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IoX 5.9.1 Firmware released (plus System OS 14.1p6 update) ×

Monoprice Z-Wave Plus Door/Window Sensor 15270


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Has anyone been able to get these to work?  I'm running 5.10 and when included, it shows the following nodes:

Glass Break Alarm

Intrusion Alarm

Motion Sensor

Notify Sensor

Tamper Alarm

Tamper Code Alarm


Here is a 'show information' for one of them:

Thu 05/25/2017 08:14:00 AM : [ZW-SHOW         ] ----------------------------------------------
Thu 05/25/2017 08:14:00 AM : [ZW-SHOW         ] ZW016_1 uid=16 type=4.7.1 mid=265 tid=8193 pid=262 model=0
Thu 05/25/2017 08:14:00 AM : [ZW-SHOW         ]    -  x5E  V2  ZWAVEPLUS_INFO
Thu 05/25/2017 08:14:00 AM : [ZW-SHOW         ]    -  x72  V2  MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC
Thu 05/25/2017 08:14:00 AM : [ZW-SHOW         ]    -  x5A  V1  DEVICE_RESET_LOCALLY
Thu 05/25/2017 08:14:00 AM : [ZW-SHOW         ]    -  x80  V1  BATTERY
Thu 05/25/2017 08:14:00 AM : [ZW-SHOW         ]    -  x73  V1  POWERLEVEL
Thu 05/25/2017 08:14:00 AM : [ZW-SHOW         ]    -  x86  V2  VERSION
Thu 05/25/2017 08:14:00 AM : [ZW-SHOW         ]    -  x84  V2  WAKE_UP
Thu 05/25/2017 08:14:00 AM : [ZW-SHOW         ]    -  x85  V2  ASSOCIATION
Thu 05/25/2017 08:14:00 AM : [ZW-SHOW         ]    -  x59  V1  ASSOCIATION_GRP_INFO
Thu 05/25/2017 08:14:00 AM : [ZW-SHOW         ]    -  x71  V4  NOTIFICATION
Thu 05/25/2017 08:14:00 AM : [ZW-SHOW         ]    -  x70  V1  CONFIGURATION
Thu 05/25/2017 08:14:00 AM : [ZW-SHOW         ]    -  x7A  V2  FIRMWARE_UPDATE_MD
Thu 05/25/2017 08:14:00 AM : [ZW-SHOW         ]    -  x98  V0  SECURITY
Thu 05/25/2017 08:14:00 AM : [ZW-SHOW         ] 
Thu 05/25/2017 08:14:01 AM : [ZW-SHOW         ] Node  16 - ZW 016 Notify Sensor has the following neighbors
Thu 05/25/2017 08:14:01 AM : [ZW-SHOW         ]    -          - Node   1 - [This ISY]
Thu 05/25/2017 08:14:01 AM : [ZW-SHOW         ]    - Repeater - Node   6 - Gxxxx
Thu 05/25/2017 08:14:01 AM : [ZW-SHOW         ]    - Repeater - Node   8 - Axxxx
Thu 05/25/2017 08:14:01 AM : [ZW-SHOW         ]    - Repeater - Node   9 - Zxxxx
Thu 05/25/2017 08:14:01 AM : [ZW-SHOW         ]    - Repeater - Node  10 - Bxxxx
Thu 05/25/2017 08:14:01 AM : [ZW-SHOW         ]    - Repeater - Node  11 - Fxxxx
Thu 05/25/2017 08:14:01 AM : [ZW-SHOW         ] 
Thu 05/25/2017 08:14:17 AM : [ZW-SHOW         ] Node  16 - ZW 016 Notify Sensor cannot retrieve association groups
Thu 05/25/2017 08:14:17 AM : [ZW-SHOW         ] 
Thu 05/25/2017 08:14:17 AM : [ZW-SHOW         ] ----------------------------------------------



Forgot to add....   While none of the nodes show anything when I trigger the sensor, I do see this in the level 3 logs:


