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License Agreement ~ Pop Up Message


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In the middle of creating a slew of NR's for the controller when I was presented with a pop up message. Which was near impossible to see until I fooled around with tabbing and alternating Window views. After I was finally able to see the error to my surprise it was for something to do with a license agreement?!?


Why is this license agreement message coming up? This controller is running the latest 4.6.2 release and has been my ZigBee production box for years.





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Most probably ISY cannot read the agreement stored in your ISY.


With kind regards,



This is caused by what exactly? What is the solution to correct it from happening in the future? The only method I found was to hard reboot the controller and wait for the system to be in a ready state. 

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The main cause is that the Admin Console is requesting a file and ISY cannot deliver either because it's too busy or firewall issues on the computer.


If this is the only symptom, most probably client/firewall related. If not, please check the error log on your ISY. The list of error codes are here:



With kind regards,


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