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Keypadlinc Button Blinking


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I want a button on a Keypadlinc to blink to catch attention more than by simply being ON.


I can turn it ON or OFF using a Scene but is there a way to make it blink, other than:

Repeat 1000 times
  Set Scene_xxx On

  Wait 1 second

  Set Scene_xxx Off

  Wait 1 second



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No, there is no intrinsic blink function in the keypad, you'll have to do it with ISY program statements as you've done. Depending how busy your ISY is with other things, a second may be a little tight timing for a regular, consistent blink.


Something else I do periodically to signal an event or draw attention to the keypad is use the "beep" function. If the garage door is up and its later in the evening, I have it beep periodically.


Version 5 of firmware (which is in alpha/beta) offers more sophisticated logic with the Repeat statement.



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