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Controlling Dimming Switch Buttons


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I am interested in find out how can I make the system turn on a dimmer switch button on and off. 


In a 6 button dimmer switch, I control 4 separate lights around the house.   However, when any of these 4 lights go on, I would like the A button on the switch to light up to indicate that one of the lights is ON and gives me the opportunity to turn them all OFF.


Thank you



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Create a scene that contains only the KPL button as a controller. The create a program where turning on any of the four lights turns the button scene on (or) and another that turns off the lights with the KPL button off as the trigger.

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I am interested in find out how can I make the system turn on a dimmer switch button on and off. 


In a 6 button dimmer switch, I control 4 separate lights around the house.   However, when any of these 4 lights go on, I would like the A button on the switch to light up to indicate that one of the lights is ON and gives me the opportunity to turn them all OFF.


Thank you


Welcome to the UDI forums!


You have an ISY. You can easily write a program with all the separte light statuses ORed togther and control the KPL via a scene to control it.

I would use a few second (Wait 2 seconds) delay timer though, in your program, since sending immediate responses to KPLs and some other compound devices may be related to causing the Insteon device ALL ON phenomenum. The delay will not likely be noticeable and may save you some headaches down the road.




...status of Light A is On


...status of Light B is On


...status of Light C is On


...status of Light D is On



....Wait 2 seconds

.....set .KPL.button.A.scene On



....Wait 2 seconds

....set KPL.button.A.scene Off

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Maybe a delay is needed. But, I've been using a similar program for years with no difficulties. BTW, did you mean to use both buttons A & B?

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Maybe a delay is needed. But, I've been using a similar program for years with no difficulties. BTW, did you mean to use both buttons A & B?

Thanks @ B - no I didn't...corrected.


My random scene activations did not seem to be based on my usage without a timer but according to the blamed suspected problems and watching event logs, it can bog down the Insteon comm pretty badly. It may turn out that too many Insteon devices in one box may be a bad thing for Insteon signal cramming. :(


In the end, a wait 2 seconds, is never noticed here, and real cheap to implement. My random scene activations seemed to disappear after Wait insertions, but still, without analysis equipment mine were based on a run amuck OnOff module sending it out on normal non-scene ISY controls. ISY reported errors and the scene activation was simultaneous +/- 1 minute, each occurence. Too much off-topic though. :)

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