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Open/ Close Sensor Bypass

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Does anyone have a program for bypassing my open/ close senor when i am home so the lights will not turn on as i walk in and out? TIA

Do you have some way to tell the sensor your home? Like a motion detector or something? You will need some condition that the sensor to test against to tell it your home. Then you can create a program based on that.

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Does anyone have a program for bypassing my open/ close senor when i am home so the lights will not turn on as i walk in and out? TIA


If you have a KeypadLinc you can use a button to indicate home or away. Press it when you leave, and press it when you come home. The button would then control a program to disable the light

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You cannot stop a scene. So, do not link the sensor to anything. All control has to be via a program which can be enabled or disabled.

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Maybe the Nest away and home through IFTT?

Use your phone with geofencing. Away set a variable to 0 (no ones home) and when home set it to 1 - then add it to the program to ru or not to run based on the variable. You could add a notification when you enter and exit the area. This is a feature on Mobilinc iOS.

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It has been done with sensors. In general:



        Variable is 1 <--Something such as a KPL button sets the variable

     and Sensor sends an On



        Set Responder On

        Wait X minutes      <--Optional

        Set responder off  <--Optional





KPL button OFF sets variable to 1, ON sets variable to 0 (zero).

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You cannot stop a scene. So, do not link the sensor to anything. All control has to be via a program which can be enabled or disabled.

A scene can be used, that's what I do because I want the fast response. just need a program modify the scene when you want it to behave differently. Also, in 5.0.10 there is a new ignore option for scene programming which is awesome.


Sent from my Pixel C using Tapatalk

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It has been done with sensors.

Does not, does not, does not! MOM! jk


But honestly, thats not true. My geofence with Mobilinc works just fine. Leave the area set "Home" variable to 0 - come home changes back to 1.


Then in the program add IF variable = X then do Y.


Geofencing for me via Mobilinc works 95% of the time. This will probably work via IFTTT geofencing and Maker Channel.


A second idea could be based on an Elk alarm. If armed or disarmed then equals home, armed in away mode means not home.


Done, next!


/Drops mic even though you'll all agree I am wrong!

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I need to try this! Maybe a little complicated for me since it will be my very first program. I just need to get my learn on.

Install IFTTT app on your phone and make a home geofence. Then make an applet that says every time you leave then send a Maker channel RESTful command to the ISY to set your variable. Then on your program add the line under the IF "variable home = 0" Then "Y" - then you can use ELSE to do the opposite or do another program.


I cant recall the RESTful command url to send to the ISY off hand (not in front of the computer) but look on the UDI wiki. Just tell it to change the variable. Then when you come home it will change the variable to 1 and then run a program. Reverse when you leave.


Pretty easy when you get it all straight in your head. You can even have a Pushover notification tell you when the geofence is triggered so I know its been done. Again wiki has the instructions.


Hope this helps.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been on the same learning curve during my short history with ISY. My situation is similar with my security alerts. Started with keypad setting a variable for Home or Away. Using an exit delay works fine for arming the system. Disarm is more complicated, thought about an entry delay, geofencing with a family of four seemed difficult, remotely accessing ISY and changing the variable works, but takes a while. Today I discovered I can use a REST command from my phone to change the variables and using bookmarks on my home screen I now have single tap Home, Away and Arriving (disarm and turn on lights) functions. It's perfect for what I need and may work for you too. All the details are available at https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Developers:API:REST_Interface

Basically https://<your external ip>//rest/vars/set/<var-type>/<var-id>/<value> does the trick.

var-type is 2 for state, 1 for integer

var-id is the variable # in ISY, not the name

Although I may end up with the portal, I was pleasantly surprised to learn you can send commands w/o any add on modules.


Hope this helps. 

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