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Sometimes set commands not executed in Program


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My entire house is fitted with Switchlincs, Micro Dimmers, Keypadlincs, etc.  I've got a program called Night where I turn off most of lights in the house.  The program calls 19 set commands.  Mostly setting Insteon scenes off and Switchlincs that are not part of scenes directly off.


From time to time, some of the scenes or switches do not turn off.  I'm wondering if I should be putting in some wait commands.  Is there a best practice to not string too many set commands within the program?

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Agreed with Stu.


"Group Cleanup" messages from a previous Set command are colliding with other Set commands as the program runs.


Another way to do this is to create another scene,  a master scene that contains all of the devices, and turn only that scene off. This is possible only if you have enough links available in the links table. If you have hundreds of devices my suggestion may not work.



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Thanks guys!


I looked more carefully and I think I see where the problem may lie...  I actually have both a Night scene and a program that runs when the Night scene is activated.  What I did was separate all the devices that did not belong to a scene and placed them inside the Night scene which was taken care of when the Night scene is activated.  Then I placed all the Scenes inside a program that would turn all the scenes off.  I believe I did that because some of my scenes had multiple devices like a 3 or 4 way switch so it was cleaner to place the one scene in a program and turn it off, rather than add 3-4 devices to a big scene.


I suspect when they are both running at the same time, they are likely colliding with each other.  I could take all the Scenes out of the program and put all the individual devices into a separate scene or just add some wait timers in the program.  I think adding wait timers is less work, but if you guys tell me the right and best way to do it would be to add all the devices into a scene and not run a program, I'll do it!

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Nothing wrong either way, it depends what you like and work with:



  • The only way to do it if you have hundreds of devices and are low on Insteon links
  • Downside is that it creates a lot of traffic at that time
  • Each scene goes off one at a time, rather than one single "off" (Personally don't like the effect of this)
  • You need to add a bunch of wait statements to one or more programs


One Scene

  • Uses a lot of additional links.. ok if you have lots open (I do)
  • Less insteon traffic
  • Ons and offs are coordinated.. everything on or off at one time (My preference)
  • You need to use the Admin Console to drag a bunch of devices and build a big scene


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