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ISY and entertainment skills


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Any chance that the ISY will be compatibile with entertainment skills? This would alleviate contextual issues as well as having to work around reserved words.


Example: Using the ISY portal and the connected home integration to turn the volume up on my TV, requires me to say "Alexa, turn on high" vs. being able to say "Alexa, turn the volume up". Or, "Alexa, turn on freeze" to pause my DVR vs "Alexa, pause". As you can see I have to work around reserved words and the context becomes quite clumsy. My understanding is that using the entertainment skill like with a Harmony hub allows you to start an activity and then successive commands are directed towards that activity until another activity is started. I'm not sure how this would be integrated with the ISY but it sure would make things easier and open up a whole new world...


Thanks for all you do!


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