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Scene not turning on micro on/off module within program


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So I set up 2 Micro on/off modules for controlling my Pool's Variable Speed pump. With this set up, it allows me to adjust the pump speed according to the timers or if we are swimming and I don't want the heater to shut off according to the speed of the pump.


Micro 1 controls Pump 1 Speed and this is in the morning to the afternoon and is set at a higher speed for running the vacuum in the pool.




Pool Timer 1 - [iD 007C][Parent 0021]
        From    10:00:00AM
        To       3:00:00PM (same day)
        In Scene 'Pool Timer 1' Set 'Pool / Pool Pump 1' 100% (On Level)
        In Scene 'Pool Timer 1' Set 'Pool / Pool Pump 1' 0% (On Level)
Micro 2 controls Pump 2 Speed which runs at a lower speed just for cycling the water for the rest of the night, but because of the slower speed the heater thinks there isn't enough flow to stay on.
Pool Timer 2 - [iD 007D][Parent 0021]
        From     3:00:00PM
        To      10:00:00PM (same day)
        In Scene 'Pool Timer 2' Set 'Pool / Pool Pump 2' 100% (On Level)
         In Scene 'Pool Timer 2' Set 'Pool / Pool Pump 2' 0% (On Level)
I then set up a button on a 8 button switch that activates another program to override both programs and disables the scenes that controls the pump. This way the pump works at a faster speed for the heater.
Pool Swim Mode - [iD 007E][Parent 0021]
        Control 'Backyard Light / Pool Swimming - E' is switched On
    And Control 'Backyard Light / Pool Swimming - E' is not switched Off
        Set 'Pool / Pool Pump 1' On
        Set 'Pool / Pool Pump 2' On
        Disable Program 'Pool Timer 1'
        Disable Program 'Pool Timer 2'
        Set 'Pool / Pool Pump 1' Off
        Set 'Pool / Pool Pump 2' Off
        Enable Program 'Pool Timer 1'
        Enable Program 'Pool Timer 2'
The issue I am having is that the scene for Pump 1 and 2 show that they are on, but it does not turn on the actual Micro module for either scene. Is there something wrong with my program that you may see? If I go directly to the pump micro module, and remove the scene, the Micro modules turn on when scheduled but then there is no way to override or disable the scheduled programs.
Any assistance is great appreciated
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You need, hen, to re-wite a couple of you program actions. Your THEN and ELSE actions should be in the form:


Set scene 'pool pump X' on.


The current statements do nothing other than change the responder levels of the micro modules to a scene ON command. Thy do NOT actually transmit a command to tun the scene on.

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