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More trouble swapping switches


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I replaced a switch that had gone bad after trying suggestions listed in another topic I posted.  At the same time I decided to replace an 8 button switch right next to it that has repeatedly had an issue. I am now having the same problem with these 2 new switches that I had when replacing a 6 button switch a few days ago.  The ISY recognizes both switches and made the swap through the admin console. The Insteon and Firmware are both the same, V4.6.2. I can turn the switches on and off manually, and if on I can turn off via the admin console. But I cannot turn then on via the admin console and assume the programming I have with them is not going to work.  


I have not had an previous communication issues with the old switches that were there.  Any suggestions?  Thanks!


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Being able to turn off only is unusual. If you could turn them on only its a sign that the connected load is generating a lot of noise. 


Did you check the On levels of the new switches, either the switch itself or a scene if used. That could be the cause.



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Being able to turn off only is unusual. If you could turn them on only its a sign that the connected load is generating a lot of noise. 


Did you check the On levels of the new switches, either the switch itself or a scene if used. That could be the cause.



Problem solved!  You think I would have noticed that the on level was 0%.  Never had that one happen before so didn't even think to look at it.  Thanks!

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