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Occupancy Node Server - Locative site is Closing!!


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While it's unfortunate that Marcus has decided not to continue supporting this, the app should continue to work. The cloud backup functionality will stop working, but you don't need that for the app to work. I plan to keep using it for as long as I can.


An alternative is IFTTT, but I found their geofence support to be unreliable and it's mostly opaque if anything goes wrong.

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The server will be shutting down. The server is convenient for diagnosis, but it is not necessary.


The app(s) (iOS/Android) may need to eventually be updated if future OS updates break it. The app should continue to work for the near future at least.


App caveats:


- I don't know if it might throw annoying error messages once the server shuts down. But there is a "log out" in the app settings that ought to prevent this.

- Apple may well balk if they realize that the app has a server login feature that now no longer works. I don't know if Marcus intends to update the app one last time to remove the login feature.


The server was just made open-source I see.  It is written in nodeJS/Express/MongoDB/Redis, which are popular and easy to host.


The app was already open-source. Anybody that wants can clone the repo and publish their own version and run a server if they so choose, as it is all open source. Apple will complain if somebody calls it "Locative".

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The Android and IOS locative apps are open source.... So their use should not be impacted at all...



Assuming somebody picks up the football. Which I assume they will.


iOS apps aren't as easily sideloaded as Androld. If you have a developer account, and somebody has posted a built app, you can install it. If you have a developer account, you can build it yourself and load it. Anyone with a developer account can build it and submit it as a new app. If Apple has any fraud-protection procedure at all (which I assume they do) it will raise a red flag, and they will check with Marcus, and then make him go through some red-tape to allow somebody else to release it on the App Store.


It will require some small changes. Either remove the login, or change the endpoint for login.


UDI could publish it, hint, hint.


I am sure it will all work out.


Apple doesn't reach into your iOS device and remove apps, unless there is some really serious issue. Everyone is good for now.

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