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Signal errors causing devices to turn on?


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I am hoping to get some help with an issue that has developed pretty recently.  First, by way of background, I have been using Insteon and the ISY for well over a decade now.  I have many wired and plug-in devices, most of which have been upgraded to dual-band devices (when available).  I also have a SignalLinc wired near by breaker box, and I have about four of the newer access points.  I have also upgraded my ISY to a 994i/IR Pro.  About six months ago my PLM began failing and was replaced with a new device.  My backups had been corrupted by the failing PLM so I ended up resetting everything and basically starting from scratch.  Translation: I have the equivalent of a pretty new set up with a few older, non-dual-band devices sprinkled in.


A few months ago (unfortunately I cannot pinpoint a date) we began experiencing occasional issues where it appeared that programs were triggering unexpected events.  The most common one (happened six or seven times) would work like this: My wife would get home from work and park her vehicle in the garage.  I have sensors on our garage doors with programs that monitor their open/closed status.  The moment her garage door would close (triggering the "door closed" program) nearly every Insteon device in the house would turn on, and BOTH of our garage doors would open.  Obviously, this isn't great for the reputation of what my family calls "the system."  Again, this only happened six or seven times, not every day, but when it causes your garage doors to open unexpectedly, it really causes the system to take a hit in terms of reliability.


I also have programs that turns off the lamps in the living room and the family room at 11:30 p.m.  These programs were some of the first I ever wrote and they basically work every night without exception.  Last night we were watching TV at 11:30 when the lights went off as expected but I heard an outletlinc on/off unexpectedly click in the next room.  I got up to investigate and discovered that a number of devices not included in the "lamps off" programs had turned off, including the coach lights by the front door.  And, of course, both garage doors had opened.  


I used to be way deeper into managing issues like this but the older I get the less patient I have for it.  I am really hoping someone might be able to help me troubleshoot this.  By the way, below is the log from the occurrence last night:  I just tried to get info from the event viewer but I updated my ISY firmware this morning and it looks like the event viewer data was cleared.  I did take a backup before updating so if anyone knows how to extract event data without restoring from the backup would be happy to do that.


Scene:Living Room Scenes / LR.Lamps 100% Off 0 Tue 2017/07/25 11:30:03 PM Program Log

Scene:Family Room Scenes / FR.Lamps On Off 0 Tue 2017/07/25 11:30:03 PM Program Log

Living Room Devices / LR.LLD.Loveseat Status 0% Tue 2017/07/25 11:30:03 PM System Log

Living Room Devices / LR.LLD.Couch Status 0% Tue 2017/07/25 11:30:03 PM System Log

Living Room Devices / LR.KPL.C.LR Lamps 100% Status 0% Tue 2017/07/25 11:30:03 PM System Log

Foyer Devices / Foyer.KPL.C.LR Lamps Status 0% Tue 2017/07/25 11:30:03 PM System Log

Family Room Devices / FR.KPL.C.Lamps Status 0% Tue 2017/07/25 11:30:03 PM System Log

Family Room Devices / FR.OLD.Door Status 0% Tue 2017/07/25 11:30:03 PM System Log

Family Room Devices / FR.OLD.Fireplace Status 0% Tue 2017/07/25 11:30:03 PM System Log

Foyer Devices / Foyer.KPL.D.FR Lamps Status 0% Tue 2017/07/25 11:30:03 PM System Log

Utility Hallway Devices / UH.KPL.D.Family Room Lamps Status 0% Tue 2017/07/25 11:30:03 PM System Log

Scene:Living Room Scenes / LR.Lamps 100% Off 0 Tue 2017/07/25 11:30:06 PM Program Log

Scene:Family Room Scenes / FR.Lamps On Off 0 Tue 2017/07/25 11:30:06 PM Program Log

Garage Devices / Tim's Garage Door Status 100% Tue 2017/07/25 11:30:08 PM System Log

Garage Devices / Cathy's Garage Door Status 100% Tue 2017/07/25 11:30:09 PM System Log

Scene:Living Room Scenes / LR.Lamps 100% Off 0 Tue 2017/07/25 11:30:09 PM Program Log

Scene:Garage Scenes / Tim's Garage Door (Status) On   Tue 2017/07/25 11:30:13 PM Program Log

Master Bedroom Devices / MB.KPL.F.Garage Door 2 Status 100% Tue 2017/07/25 11:30:13 PM System Log

Scene:Garage Scenes / Cathy's Garage Door (Status) On   Tue 2017/07/25 11:30:14 PM Program Log

Master Bedroom Devices / MB.KPL.E.Garage Door 1 Status 100% Tue 2017/07/25 11:30:14 PM System Log

Scene:Garage Scenes / Tim's Garage Door (Status) On   Tue 2017/07/25 11:30:15 PM Program Log

Scene:Garage Scenes / Cathy's Garage Door (Status) On   Tue 2017/07/25 11:30:16 PM Program Log


Thank you in advance.



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