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Wait time in Program break actions below it


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I have been using this program to turn on the lights when a sensor senses motion. Then I have a few second delay and then i turn on a switch that has a siren plugged in to it. 

The last few days the wait time is screwing up the last action. The lights turn on fine, so the program kicks in, but then I don't see the switch that turns the siren to turn on. When I remove the Wait time from the program the siren starts fine after the lights turn on.

What is up with the Wait time in the programs? What could be breaking the actions below it?



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The experts will chime in I’m sure but my understanding is that the event that triggered the “Wait” function, in this case the motion sensor, has to be true when the Wait period ends. My guess is that the sensor is not detecting motion when your Wait expires so the siren is never switched on.


I have learned (from this group) to call the “then” section of a separate program, which includes the Wait command, and it will run as you intend.


Hope this helps. Let me know if you would like some examples and I can post later.



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jimmyban is correct. Should the "If" statements cease to be true, the program exits while in a "Wait"


Another solution is to configure the motion sensor from the admin console to "Send On Commands Only" and handle the off condition with a "Wait".. (would need to see your program posted to be more specific)


You have to go to the motion sensor, open it and press the set button to get it in linking mode to make the change



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I have been using this program to turn on the lights when a sensor senses motion. Then I have a few second delay and then i turn on a switch that has a siren plugged in to it. 


The last few days the wait time is screwing up the last action. The lights turn on fine, so the program kicks in, but then I don't see the switch that turns the siren to turn on. When I remove the Wait time from the program the siren starts fine after the lights turn on.


What is up with the Wait time in the programs? What could be breaking the actions below it?




All of the above.

I think of the Wait as an oportunity for the ISY engine to stop and think about things. That means other programs get to run as well as evaluate any changes to triggers of the programs.


IOW: Programs are unstoppable until they encounters a Wait or Repeat instruction line, at which time the control is handed back to the system for that time duration.


A second program can help only if the first program (trigger reception) is disabled. Running the second program will cause the second program to restart anyway.

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Whenever I read threads like this one, I always want to ask "What Changed".


The OP implies everything worked fine "before" but then "The last few days the wait time is screwing up the last action."


Why did it work before and suddenly stop?  Was a program changed?  Did the batteries in the motion get changed?


When a working system suddenly stops working, the first question always has to be "what changed?"

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Thank you for your responses. As some of you pointed out my issue with the Wait was that the If we being reevaluated which cause it to break. I moved the actions in a separate program with no if that was called by the original program and that fixed the issue.


It is strange because it was working for me for about 2 years, but not sure why it decided to show up now.

Thank you for your responses.

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