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MobiLinc featured by Amazon


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Hi Folks,


I'm really happy to announce that Amazon is featuring MobiLinc as a customer of the Amazon "Rekognition" AI service. MobiLinc uses the "Rekognition" service from Amazon to detect people or cars in the newly released Camera Events feature for the iPhone.


Amazon reached out to me back in May after seeing the Camera Event feature send hundreds of thousands of images to be processed that month and were excited to learn more about the feature and how it integrates with IP Cameras.





See our website for more information about Camera Events: https://mobilinc.com/features/camevents/

Get started today with a free 2 week trial.



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Congratz! I use it to filter out palm frond shadows on my porch and the pesky moths in my garage which glow when illuminated with IR LEDs. No more false notifications while at work during the day, or in the middle of the night which instinctively sets in motion a series of defensive actions. I can now sleep through the entire night with confidence.

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