Thu 05/25/2017 08:28:28 AM : [ZWAVE-RX ZW016_1] [98/40] Security Nonce Get ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x10
Thu 05/25/2017 08:28:28 AM : [ZWAVE-TX        ] ...
Thu 05/25/2017 08:28:28 AM : [ZWAVE-RX        ] [0104011301E8]                          [00/00] CC=0x00 cmd=0x00 [] ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE 
Thu 05/25/2017 08:28:28 AM : [ZWAVE-RX        ] [010500130D00E4]                        [00/00] CC=0x00 cmd=0x00 [] ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE 
Thu 05/25/2017 08:28:28 AM : [ZWAVE-RX ZW016_1] [98/81] Security cmd=0x81 [695E1BCD6BAF7264518D025D3900687F9805E605B1] ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x10
Thu 05/25/2017 08:28:28 AM : [ZWAVE-RD ZW016_1] [20/01] Basic Set val=0x00 ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x10
Thu 05/25/2017 08:28:28 AM : [ZWAVE-RX ZW016_1] [98/40] Security Nonce Get ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x10
Thu 05/25/2017 08:28:28 AM : [ZWAVE-TX        ] ...
Thu 05/25/2017 08:28:28 AM : [ZWAVE-RX        ] [0104011301E8]                          [00/00] CC=0x00 cmd=0x00 [] ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE 
Thu 05/25/2017 08:28:28 AM : [ZWAVE-RX        ] [010500130F00E6]                        [00/00] CC=0x00 cmd=0x00 [] ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE 
Thu 05/25/2017 08:28:29 AM : [ZWAVE-RX ZW016_1] [98/81] Security cmd=0x81 [335F4CD937E9632CFFF42851D0F411A0412980CE2E056394C7D60F6A] ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x10
Thu 05/25/2017 08:28:29 AM : [ZWAVE-RD ZW016_1] [71/05] Alarm Report [0617] Unrecognized Event 0x17 [060000FF06170000] ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x10
  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Hi DaveF,


The output shows that there are some events being generated that we do not yet support.  I'll add this the list.



Hey Chris, 


Was hoping the new .11 alpha would have supported this device, how big this list? (could image rather large).  Out of curiosity, when 5.0 is official, how often would device updates be released?



Here's some more logs if needed.

Sat 12/09/2017 02:00:45 PM : Starting Subscription
Sat 12/09/2017 02:00:45 PM : Completing initialization
Sat 12/09/2017 02:00:46 PM : Refreshing Status
Sat 12/09/2017 02:00:46 PM : Refreshing Views
Sat 12/09/2017 02:02:39 PM : [ZWAVE-WAKEUP   2.000] Query device when awake ZW002_1
Sat 12/09/2017 02:05:33 PM : [ZWAVE-RX ZW002_1] [71/05] Alarm Report [0617] Unrecognized Event 0x17 [000000FF06170000] ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x02
Sat 12/09/2017 02:05:34 PM : [ZWAVE-RX ZW002_1] [80/03] Battery Report level=0x64 ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x02
Sat 12/09/2017 02:06:04 PM : [ZWAVE-RX ZW002_1] [71/05] Alarm Report [0616] Unrecognized Event 0x16 [000000FF06160000] ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x02
Sat 12/09/2017 02:06:05 PM : [ZWAVE-RX ZW002_1] [80/03] Battery Report level=0x64 ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x02
Sat 12/09/2017 02:06:19 PM : [ZWAVE-RX ZW002_1] [71/05] Alarm Report [0617] Unrecognized Event 0x17 [000000FF06170000] ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x02
Sat 12/09/2017 02:06:20 PM : [ZWAVE-RX ZW002_1] [80/03] Battery Report level=0x64 ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x02
  • 8 months later...
On 5/25/2017 at 12:37 PM, Chris Jahn said:

The output shows that there are some events being generated that we do not yet support.  I'll add this the list.

Chris, I just got this sensor and was hoping that this is fixed but it appears not yet. Any news ?

  • 1 month later...

Well I bought 8 of these and didn't realize that they are not working (yet). 

I did get the binary switch to come on by setting parameter 14 to 1.   This enables "basic set". Still gives the same error in the viewer but I am able to use it.


Does anyone now if this could cause unforeseen issues?




  • 2 months later...

I'm assuming the device in question is a battery-powered device -- in the options menu for that device in the admin console, you'll find an option that allows you to tell the ISY that the device is battery-powered, in which case it won't try to talk to it until the device wakes up and checks in.  If that's already selected, unselect it, then select it again just to make sure the setting is correct.

  • 3 months later...

Just a followup.  I'm still seeing this error whenever the admin console is open.  I also have upgraded to 5.0.15 and while the 'Notify Sensor' node seems to report battery levels, I'm not seeing anything (even in level3 debug) when the door opens/closes.

  • 2 months later...

I see this on door opening

 Fri 06/21/2019 09:24:05 AM : [ZWAVE-RX ZW003_1] [71/05] Alarm Report [0617] Unrecognized Event 0x17 [000000FF06170000] ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x03

Fri 06/21/2019 09:24:06 AM : [ZWAVE-RX ZW003_1] [80/03] Battery Report level=0x64 ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x03

Fri 06/21/2019 09:24:36 AM : [ZWAVE-RX ZW003_1] [71/05] Alarm Report [0616] Unrecognized Event 0x16 [000000FF06160000] ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x03
Fri 06/21/2019 09:24:37 AM : [ZWAVE-RX ZW003_1] [80/03] Battery Report level=0x64 ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x03
Tamper alarm switch works perfectly 
Anybody have any success with this?  
I am running v5.0.13d
  • 4 weeks later...

