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communication issue with older switch


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I have an older light wall switch (2466D Toggle Linc) that has worked reliably for year, with program that comes on at sunset.  Recently, it sometimes misses the turn on.  When I open the control panel it says there is a communication problem with that switch, but when I do a query it is all set up again and communicates correctly.  Then may work OK for a day or two.  Is the switch just getting old (happy to replace) or some  other issue I should explore?



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The ToggleLinc is a powerline only device, even the newest ones are. It seems that you have a communication problem. It's likely that over the years you obtained new devices that over time have gotten a little noisier, al least to affect that particular circuit. That's not at all unusual. Common culprits include wall warts and electronic gear.


Trouble shooting is tedious, at best. Here's a technique that I use to minimize the tedium.


Turn off the breaker for the circuit breaker that powers the ToggleLinc and make note of all and every device that loses power. Disconnect or unplug those devices. Turning a device off is inadequate, it must be unplugged or disconnected. Restore power.


Change the program to a time about a few minutes after you are ready. Does the light turn on as expected?


If so, try a few more times to ensure that the load turns on reliably. Then re-connect and/or plug in about half of the devices that lost power when you turned off the breaker. Success? Then the culprit, if there is one, is one or more of the devices that still have no power. Power up about half of those remaining and continue until the problem device is identified.


If not, then the errant device is one of those that had power restored. Use the same technique outlined above to identify the the device that's causing the problem.


Once you identify the problem, the usual cure is a FilterLinc.

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The dual-band device can solve the problem and most likely will. But there's no guarantee. That depends on the severity of the noise issue. Try it! You may also need/want to add a Range Extender or LampLinc to the same circuit.

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I have an older togglinc that will get inconsistent behavior after a few years. Its on the very edge of its long circuit, too. The problems also seem to be associated with longer electrical "brown outs".. we haven't had those in a while and its been fine.


I factory reset it and use 'restore device' from the admin console and I'm back in business. I've not had to replace many of my earliest devices, just coax them along sometimes.



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Thanks.  I tried a restore and next day still had the same issue.  I guess I will try replacing with a dual band paddle switch

FWIW, it was the factory reset that made the difference and made it work. The restore only loads the correct links back in after the factory reset wipes them out.



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