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Sump Pump Monitor via SynchroLinc


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I am using a SynchroLinc to detect when my sump pump comes on in the basement. Ideally I would like to have one notification when it is triggered and then an additional if it is running for more than 2 minutes, which would indicate that it isn't keeping up and may need some additional attention.


I am having trouble with the following program sending 2 notifications for every time that it is triggered. When we are getting heavy rainfall this can fill up my inbox quickly.


I only get the 'Sump Pump Running' emails currently. I believe the logic in the Monitor program isn't working as I understand it, and the THEN condition is evaluated even if the original condition isn't true after 2 minutes.


Details below and please offer any suggestions as well. I would like to build upon this in the future once I get the kinks worked out.



iSumpRunningDuration: init 0


Sump Monitor Program:

        $iSumpRunningDuration > 0
        Repeat Every  2 minutes 
           $iSumpRunningDuration += 2
           Send Notification to 'Family' content 'Sump Pump Running'
        Send Notification to 'Family' content 'Sump Pump Status Change'
Sump On Program:
        Status  'Power' is 100%
        $iSumpRunningDuration  = 1
        Send Notification to 'Family' content 'Sump Pump Running'
        $iSumpRunningDuration  = 0
Sump Reset Program
        Status  'Power' is Off
        $iSumpRunningDuration  = 0
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


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You may want to add a Repeat statement to the Message Program.


Sump On Program:


        Control 'SynchroLinc' is switched On

And Control 'SynchroLinc' is not switched Off



        $iSumpRunningDuration  = 1
        Wait  2 minutes

        Run Program 'Message" (If)

        $iSumpRunningDuration  = 0



Message Program:

        $iSumpRunningDuration > 0

        Send Notification to 'Family' content 'Sump Pump Running'


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I don't think you need variables at all.  Now I am taking stusviews word on this that control synchrolink terminology is correct since I don't have any of those, but it looks good to me.



control synchrolink is switched on


control synchrolink is not switched off  (when pump shuts off, this line kills the "then" wait and reruns the program, which is now false causing the else to run)



send notification pump switched on

wait 2 minutes

send notification pump still on after 2 minutes

optional additional 

wait 10 minutes

send notification pump still on after 12 minutes




- - - blank


send notification pump shut off

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apostolakisl, I do use a SynchroLinc to control lighting and device LEDs (wow, that really matters if one has a lot of visible devices) when watching a movie. 'Switched on' runs then and 'not switched off' runs Else.


BTW, "Repeat 2 times," may be a bit neater than two statements B)

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Please make sure you have a backup sump pump if you are using the Syncrolinc.


The Syncrolinc is an "intrusive" rather than non-intrusive transformer-based current-monitoring device.  More specifically, rather than using a current-sensing core that simple goes around the conductor to your sump pump, it actually inserts components into that conductor -- one of which is a fuse.  That sounds nice (hey, who doesn't want a fuse?) but it basically adds another failure-point for your sump pump.


I know this because I tried to use a Syncrolinc for the same purpose you describe here (except my pump was a septic tank lift pump).  And I know about the fuse from experience as well.  (I now use a proper non-intrusive current sensor with an IOLinc.)

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Please make sure you have a backup sump pump if you are using the Syncrolinc.


The Syncrolinc is an "intrusive" rather than non-intrusive transformer-based current-monitoring device.  More specifically, rather than using a current-sensing core that simple goes around the conductor to your sump pump, it actually inserts components into that conductor -- one of which is a fuse.  That sounds nice (hey, who doesn't want a fuse?) but it basically adds another failure-point for your sump pump.


I know this because I tried to use a Syncrolinc for the same purpose you describe here (except my pump was a septic tank lift pump).  And I know about the fuse from experience as well.  (I now use a proper non-intrusive current sensor with an IOLinc.)


I would say using a T-tap outlet would offer an alternative in case the fuse blew in the Synchrolinc. Essentially you would have two parallel conductors feeding power to the sump pump. But one is merely intended as a monitoring device and if the fuse blows the other conductor would still offer electrical power to guard against such a condition.


Having said this I am a firm believer in a back up battery sump pump unit. Even better if your local allows main line water pressure feeding this negates ever having to worry about electricity being present!

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Wouldnt using a Synchrolink be the monitoring tool to notify the user of a pump failure even if it is the Syncrolink that fails?


It seems to me, knowing this is a possibility, an ISY, a monitoring Synchrolinc, and some logic, would be enough to be a top quality alert system.


Sent from a tiny keyboard. Response may be brief.

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Alas, the way the Syncrolinc is wired internally means that if the sump pump's startup surge (or other event) blows the fuse, then the Syncrolinc itself is dead.  There is no heartbeat, and trying to query it to find out if it was in a "not responding" state was unreliable -- but more importantly, even if I managed to get a message out to me that the Syncrolinc had failed, that doesn't help me much -- the pump isn't pumping, and if I'm not there to fix it, well, then the "stuff" hits the fan, so to speak...


The right solution is to use a transformer-based current sensor, not a Syncrolinc.

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