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Honeywell Partition in ISY Scene


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I can add the honeywell partition to ISY scene and then say Action is Alarm Stay or Disarm or whatever


But it does not work when I activate the scene.


Is this a bug or no way around?


I put it into a scene.  Set action as Alarm Stay


then I used the ISY to hit on for the scene which should have done Alarm Stay.


Here is the log




2017-12-08 15:42:10 - TCP: Polling Alarm [hwalrm1]
2017-12-08 15:42:10 - TCP: Data Received - 9 Bytes [hwalrm1]
2017-12-08 15:42:10 - TCP: ^00,00$[C][L] [hwalrm1]
2017-12-08 15:42:15 - TCP: Data Received - 53 Bytes [hwalrm1]
2017-12-08 15:42:15 - TCP: %00,01,1C28,14,00,****DISARMED****  READY TO ARM  $[C][L] [hwalrm1]
2017-12-08 15:42:15 - ISY: Variable hwalrm1_part1-GV6 added to queue (Val: 0, QS: 1)
2017-12-08 15:42:15 - ISY: Variable hwalrm1_part1-GV2 added to queue (Val: 1, QS: 2)
2017-12-08 15:42:15 - ISY: Variable hwalrm1_part1-GV5 added to queue (Val: 0, QS: 3)
2017-12-08 15:42:15 - ISY: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_hwalrm1_part1/report/status/GV6/0/25)
2017-12-08 15:42:15 - ISY: Variable hwalrm1_part1-GV4 added to queue (Val: 1, QS: 3)
2017-12-08 15:42:15 - ISY: Variable hwalrm1_part1-GV1 added to queue (Val: 0, QS: 4)
2017-12-08 15:42:15 - ISY: Variable hwalrm1_part1-ST added to queue (Val: 0, QS: 5)
2017-12-08 15:42:15 - ISY: Variable hwalrm1_part1-GV3 added to queue (Val: 0, QS: 6)
2017-12-08 15:42:15 - ISY: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_hwalrm1_part1/report/status/GV2/1/25)
2017-12-08 15:42:15 - ISY: Variable hwalrm1-ST added to queue (Val: -1, QS: 6)
2017-12-08 15:42:15 - ISY: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_hwalrm1_part1/report/status/GV5/0/25)
2017-12-08 15:42:15 - ISY: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_hwalrm1_part1/report/status/GV4/1/25)
2017-12-08 15:42:15 - ISY: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_hwalrm1_part1/report/status/GV1/0/25)
2017-12-08 15:42:16 - ISY: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_hwalrm1_part1/report/status/ST/0/25)
2017-12-08 15:42:16 - ISY: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_hwalrm1_part1/report/status/GV3/0/25)
2017-12-08 15:42:16 - ISY: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_hwalrm1/report/status/ST/-1/25)
2017-12-08 15:42:22 - TCP: Data Received - 53 Bytes [hwalrm1]
2017-12-08 15:42:22 - TCP: %00,01,1C28,14,00,****DISARMED****  READY TO ARM  $[C][L] [hwalrm1]
2017-12-08 15:42:22 - ISY: Variable hwalrm1_part1-GV6 added to queue (Val: 0, QS: 1)
2017-12-08 15:42:22 - ISY: Variable hwalrm1_part1-GV2 added to queue (Val: 1, QS: 2)
2017-12-08 15:42:22 - ISY: Variable hwalrm1_part1-GV5 added to queue (Val: 0, QS: 3)
2017-12-08 15:42:22 - ISY: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_hwalrm1_part1/report/status/GV6/0/25)
2017-12-08 15:42:22 - ISY: Variable hwalrm1_part1-GV4 added to queue (Val: 1, QS: 3)
2017-12-08 15:42:22 - ISY: Variable hwalrm1_part1-GV1 added to queue (Val: 0, QS: 4)
2017-12-08 15:42:22 - ISY: Variable hwalrm1_part1-ST added to queue (Val: 0, QS: 5)
2017-12-08 15:42:22 - ISY: Variable hwalrm1_part1-GV3 added to queue (Val: 0, QS: 6)
2017-12-08 15:42:22 - ISY: Variable hwalrm1-ST added to queue (Val: 1, QS: 7)
2017-12-08 15:42:22 - ISY: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_hwalrm1_part1/report/status/GV2/1/25)
2017-12-08 15:42:22 - ISY: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_hwalrm1_part1/report/status/GV5/0/25)
2017-12-08 15:42:22 - ISY: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_hwalrm1_part1/report/status/GV4/1/25)
2017-12-08 15:42:23 - ISY: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_hwalrm1_part1/report/status/GV1/0/25)
2017-12-08 15:42:23 - ISY: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_hwalrm1_part1/report/status/ST/0/25)
2017-12-08 15:42:23 - ISY: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_hwalrm1_part1/report/status/GV3/0/25)
2017-12-08 15:42:23 - ISY: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_hwalrm1/report/status/ST/1/25)
2017-12-08 15:42:29 - TCP: Data Received - 53 Bytes [hwalrm1]
2017-12-08 15:42:29 - TCP: %00,01,1C28,14,00,****DISARMED****  READY TO ARM  $[C][L] [hwalrm1]


Nothing being sent from the ISY in that log.  You'd see a line that starts with "Web Request: "


Maybe the IP address isn't setup correctly in the node config in the ISY, or the ISY just doesn't handle it yet.


Your right.  No Web Request.


If I go to the partition itself and I say Arm or Disarm it works fine.


That would rule out any IP address issue


If I put it into a scene and set command as ARM STAY when I turn scene on it should say ARM STAY but it does nothing.  Not even a web request is sent.


So I will report that back to Universal Devices


5.0.11b fixed this and now you can trigger a scene and issue the command Arm Stay, Arm Away, Arm No Entry, or Disarm.


The problem is the scene always shows ON.  It never goes to off.


I posted on the 5.0.11 forum this and I thought I would let you know....................


As I reported in previous post the COMMAND now works in scenes.


I am using a scene to control a Honeywell Alarm with NodeLink.


Works great now but its not handling status correctly mainly because a scene is normally On/Off but the status reported is


   Disarmed, Armed Stay, or Armed Away


Could you make it where if disarmed status of scene is OFF and if Armed Stay or Away the status of scene is ON?


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