requires (in many cases) the downgrade of firmware to 2.6.0 BEFORE the installation of 2.7.0, we recommend 2.7.0 be installed manually per the instructions below.


- Userid = isy

- Password = autoupdate

-- Step 1 - Download the update from http://www.universal-devices.com/update ... nsteon.zip do not unzip and DO NOT USE A PREVIOUSLY SAVED COPY!

- Login to Admin Console

- Choose Help->Manually Upgrade My Lighting and choose the file you downloaded in the previous step


-- Step 2

- Download the update from http://www.universal-devices.com/update ... nsteon.zip do not unzip

- Login to Admin Console using the following URL:


- Choose Help->Manually Upgrade My Lighting and choose the file you downloaded in the previous step


I have an isy-26.




1. It seems that if a person has 2.6 they need to upgrade to 2.6.5, downgrade to 2.6.0 then upgrade to 2.7. Am I reading this right? It seems a little confusing and contradictory.


2. If I am on 2.6.15 do I need to download the new 2.6.0, install it, and then upgrade to 2.7? I have done the 2.6.0 downgrade the last two times.


3. Does downgrading to 2.6.0 if unnecessary hurt anything.

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1. It seems that if a person has 2.6 they need to upgrade to 2.6.5, downgrade to 2.6.0 then upgrade to 2.7. Am I reading this right? It seems a little confusing and contradictory.


2. If I am on 2.6.15 do I need to download the new 2.6.0, install it, and then upgrade to 2.7? I have done the 2.6.0 downgrade the last two times.


3. Does downgrading to 2.6.0 if unnecessary hurt anything.


You're right, it is a mess. 2.6.0 is actually only required for users running a couple of particular firmwares, but it's becoming too convoluted in my opinion to keep track.


In general, I would:

- downgrade to 2.6.0

- close browsers, clear cache

- launch http://www.universal-devices.com/99i

- install 2.7.0

- close browsers, clear cache


Downgrading to 2.6.0 should never hurt anything, but with 2.6.0 installed the ISY is in a crippled state - it's only a temporary step before you install the latest firmware.


Hopefully with 2.7.0 being an official firmware release we can get the majority of people up-to-date and things will be much smoother in the futrue.

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145 seems a little low for the type of setup you have. I am not sure how and why but, then again, you know what I mean! Did we ever do a full Restore Device after you got your new PLM?



The last PLM I received from SH was last June. I'm not sure if I executed a "Restore Devices" or "Restore PLM."


Should I attempt either or both?


Let me know and I'll give you another link count.



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