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Admin Console; remote authentication issue: "LIB_ERRORS-403"


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I am installing an ISY at a site and I wanted to make sure that I had full remote access. So using my laptop at the site I logged into my office machine and then copied the admin console URL from ISY portal. I then add that URL to the ISY finder and it discovers the UUID just fine and brings me to the login screen.


From here if I put in the proper credentials, (my isy portal credentials) then admin console returns the [LIB_ERRORS-403] message. Any subsequent attempt to login just results in the authentication box showing a "Failed, Retry, Authenticating ISY" at the title of the box. 


If I just attempt a definitely wrong user/pass combination no specific error. It is just the first time that I put in the correct user/pass that the error pops up. 


I am guess/hoping that this may just be a cyclical issue with being at the site and trying to remote to a computer and then remote back. But, in case I am wrong about that, please let me know if any of you have encountered this issue before.


EDIT: I realized that I was also logged into admin console locally and thought that that may have been causing the issue but I reattempted without being logged in locally and I got the same result.



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Permissions in the admin console have been granted:




Also I do see it as online in the portal:



Though a difference that I do see in the portal between this ISY and others is that with others I have "ISY web access" and "Maintenance" as options under the "select tool" menu. Did I miss some port forwarding that needed to happen?


EDIT: pretty much the same response but a little bit more info from just the browser link: Requested ISY not found in the user's domain

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Hi Nathan,


Are you certain that:

1. The Admin Console URL is correct?

2. That you are logging with a user that has Admin authority?


With kind regards,


1. I copied and pasted the admin console URL from the "ISY information" popup window from within the portal. So unless it's not showing the entire URL then yeah.


2. I currently have 2 users and 3 ISY's in my portal account. One ISY is currently offline, the other is accessible, and the one in question is the one that I'm having trouble with. 


I just added this new ISY, I created a new sub account for this location but did not create a new user with that UUID as the preferred UUID yet. I did just notice that when I filter the ISY's in the portal by account, if I select the "main account" I see both of the accessible ISY's but not the new one. Did I add it to the portal incorrectly?



EDIT: I think the last thing above is the problem. I need to add the UUID to both accounts that need access. I misunderstood, or apparently just forgot that I needed to add it to the main account as well.

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EDIT: I think the last thing above is the problem. I need to add the UUID to both accounts that need access. I misunderstood, or apparently just forgot that I needed to add it to the main account as well.


Yup! That was the problem. My bad. Sorry for the bother.

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