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Polyglot v2 Hue NodeServer


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Thanks @robl


I was using the example (Copied below) from the "Configuration Help" for the Hue Poly which has single quotes, replacing the single quotes with double quotes around my IP address fixed the issue.

bridges - this should be set to the list of Hue bridges if you have multiple you would like to be able to control, for example: ['','']

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  • 3 weeks later...


I'm receiving the following message:

5/1/2020, 2:16:10 PM - info: Hue(3): Processing command: start 5/1/2020, 2:16:10 PM - info: NS: Starting Local NodeServer Hue profile number 3 :: Version 0.1.11 5/1/2020, 2:16:10 PM - error: NSChild STDERR: Hue: File "./hue.py", line 219 LOGGER.info(f"Hub {hub_idx} {data['type']} {name} {scene_data['type']} {scene_idx}:{scene_id}:{scene_data['name']}") ^ SyntaxError: invalid synta

I've updated the RPi to Buster as I say you recommend to someone else.  It's still not working.  What else can I try?


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Hello, I was trying to get this working last night, but keep getting an error saying it can not find the HUD.


"Once installed - push the button on the Hue Bridge and add NodeServer into Polyglot, that will allow it to pair with the Bridge"

How long should I hold the button?  Wondering if I am doing something wrong?



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On ‎5‎/‎7‎/‎2020 at 7:39 AM, AnthemAVM said:

Hello, I was trying to get this working last night, but keep getting an error saying it can not find the HUD.


"Once installed - push the button on the Hue Bridge and add NodeServer into Polyglot, that will allow it to pair with the Bridge"

How long should I hold the button?  Wondering if I am doing something wrong?



I have found my issue, be sure to put your bridge address ['"] in this format and you are good to go.

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On 5/1/2020 at 8:20 PM, k.root said:


I'm receiving the following message:

5/1/2020, 2:16:10 PM - info: Hue(3): Processing command: start 5/1/2020, 2:16:10 PM - info: NS: Starting Local NodeServer Hue profile number 3 :: Version 0.1.11 5/1/2020, 2:16:10 PM - error: NSChild STDERR: Hue: File "./hue.py", line 219 LOGGER.info(f"Hub {hub_idx} {data['type']} {name} {scene_data['type']} {scene_idx}:{scene_id}:{scene_data['name']}") ^ SyntaxError: invalid synta

I've updated the RPi to Buster as I say you recommend to someone else.  It's still not working.  What else can I try?


In my python_hue file I have what's below.  I've edited out the text after username for posting here.  It had been {"": {"username":}}
{['']: {"username": }}

When I start the nodeserver I receive the following.

5/8/2020, 6:32:12 PM [polyglot] info: NS: Starting Local NodeServer Hue profile number 3 :: Version 0.1.11

5/8/2020, 6:32:13 PM [polyglot] error: NSChild STDERR: Hue: File "./hue.py", line 219 LOGGER.info(f"Hub {hub_idx} {data['type']} {name} {scene_data['type']} {scene_idx}:{scene_id}:{scene_data['name']}") ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

5/8/2020, 6:32:13 PM [polyglot] info: Hue(3): NodeServer Disconnected.


Version 2.2.10 Status: Connected
Frontend Version: 2.2.9-5
ISY Version: 5.0.15A

Running Raspbian Buster

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

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1 hour ago, k.root said:

In my python_hue file I have what's below.  I've edited out the text after username for posting here.  It had been {"": {"username":}}
{['']: {"username": }}

When I start the nodeserver I receive the following.

5/8/2020, 6:32:12 PM [polyglot] info: NS: Starting Local NodeServer Hue profile number 3 :: Version 0.1.11

5/8/2020, 6:32:13 PM [polyglot] error: NSChild STDERR: Hue: File "./hue.py", line 219 LOGGER.info(f"Hub {hub_idx} {data['type']} {name} {scene_data['type']} {scene_idx}:{scene_id}:{scene_data['name']}") ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

5/8/2020, 6:32:13 PM [polyglot] info: Hue(3): NodeServer Disconnected.


Version 2.2.10 Status: Connected
Frontend Version: 2.2.9-5
ISY Version: 5.0.15A

Running Raspbian Buster

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

With the help of this: https://www.gitmemory.com/issue/exking/udi-hue-poly/3/569830615 I got it working without changing the python_hue file

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  • 2 weeks later...

Having no luck at all. See my comments on the "Bridge shown, no lights" thread.

I don't like having to enable UPNP but I did so when I saw log messages. But doesn't help.

Running on Polisy.

