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Unsupported Device:16.-119

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Linking a 2842-222 Insteon Motion Sensor and receiving “the following devices could not be added: xx.xx.xx Unsupported Device:16.-119. - Device is not currently supported”.


The device was working until I replaced and restored the PLM. Unable to receive any status from the sensor, I deleted the device and have been attempting to “Add New Device”. This process worked for 3 other identical Motion Sensors, but this one receives the “Unsupported Device” message. Any suggestions

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Linking a 2842-222 Insteon Motion Sensor and receiving “the following devices could not be added: xx.xx.xx Unsupported Device:16.-119. - Device is not currently supported”.


The device was working until I replaced and restored the PLM. Unable to receive any status from the sensor, I deleted the device and have been attempting to “Add New Device”. This process worked for 3 other identical Motion Sensors, but this one receives the “Unsupported Device” message. Any suggestions


You should be using the older motion sensor to add it into the controller if running 4.X.X firmware.

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Thanks.... the processed worked for 2 other 2842-222s, but good to give it a try. I am now using v.4.6.2


Are there instructions of how to add it into the controller?


When you choose the light bulb option to enroll a device instead of leaving the third tab set to *Auto Discover* you will simply choose the older MS model from the drop down menu. Of course you need to enter the Insteon ID in the top portion too and friendly name in the middle! 

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Thanks again ... I now receive “Cannot Determine Insteon Engine”


Firmware and UI match its v.4.6.2 (saw this in other forum postings as possible issue)....



The Event Viewer reflects 3 attempts but no acknowledgement.


If you haven't done so the next step is to hard reset the sensor per the full users manual. Perform this task at least two times to ensure its done. Then, you can place the device into linking mode and confirm the LED is flashing as expected. Once in linking mode bring the sensor to the 2413S PLM and select light bulb icon and see what happens ensuring you select from the drop down list for the older MS.


As noted ensure you enter the Insteon ID on the top field and a friendly name in the middle.

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YOU ARE A STAR ... Factory reset 3x, linked worked perfectly...




As a friendly reminder its best practices to hard reset any new hardware prior to enrollment.This is primary done to ensure the device is in a OEM state. Next its to ensure any options and test links are removed during the build of the hardware.


Rock On . . .

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