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New router - cannot access admin console - HELP PLEASE!!!

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Ok, so I just logged into admin console!  


Obv admin/admin and everything is gone and I need to restore backup....is there a proper protocol I should follow to try and get everything back online so I don't blow everything up?


Thank you so very much!


Configuration, Network Settings, select Automatic (DHCP). In any case, make note of the IP address. Reboot and double check the network setting, then File, Restore ISY.

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Ok, backup loaded and everything is back.  


Irrigation programs will run themselves, correct?  Or do I need to enable them (I had to reconnect everything about a year ago after nothing worked due to a dead PLM and I vaguely recall expecting the sprinklers to run...and they didn't).  It had something to do with a status of 'false'.


If you couldn't tell already, I didn't originally install any of this system and have been trying to learn as things come up.  This group here is incredibly supportive and I'm always blown away by so many people willing to help.


I am beyond grateful for the help of Gary, Stu and Jimbo over the course of the past couple hours.  Thank you gentlemen so very much.




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Configuration, Network Settings, select Automatic (DHCP). In any case, make note of the IP address. Reboot and double check the network setting, then File, Restore ISY.

DHCP is set.  Just waiting for 8 more minutes to see if my lawn gets water for the first time in a couple weeks.

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We're all glad that you're up and running. Lot's of things can keep a program from executing, but it certainly must be enabled. If it is enabled and didn't run, then post the program (right click on the program name and select, Copy to Clipboard. You may want to start a new topic--in fact, you should.


How is everything else going? Note that battery powered devices need to be updated after placing them in linking mode one-at-a-time. There's a bit of a shortcut if you have the Pro edition of the ISY.


In the interim, give your lawn some water manually B)

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The ISY may not be using DHCP and had an IP address set in it's config? Not sure how to fix that without a factory reset, but there may be a way?

Set a secondary IP on your PC that matches the old subnet, and then access the ISY at the old IP address. Change the IP for the new subnet, reboot then access at the new IP.


Finally, remove the secondary IP from your PC.

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Just wanted to send a (fingers crossed) final follow-up...


I'm up and running, and all programs are labeled true.  I did a backup and it's saved for the next rainy day (here in socal, able to see the Thomas fire at night from a bedroom window, I really hope that's today).


Thanks again to all of you for helping me get this all sorted.  I am truly appreciative.




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I can't connect to my ISY.  It's sat on a shelf for a while, but I plugged it in, reinstalled JAVA, cleared cache, and ran the app from my desktop. The ISY Finder opens, but I can't connect to the device.  I'm running Windows 10 with a new install of JAVA.  I've reset my ISY device as noted in post number 29.  No go...the ISY Finder window opens, but I can't connect.  Help?

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Hi Danny,


Do you remember if you had your ISY set to static IP or DHCP? 


If it is set up as static, It may be requesting an IP address that the router is not configured to allow.


Do you know what the IP address range is set up for in the router?

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Hi Danny,


Do you remember if you had your ISY set to static IP or DHCP? 


If it is set up as static, It may be requesting an IP address that the router is not configured to allow.


Do you know what the IP address range is set up for in the router?


I don't know 100%, but since loading a backup from a few months ago and looking in configuration, it's set to DHCP.  The IP address below that is in the standard range for the router (192.168.........)


But my programs aren't running when they're scheduled to.  Looks like I need to copy to clipboard and start a new (hopefully less complex) thread....

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I can't connect to my ISY.  It's sat on a shelf for a while, but I plugged it in, reinstalled JAVA, cleared cache, and ran the app from my desktop. The ISY Finder opens, but I can't connect to the device.  I'm running Windows 10 with a new install of JAVA.  I've reset my ISY device as noted in post number 29.  No go...the ISY Finder window opens, but I can't connect.  Help?

Does the ISY Finder window display 'none found' and nothing else?  

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