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Polyglot v2 Hue NodeServer


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Hi xKing

Sorry - going back to my post on May 7th,, which you answered with "you can add hue group into ISY scene instead of individual bulbs", which I know I can, but I'm trying to keep all automations in one place - this is becoming a toal nightmare with so many places to do things nad maintain as I'm sure many users on this forum can appreciate.  Hue is great but it's an ecosytem on its own with a terrible app, so Polyglot and ISY to the rescue.  My question was related to reducing the apparent time between activating devices via PolyGlot - can this be tweaked in code?  Is it a Hue Polyglot throttling setting, or a Polyglot server setting, or an ISY setting?  I really don't want to start setting scenes in Hue as well as ISY, but I appreciate this may be the fallback to reduce the latency.  It kinda defeats the object of Polyglot as you can build an ISY scene with multiple Polyglot/ZWave/Insteon devices, not just Hue.

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3 hours ago, Sparks said:

Hi xKing

Sorry - going back to my post on May 7th,, which you answered with "you can add hue group into ISY scene instead of individual bulbs", which I know I can, but I'm trying to keep all automations in one place - this is becoming a toal nightmare with so many places to do things nad maintain as I'm sure many users on this forum can appreciate.  Hue is great but it's an ecosytem on its own with a terrible app, so Polyglot and ISY to the rescue.  My question was related to reducing the apparent time between activating devices via PolyGlot - can this be tweaked in code?  Is it a Hue Polyglot throttling setting, or a Polyglot server setting, or an ISY setting?  I really don't want to start setting scenes in Hue as well as ISY, but I appreciate this may be the fallback to reduce the latency.  It kinda defeats the object of Polyglot as you can build an ISY scene with multiple Polyglot/ZWave/Insteon devices, not just Hue.

I use network resources instead of Polyglot as I set mine up prior to inception. I've found it easier to set things up in the hue app as I can get the exact combinations I want vs trying to come up with something via the isy. I can also update the scene for the app itself when I want to change something and it auto updates by default in the isy. Once again a Time saver and less work as I can play around with different colors easier. 

In my time of playing with hue and Polyglot, I've found the same to be true if you use your scenes.  By using the nodeserver instead of the app the bulbs will turn on 1 at a time. 

The time discrepancy is due to the nodeserver needing to talk to the hue bridge which then talks to the bulbs. In my limited testing I've found there to be no major difference between NRs and the nodeserver. At any point in time, either can be faster but none are too slow. 

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17 hours ago, lilyoyo1 said:

In my time of playing with hue and Polyglot, I've found the same to be true if you use your scenes.  By using the nodeserver instead of the app the bulbs will turn on 1 at a time. 

I use the "group" that the Polyglot presents out and the bulbs in the group all change at the same time as it uses the Hue scene.  Have you noticed differently?  I haven't done extensive testing or comparison but I'm curious.  And like @Adolfo I'm interested in your NR's for direct communication.  Save me some time looking up the REST interface for Hue :)


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Just now, simplextech said:

I use the "group" that the Polyglot presents out and the bulbs in the group all change at the same time as it uses the Hue scene.  Have you noticed differently?  I haven't done extensive testing or comparison but I'm curious.  And like @Adolfo I'm interested in your NR's for direct communication.  Save me some time looking up the REST interface for Hue :)


Using the group function works the same as you. However if you do individual bulbs in a scene they'll come on 1 at a time. 

I'll be back home in the morning. I'll post my NRs when I get back. 

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7 minutes ago, lilyoyo1 said:

Using the group function works the same as you. However if you do individual bulbs in a scene they'll come on 1 at a time. 

I'll be back home in the morning. I'll post my NRs when I get back. 

Ahh yes individual bulbs is serial.  I have code fog (sorry) been starring at the screens too long today.

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Just now, simplextech said:

Ahh yes individual bulbs is serial.  I have code fog (sorry) been starring at the screens too long today.

I understand that. In my limited tests, I haven't found a good reason to switch from NRs. I'm debating on doing it once my Polisy comes just to take advantage of Polisy but we'll see

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16 minutes ago, lilyoyo1 said:

I understand that. In my limited tests, I haven't found a good reason to switch from NRs. I'm debating on doing it once my Polisy comes just to take advantage of Polisy but we'll see

The only thing I found negative with NRs is the large quantities of NRs required for many bulbs. I created three NRs to handle all the bulbs but dues to ISY's variable substitution at transmit time instead of at creation time, you can only control one bulb every 1 second.

This seems to be a PolyGlot technique/concept somebody needs to crack.... "creating scenes separate from any ISY local function, so that they exist on the bridge and last point before the Hub/Bulbs. I have attempted to do this with my NRbridge software by creating groups of bulbs and giving them negative bulb (group/scene) numbers I can control with NRs. I tested the PolyGlot MagicHome NS but found multiple bulb control really annoyingly slow, and discontinued switching over. My technique allows me to turn on 13 lights with very little visual popcorn effect.

