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Insteon Thermostat 2441TH misbehaved?


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I'm currently on ISY 4.5.1, and just install Insteon 2441TH. I have a simple Honeywell thermostat with 5 wires. After install it seems OK (it was in the morning so I did not test the AC yet). I link the 2441TH with ISY and start program it. By noon, when the temperature rises the thermostat. turned on in Cool mode, and about 5 minutes later I smell like it's heat mode not cool mode. I turn the thermostat to Off and wait for the fan to stop. I double check all the wiring again, disable all the program that I have then lower the temperature to test. Same thing after about 5-7 minutes I smell like heat is on not A/C I let it run for about 5-10 minutes and the ambien temperature rises. Turn off the fans and confirm there is something wrong with the Insteon.

I re-install the old thermostat, and set to cool. When the fan runs I feel the cool air coming out and not the heat.


My wires are:

Blue © -> 24COM (Common 24V)

Red -> 24RH (Power 24)

White -> W1 (Heat 1)

Green -> G (Fan)

Yellow -> Y1 (Cooling 1)


Does anybody runs into the same problem?

Any ideas on how to resolve this?



You're not alone.  What hardware version is the thermostat?


Not sure if it matters here, but always make sure UI and Firmware are same version.  


Assuming there aren't any errant programs or user error, honestly I would return the thermostat.  Not worth the headache if it doesn't play well with your HVAC.  


Maybe I'm reading into this more than I should, but Smarthome is now selling these well below their "list" price.  Perhaps they know there's an issue.  Hopefully they're coming out with something new.  





Older and longer:



If you lower the temp, wait for it to no longer say heating, and raise the temp again it will work again for a few cycles at least.  I do this a few times a day.  If you dont do that "reset" the furnace/boiler will no comeback on (although a power cycle on everything will also work).


I plan on doing a setback and restore on the set point every hour so I dont have to worry about it.


FYI I am not directly connected to the T-Stat from the furnace so in my case its not a spike.  I isolate through a relay that is tripped when the T-Stat calls for heat.  I did that because of the history of these T-Stats and I still have the problem.


Start by disabling all programs that control the thermostat. Set the thermostat to Cool only not Auto. Does the problem occur?

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