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deleting missing insteon switches


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     I have been using the Isy 994i  for a while with my fairly large insteon setup.


Recently I had a contractor do some work on my house, and without my knowledge he replaced about 10 insteon switches with standard light switches ( and tossed the insteon switches)


I have now replaced the insteon switches , but I have 3 questions


1) what is the best way to delete all of themissing switches?


2) is there a way to do a multiple delete of a number switches? In the past when I deleted a switch , each one would take about 5-10 minutes to complete the deletion.


3) finally , is there a way to just restore  an old switch with a new one without the obligatory delete and replace?





Any help would be appreciated. 






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The physical device does not need to be present in order to use the Replace With function, but the device you want to replace must be in the device tree. Also you need to move the device you are replacing from any folder(s).

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