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The only place I control individual bulbs is in my master bedroom and underbed lightstrips. My wife can turn her lamp on separate from mine and vice versa from our respective bedside remotes.  Everything else is in groups. 

The initial setup took some time but what doesn't??? Once set, if I want something different, I simply update the scene in the app

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Just to make it clear: Groups and individual lights work perfect- you can control a group or individual devices and turn of-on, dim, change color, etc.

Now, what can be done but is very time consuming is to create an scene on ISY. What i do is a create the scene on the Hue app, and then I create an scene with the group or spots of that Hue scene , and then I copy all values to the Color XY option i fill out with the same values I have on the Hue group or individual device ( not the one I copied to the scene)

So, can be done but takes a lot of time.

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9 minutes ago, Adolfo said:

Just to make it clear: Groups and individual lights work perfect- you can control a group or individual devices and turn of-on, dim, change color, etc.

Now, what can be done but is very time consuming is to create an scene on ISY. What i do is a create the scene on the Hue app, and then I create an scene with the group or spots of that Hue scene , and then I copy all values to the Color XY option i fill out with the same values I have on the Hue group or individual device ( not the one I copied to the scene)

So, can be done but takes a lot of time.

Why do you do it that way when you can use the group itself directly that you made from the hue app

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Yes, You can do it but just one time -

If you want to set up different scenes with the same lights, lets say, one all red and another all blue, calling the the hue lights will give you (IE) red all the time, so to have blue you need to create another scene on Isy in the way I suggested.

But, if there a way to have more than one scene with the same lights setting it up only on Hue app, please share it here!

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  • 1 month later...

My Hue Nodeserver disconnected last evening and I have been unable to get it to connect. ISY firmware and Ui is 5.0.16. Polyglot version is 2.23.

The Hue bridge is operating as usual. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the Hue Nodeserver several times and still unable to get it to connect. What should I try next?

Thank you!

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My Hue Nodeserver disconnected last evening and I have been unable to get it to connect. ISY firmware and Ui is 5.0.16. Polyglot version is 2.23.
The Hue bridge is operating as usual. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the Hue Nodeserver several times and still unable to get it to connect. What should I try next?
Thank you!

Watching this space. I updated the Hue NS from 1.09 to 1.10 this morning and it’s been disconnected ever since. Rebooted Polyglot, Raspberry Pi, ISY. Also updated ISY to 5.0.16, which seems to be working fine. There’s nothing in the log past the point where the NS shuts down before the update. All other polys are working.
Hope my Polisy shows up soon, half the lights in the house are Hue.

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Oh, I think I know why, I've used some Python 3.6 syntax in the latest update and you probably on Python 3.5 ? Update your Pi to Buster

Thanks, xKing, I’ll try that. Do I need to use apt-get dist-upgrade for that?

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My Hue Poly install got messed up with the new v0.1.10 update as well.  I can't update my RPi to a clean install of Buster just yet.  Is there a workaround (other than updating to Buster?)?  I have been looking into updating to Python 3.5 but it doesn't look that straightforward.  I'll probably just wait until my new Polisy gets here and try loading it on that, along with my other polyglot programs.   The migration from RPi to Polisy will probably raise many questions and not just for the Hue Poly!  :)


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My Hue Poly install got messed up with the new v0.1.10 update as well.  I can't update my RPi to a clean install of Buster just yet.  Is there a workaround (other than updating to Buster?)?  I have been looking into updating to Python 3.5 but it doesn't look that straightforward.  I'll probably just wait until my new Polisy gets here and try loading it on that, along with my other polyglot programs.   The migration from RPi to Polisy will probably raise many questions and not just for the Hue Poly! 

Same here, I tried all morning to burn a new card with Buster but Etcher keeps bombing out with some kind of file error. I’m using a late 2013 MacBook Pro with a built in SD card slot, which is very handy for this sort of thing. Does the fact that I just updated it with Catalina have something to do with this? Who knows, I have a Mac Pro in my studio that hasn’t been updated for this very reason, and if I can scare up my old card reader I may try this again. But I’m inclined to just wait for Polisy to show up and do this the right way. UDI says they’ll have a way of transferring your Pi setup over to Polisy, but it might be easier to just start over, since I was getting ready to do that with the Buster update.

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why y'all are trying to start from scratch? I've updated my existing Pi to Buster with no problems...


/etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*

and change "strech" to "buster", there is the sequence for vi:

sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*

:1,$s/stretch/buster/g [ENTER] (this will do search and replace)
:w [ENTER] (this writes changes to disk)
:n [ENTER] (next file)
. (just hit dot key and vi will repeat search& replace)
:w [ENTER]
:n [ENTER]
ZZ (2 capital zees saves and exits vi)

(repeat until all files are changed and vi says no more files to edit, if you screwed something up - just hit u for "undo")


sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade

once it's all done:

sudo shutdown -r now

once Pi rebooted with Buster - some NodeServers won't start due to python version change, just go into NodeServer directories and run ./install.sh

for example:

cd ~/.polyglot/nodeservers/Hue


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