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OFFICIAL Release 2.7.0 is now available


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I had similar issues in the past and it was caused by moving my ISY to a noisy circuit. Make sure you haven't moved your PLM, or plugged in any new devices that may be noisy or sucking up your signal like a UPS or something like that.


Nope. I didn't touch the ISY or any insteon devices (or pretty much anything else electrical at home for that matter) prior to the upgrade. I've unplugged and replugged a few times after everything stopped working following the upgrade, but haven't changed anything else in any way. I've PM'ed Rand about getting the older firmware, and if leaving the PLM disconnected for a long time doesn't work, I'll see if I can figure out how to do a factory reset on it.

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For a factory reset, you unplug the PLM, hold the set button down and replug it in while holding the set button in. Hold the button in for a minimum of 10 seconds. I think the LED will flash or something like that to indicate that it has been successful.


You can then restore the PLM from the file menu in the admin console.

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Hi ryarber,


Thanks for that. 3 seconds after plug-in the LED should turn off, then release the button and after a few seconds the LED should come on bright.




For a factory reset, you unplug the PLM, hold the set button down and replug it in while holding the set button in. Hold the button in for a minimum of 10 seconds. I think the LED will flash or something like that to indicate that it has been successful.


You can then restore the PLM from the file menu in the admin console.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I've received my replacement PLM from smarthome and things are a little better, but my programs are still nowhere to be found.


I'm now running 2.6.5 again on the ISY, having downgraded after the 2.7.0 upgrade that started all my problems and appeared to kill my PLM. After I got the new PLM, I restored the ISY from the backup I made as part of the upgrade, and then I restored devices and restored the PLM.


At this point, the diagnostics show me that the PLM is online, and I see my devices and can manually turn them on and off. I cannot see any programs defined though. Were the programs supposed to have been in the backup?


I unzipped the backup to look what's inside it. The backup file contains a single file called uuid.00.21.b9.00.3b.c5.zip and inside is a CONF/ directory that contains:

















Does one of those file contains my programs, or are they gone for good? Also, if I'm going to be brave and try the upgrade again, are any of the more recent versions better than 2.7.0. (In particular, I was wondering if I should go with 2.7.1 to avoid the factory reset issue.)



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Nope. That was the only backup I had, so I guess they are gone :-(


Do the programs live in the ISY or in the PLM? If the PLM was already in some sort of half-dead state by the time I tried the upgrade, could that have prevented them from making it to the backup? (Up until I tried the upgrade, scheduled events triggered by the programs were definitely happening, so I assume the programs were functional to at least a limited extent and were visible on the console. After the upgrade the programs were no longer visible.)


In any case, for future reference -- Should backing up the ISY include the programs under normal conditions, or should I also be exporting the programs separately and saving those? Thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am running firmware 2.7.0 on an ISY-99i/IR PRO. The initial state of an IOLinc sensor is reported correctly (On). However, if I query the sensor, the state is incorrectly reported (Off).


Is there anything which needs to be set up or tweaked on the IOLinc for the status to be reported correctly? Thanks!

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Do you have the TriggerOff option checked on the IOLinc? Of so, this is unfortunately the correct operation. We do not recommend using TriggerOff if the IOLinc will be queried.


If you are not using TriggerOff, please upgrade to the latest beta firmware (currently 2.7.6) which should correct your issue.



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While running ISY w/firmware version 2.7.0, I checked in the Admin Console and verified that the TriggerOff option on the IOLinc sensor was not checked before requerying the device. The update issue still existed; after upgrading to beta firmware version 2.7.6, the problem updating the IOLinc sensor state did go away. Thank you.

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  • 5 months later...
Hi worried_guy,


The contents of the zip file, as you have listed them, do not include programs. Programs are in the D2D folder. Do you have an older backup?


With kind regards,



Hi Michel, where is this D2D folder located?

I'm was having issues w/ my system and I recentely did a restore ISY and now my programs are gone as well.

I did have a back from the previous days but obviously it did not save the programs unless I did something wrong. I normally just choose the option "Backup ISY" and it creates a zip file.

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Hi Zick, I am so very terribly sorry to hear this.


D2D folder is in the second zip file under /CONF. So, it's /CONF/D2D ... please do keep me posted as this is quite serious.


Also, can you verify that your firmware is 2.7.0?


With kind regards,


Hi worried_guy,


The contents of the zip file, as you have listed them, do not include programs. Programs are in the D2D folder. Do you have an older backup?


With kind regards,



Hi Michel, where is this D2D folder located?

I'm was having issues w/ my system and I recentely did a restore ISY and now my programs are gone as well.

I did have a back from the previous days but obviously it did not save the programs unless I did something wrong. I normally just choose the option "Backup ISY" and it creates a zip file.

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Hi Michel,

I looked inside the zip file and found the second zip file but inside that there was nothing. I thought they might be hidden files so I disabled hidden files but there was still nothing there.

This seems very odd to me that I don't see anything yet the zip file size indicated that it's not empty.



Yes I am also on version 2.7.0




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Hi Michel,

I looked inside the zip file and found the second zip file but inside that there was nothing. I thought they might be hidden files so I disabled hidden files but there was still nothing there.

This seems very odd to me that I don't see anything yet the zip file size indicated that it's not empty.



Yes I am also on version 2.7.0





Hi Zick,


Try using 7-Zip.



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Hi Michel,

I looked inside the zip file and found the second zip file but inside that there was nothing. I thought they might be hidden files so I disabled hidden files but there was still nothing there.

This seems very odd to me that I don't see anything yet the zip file size indicated that it's not empty.



Yes I am also on version 2.7.0





Hi Zick,


Try using 7-Zip.




Thank you Sub-Routine, that worked perfect! Odd, first time I've ran into a zip file that Windows couldn't open properly.


But I did not find the D2D folder within the CONF folder. :(

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