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Keypadlinc LEDs

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1) I have several KPLs (for example a 2334-2) in my system. In ISY when I click on one there's a button along the bottom that says "LED Brightness." I click it and get a dialog with two settings, one for Off level (=7) and one for On level (=0). Changing them seems to have no effect on anything.


2) Also on a similar note when programming I can add an action to Set KPL.A "On 0/Off 0 (Backlight level)" and that seems to have no effect regardless of the setting I choose.


What are these settings for? Are they supposed to do something?

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Yes, those setting are/should be fully functional. I use then extensively to lower the KPL (and SwitchLinc) LEDs for movie watching and sleep tine in the bedroom. Note that for keypads the setting applies to the entire keypad, not to any one button.


I don't know why you're not successful in setting the LED brightness level except that I have one and only one keypad that doesn't respond correctly. The one I'm not having success with is v.43 as shown by the ISY, not the label on the KPL.


Are all the KPLs you tried the same version (as each other, not as mine)?


What?s the result if you set the brightness to 0,0 and then select Write Updates to Device (just a guess, not verified).

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Information Only: If you find the Admin Console offers no visible change you can always follow the users manual to complete this task locally. It should also be noted changes in the Admin Console do not mimic what happens locally when changed manually. Perfect example is the LED on plugin modules for what ever reason the Admin Console makes the LED's brightness dimmer than when brought back to OEM state via hard reset.

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My KPLs are 2334-2 Dimmer 5 Button v.45. I'm unclear on the settings to begin with. It seemed to default to Off Level=7 and On Level=0. These default values which I operated with for a bit before even noticing the settings in ISY would weem to suggest that Off=7 would be dim and On=0 would be dark. But I never saw any such behavior. I changed those to Off=0 and On=15. After the ISY messages completed I pushed some buttons on the KPL but couldn't detect any difference in brightness. Then I went and cycled the breaker to power cycle and still no change. When on they are lit and when off they are dark - always.

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I'm not sure what was happening. First I didn't quite understand what was supposed to happen. When I tried changing things from the GUI I think maybe I would make the change and then go look at the KPL and not see any difference. But I now realize that with the messages occurring it takes some time. In my system I can get to the KPL in 5 seconds but the change may not complete for 30 or more.  I didn't realize how the back-lighting worked either which is obvious in hindsight. I though if a button was off it was dark. Then when I was programming I was initially trying to use the "On 15 / Off 4 (Backlight Level)" command to turn buttons on and off. So that command really had me confused since it didn't do that. Now I understand the difference. The documentation seems pretty complete but hard to navigate and the less I understand something the harder it is to figure out where to look. Anyway it's all coming together and it's great to have help.

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