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4 year old boy saves *Mummy* via Siri


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Every year there are countless examples of how people are able to use technology to make their lives easier and more enjoyable. Many know this first hand as the bulk of us have X-10, Insteon, Z-Wave, ZigBee home automation in place.


When technology is so simple and easy to use even for a 4 year old to help save their mothers life - You realize this technology has made a real difference to the world. Every year I receive samples of similar 911 / 999 calls that come from small children.


I am always amazed at how incredibly smart, calm, and intelligent they are.


This latest 999 recording is of a small 4 year old boy who lives in the UK named Roman. I am always impressed with the incredible *Proper English* these little tikes offer. Its safe to say Roman's mother and father should be given huge props in teaching their son incredible language skills.


But the very basics of using the 911 / 999 emergency service, iPhone Siri, and knowing his home address.  


This is how technology is supposed to be used for the betterment of mankind: 

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What's the Siri part?


I'm guessing there is some accompanying news article, stating that the boy said something to Siri, and Siri suggested he call emergency?


Sorry, for what ever reason the news article wouldn't attach properly - I'll try again. Here is the direct link for what ever reason the forum keeps breaking the format of the article: http://appleinsider.com/articles/17/03/23/4-year-old-saves-mothers-life-by-asking-apples-siri-to-call-emergency-services

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Trouble is most parents tell their children what to do, or try to scold them into it. Like most kids it goes in one ear and out the other.


Like most first responder and other emergency practices it has to be routinely practiced so it doesn't have to be thought out in a panic situation.


Kudos to the UK schools/parents for this! Obviously they practiced. Apple will be tooting this one loudly.

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Kids are funny.  Hard to know what will panic them.  They don't have the life experience to realize what is just "if a then do b" vs "holy crap . . panic panic panic"

For sure. What a four year old handles with absolute cool, may panic a six year old into staring frozen all night and crying, with a different outcome.


When a senior in my family was dying in a lawnchair, his wife ran down the street screaming uncontrollably, instead of calling 911. (ooops...too late) :(

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