Just bought the recessed door sensor (#15268) and found out it doesn't work with the ISY (yet at least) - running version 5.0.15A. It includes just fine, and the tamper switch works, and I do see events in the log very much like the ones berko mentioned when the door opens/closes. Tried setting parameter 14 to 1 and that didn't help. Hope these can be made to work.

Sun 07/14/2019 03:32:00 PM : [ZWAVE-RX ZW040_1] [71/05] Alarm Report [0616] Unrecognized Event 0x16 [06FF00FF06160000] ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x28
Sun 07/14/2019 03:32:00 PM : [ZWAVE-RX ZW040_1] [71/05] Alarm Report [0616] Unrecognized Event 0x16 [06FF00FF06160000] ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x28
Sun 07/14/2019 03:32:02 PM : [ZWAVE-RX ZW040_1] [71/05] Alarm Report [0617] Unrecognized Event 0x17 [060000FF06170000] ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x28
Sun 07/14/2019 03:32:02 PM : [ZWAVE-RX ZW040_1] [71/05] Alarm Report [0617] Unrecognized Event 0x17 [060000FF06170000] ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x28

Event 0x16 is when the door opens, 0x17 is when it closes.

  • 4 weeks later...

I bought an Aeotec ZW120 Door/Window Sensor Gen 5 and after a while.. I managed to include it to my Zwave network.

The inclusion process does not go as documented by Aeotec. The red led is supposed to blink for a few seconds and then turn solid red for 2 seconds and stop. In my 5.0.15A environment, after the red led is solid red for 2 seconds, it start blinking again. 

The tamper switch works flawlessly but the Binary Sensor 1 does not work;

Wed 08/07/2019 19:56:21 : [ZWAVE-RX ZW027_1] [20/01] Basic Set val=0xFF ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x1B
Wed 08/07/2019 19:56:21 : [ZWAVE-RX ZW027_1] [71/05] Alarm Report [0616] Unrecognized Event 0x16 [000000FF06160000] ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x1B
Wed 08/07/2019 19:56:22 : [ZWAVE-RX ZW027_1] [20/01] Basic Set val=0x00 ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x1B
Wed 08/07/2019 19:56:22 : [ZWAVE-RX ZW027_1] [71/05] Alarm Report [0617] Unrecognized Event 0x17 [000000FF06170000] ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x1B

Without support for events 0x16 and 0x17, the ZW120 Door/Window Sensor Gen is pretty much useless.

I will probably have to return it for a refund as there is no saying when the ISY994i will support events 0x16 and 0x17.



  • 3 weeks later...

Put me down also for the monoprice battery powered z-wave door sensors not working in 5.0.15A.  Hope these get supported soon as I bought 8 of them!   


And while on the topic of z-wave commands that are not being recognized but show up in level 3 device comms, here is another.  

Thu 06/21/2018 09:38:10 AM : [ZWAVE-RX ZW044_1] [60/06] CC=0x60 cmd=0x06 [022503FF] ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x2C 

Thu 06/21/2018 09:38:11 AM : [ZWAVE-RX ZW044_1] [60/06] CC=0x60 cmd=0x06 [02250300] ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x2C

While the ISY controls this device, the ISY does not see changes made to the device itself and therefore is often not in correct synch.  This is from my Intermatic pool controller.  It shows the on(FF) and off(00) commands are being sent to the ISY, but the ISY is not seeing them and is not updating the device status.  

@Chris Jahn or @Michel Kohanim, any help in getting these requests on your list would be very much appreciated.  




Hi Guys,

We are fixing the monoprice 0x0616/0x0617 issues, but we'll have to take a closer look at the [60/06] issue with the intermatic pool controller.  It looks like its using an older Z-Wave feature related to Multi Channel (called Multi-Instance).

12 minutes ago, Chris Jahn said:

Hi Guys,

We are fixing the monoprice 0x0616/0x0617 issues, but we'll have to take a closer look at the [60/06] issue with the intermatic pool controller.  It looks like its using an older Z-Wave feature related to Multi Channel (called Multi-Instance).

Thanks so much.  Great to hear on the monoprice devices.  Looking forward to it.  And a fix for the [60/06] issue would be deeply, deeply appreciated!   Not having pool controller updates has long been an issue for me.  

  • 1 month later...

I upgraded to 5.0.16 and the sensor is working again. I now have the following nodes:

Door Lock 1 (Reports an Alarm state of "Window/Door is Open")
Tamper (Status on/off depending on tamper switch)
Notify Sensor (reports battery level)
Barrier (reports status of Open/Closed)
and the following that don't seem to be used
Glass Break Alarm 1
Intrusion Alarm 1
Motion Sensor 1
Tamper Code Alarm 1

Would be nice to see all of the status under one node, but at least it's working again.



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