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ISY sees old thermostats that have been deleted from ELK


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I was using my Elk M1G panel to control two thermostats via the Elk ZW + Leviton adapter.  I am now controlling those two thermostats with the ISY994iZW/IR PRO - however I forgot to delete the stats from the Elk M1G before I configured it and let the ISY read it.  I've since removed them from Elk-RP, however I can't get the ISY to 'forget' them, and remove them from the Thermostats view....


Hi e40 and welcome to the forums. Sounds like you will need to do a refresh topology on the ISY to clear it up. On the ISY admin console go to Configuration>Elk>Configuration and click Refresh Topology. 


Hi Thanatar,  yes, I've tried Refresh Topology already.  


I also get Unknown Armed State in the administrative console.  I've went through all the troubleshooting in the Elk Module setup as well.  I also verified I could connect with ElkRP using both secure and non secure port.  (Making sure to disconnect ElkRP when done...)


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