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Leviton DZ6HD-02A dimmer


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Hello all,


I recently installed four of the dimmers referenced above along with a matching on-off switch.  None of the devices update their status when operated manually.  interestingly, an older Leviton switch installed elsewhere (bottom toggle only), updates status almost immediately.  I am currently working around this issue by running a query program every minute but I know there is a better way....


Based on searching this forum, I tried the usual remove/re-enroll, reset the device, etc.  Since nothing worked, I sent an inquiry to Leviton customer support; their response is below and references their "hail" architecture.  Does ISY support the referenced "send a hail" when manually activated?  If so, what am I doing wrong?  If not, is this part of the future development plan?


I am currently running Firmware 4.6.2.  Thanks in advance for any responses!






The capability is dependent on the hub.  Most hubs already support the Leviton Hail architecture.  When associated to the hub, Leviton Z-Wave devices send a hail when manually activated.  The hub can poll for state. Perhaps the Universal Devices ISY994 has not been updated to recognize that the new Decora Smart Z-Wave devices supports the Leviton Hail architecture.


Brian A......
Manager, Technical Services
Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc."

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A "HAIL" is a protocol extension (unique, I believe, to Leviton, although Aeon labs may also support it).  Basically, a device sends a z-wave broadcast message that essentially says "Hey everybody!  Something just changed about me!  Query me if you want details."


If the z-wave dongle on the ISY supports HAIL, it would be a nice extension to support; the obvious thing for the ISY to do would be to query the device that sent the broadcast.

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Michel, thanks for this reply. It's too bad as these are otherwise nice devices. Query works for me as timing is not important for my application. I hope this information helps others make an informed decision before buying.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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