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Comcast ~ Nation Wide Outage


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At the moment I have 3 ISPs


Tier 1 - ATT fiber

Tier 2 - Comcast

Tier 3 - ATT LTE


One of my 5 free xfinitywifi registered devices is a bridged router. They are too busy pulling their pants up after their latest debacle to de-register my devices.


Very nice set up and fail over, in my neck of the woods I was approved for a T5 experimental line because something *Big* is coming my way?!?! Currently there are two hardwired ISP's on site two of which are fiber the other is satellite.


There are two independent LTE & GPRS from different vendors that serve as fail over to the security alarm system. One has dual SIM's using the two different cellular ISP's for fail over. The other has a single SIM for back up that serves for a isolated network for the infrastructure.


The satellite link is for the SHTF conditions and need only connect and go. Right now it sits idle in a secured box marked with SHTF COMM System. The security alarm system sends in parallel via POT's phone, Internet, and fails over to the dual SIM's should it be required. Data is filtered for primary & secondary systems to ensure I don't break any bandwidth limits.


Lastly, our area has been selected for the next generation LTE so coverage should be pretty solid all across the Province in 2018. Now if only these dirty birds would make it a little cheaper!!


Couldn't afford most of this if I wasn't part of the Beta roll out . . .  

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In a SHTF scenario, you have to be completely off grid on solar+batteries. I’m not there yet. Perhaps after I win the lottery and able to build my dream home in some less populated area.


Already in place for my home now but want to be able to scale better and have resiliency. I'm sure you can relate if everyone was made of money and could do what ever most of us ~ would be there!  :mrgreen:  Lots of this has been a life long dream and going at a slow and steady pace. I'm at a point in my life where somethings matter more to me like solid fail over.


People laugh at me all the time keeping a POT's line . . .


Nobody was laughing when some yahoo cut a major node down the street and burned down a multi-million dollar apartment complex. I was the only guy literally still with Internet and phone and didn't rely on some 1980 battery pack that is supposed to offer power for the VOIP system.


LOL . . .  


At the moment I'm planning out the next phase of *Off Line / Off Grid* back up system for the home but waiting for prices to go down on specific technology. Right now the math doesn't pencil out and even if I won the lottery today I wouldn't drop cash on it. Too many unknowns and too many big promises in the solar tech industry these days.


My primary goal these days is to get to NET Zero and having down sized lots of ancient hardware its almost a reality. I need more than PV Solar generation though as the dark days are upon us all in Canada. Don't think many people can appreciate living in the dark for almost four months of the year! Never mind living in the cold for 7 out of 12 of those months!  :?

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Not just Comcast. Level3 were having transit issues in New York - where the majority of EU<=>US traffic flows across the Internet. Most of our east coast offices were having significant issues with connectivity today.

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Not just Comcast. Level3 were having transit issues in New York - where the majority of EU<=>US traffic flows across the Internet. Most of our east coast offices were having significant issues with connectivity today.


Its safe to say someone at Level 3 is gonna get a talking too!  :mrgreen:

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