2020-05-16 18:41:01,964 MainThread polyinterface INFO __init__:<module>: UDI Polyglot v2 Interface 2.0.40 Starting...
2020-05-16 18:41:01,996 MainThread polyinterface DEBUG polyinterface:get_network_interface: gws: {'default': {2: ('', 'igb0')}, 2: [('', 'igb0', True)]}
2020-05-16 18:41:01,997 MainThread polyinterface DEBUG polyinterface:get_network_interface: gw: default=('', 'igb0')
2020-05-16 18:41:01,998 MainThread polyinterface DEBUG polyinterface:get_network_interface: ifad: igb0=[{'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''}]
2020-05-16 18:41:01,999 MainThread polyinterface INFO polyinterface:__init__: Connect: Network Interface: {'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''}
2020-05-16 18:41:02,002 Interface polyinterface INFO polyinterface:_startMqtt: Connecting to MQTT... localhost:1883
2020-05-16 18:41:02,006 MainThread polyinterface INFO hue:__init__: Started Hue Protocol
2020-05-16 18:41:02,071 MQTT polyinterface INFO polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Connected with result code 0 (Success)
2020-05-16 18:41:02,073 MQTT polyinterface INFO polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/polyglot/ns/2 - MID: 1 Result: 0
2020-05-16 18:41:02,073 MQTT polyinterface INFO polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/polyglot/connections/polyglot - MID: 2 Result: 0
2020-05-16 18:41:02,075 MQTT polyinterface INFO polyinterface:_connect: Sent Connected message to Polyglot
2020-05-16 18:41:02,080 MQTT polyinterface INFO polyinterface:_subscribe: MQTT Subscribed Succesfully for Message ID: 1 - QoS: (0,)
2020-05-16 18:41:02,083 MQTT polyinterface INFO polyinterface:_subscribe: MQTT Subscribed Succesfully for Message ID: 2 - QoS: (0,)
2020-05-16 18:41:02,192 NodeServer polyinterface INFO hue:connect: Saved bridges information is not found
2020-05-16 18:41:02,193 NodeServer polyinterface INFO hue:connect: No bridge configuration found, trying discovery...
2020-05-16 18:41:02,194 NodeServer polyinterface INFO phue:connect: Attempting to connect to the bridge...
2020-05-16 18:41:02,196 NodeServer polyinterface INFO phue:connect: Error opening config file, will attempt bridge registration
2020-05-16 18:41:11,914 NodeServer polyinterface INFO phue:get_ip_address: Connecting to meethue.com/api/nupnp
2020-05-16 18:41:12,056 NodeServer polyinterface ERROR hue:connect: Cannot find Hue Bridge
2020-05-16 18:41:12,058 NodeServer py.warnings WARNING warnings:_showwarnmsg: ./hue.py:122: ResourceWarning: unclosed <ssl.SSLSocket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=6, laddr=('', 32840), raddr=('', 443)>
2020-05-16 18:41:12,058 NodeServer py.warnings WARNING warnings:_showwarnmsg: ./hue.py:122: ResourceWarning: unclosed <ssl.SSLSocket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=6, laddr=('', 32840), raddr=('', 443)>
It says it's connected, though.
Tried ip and then bridges custom parameters.
Is there a beginner's guide?
Got it!
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  • 1 month later...

I used to have the Hue Nodeserver working, and I had suggestions, but those will have to wait, because it started having problems with staying connected.  I reverted to exclusively using Network Resources for quite a while, but decided to give the Nodeserver another go.  But it wouldn't start.  I have deleted it completely and successfully re-installed the latest version, and re-added it to slot 1.  But it still will not start.  Or restart.  There's nothing in the logs.  I'm very novice in the RPi environment.  What can I do to get this working again?  It's been so long, I don't even remember what to do once the server successfully starts, so help there is also appreciated.

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Thanks, @k.root ... that helped... partially.  I had to delete the system log, since it hadn't updated since Sept. '18.  Once working, I saw the same problem as in that link.  I deleted the node, verified it's directory was gone, redownloaded fresh from the store, and edited out the errant "f", and 5 others, from hue.py, as well as 2 more in node_types.py.  I finally got the nodeserver started and registered!  ...but only the hub showed up as a node.  The Node logs showed:

2020-06-24 05:40:38,820 NodeServer polyinterface INFO phue:connect: Using username: c08l2aorQXbT7O585WtafyLRDKqbXEtk0IJllGr0

2020-06-24 05:40:38,876 NodeServer polyinterface INFO hue:connect: Connection OK

2020-06-24 05:40:38,878 NodeServer polyinterface INFO hue:_discover: Hub Starting Hue discovery...

2020-06-24 05:40:38,890 NodeServer polyinterface INFO hue:_discover: Hub 1 bulbs found. Checking status and adding to ISY if necessary.

2020-06-24 05:40:38,895 NodeServer polyinterface ERROR polyinterface:write: Exception in thread NodeServer:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line "/usr/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 862, in run self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)

File "./hue.py", line 45, in start self.discover()

File "./hue.py", line 150, in discover self._discover(idx)

File "./hue.py", line 167, in _discover for lamp_id, data in self.lights[hub_idx].items(): AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'items'

So 0.1.11 arrived with 8 errors I could fix to get the server started, and another 5 that I can't so it works.  What say you, @xKing?  is there a problem with this version?  Can I fix this, or do I have to wait for an update?  

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I just did an update, then a full upgrade.  Python still shows 3.5.3.  I've done an apt-get install python3, but it's telling me 3.5.3 is the latest version.  What am I missing?  How do I actually accomplish that?

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I found some directions, manually built 3.6.5, and then saw your reply & link.  I followed it, and your instructions, including running Hue's install.sh.  But I'm back to the original problem:  Hue nodeserver won't start because:


6/30/2020, 6:42:38 PM - error: NSChild STDERR: Hue: File "./hue.py", line 219 LOGGER.info(f"Hub {hub_idx} {data['type']} {name} {scene_data['type']} {scene_idx}:{scene_id}:{scene_data['name']}")

The "f" is back.  Why the "f"?  I had edited a lot of them out before, and inferred they were there because of the wrong Python version.  But now the script has put at least one back.  Should I be editing those files again, or is there a proper solution?


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  • 4 months later...

Just wanted to say thanks @xKingfor another useful NS.

I had a little difficulty getting this setup, which in no way had anything to do with the NS. My Hue hub is located in the utility room, but my office is down two long halls and upstairs. The notice banner says to hit the hub (authorization) button and then restart the NS within 30 seconds. This I tried and tried again and again, even timing my excursion from utility room to office to ensure it was within the allotted time. Then of course I started over-thinking this failure, first going through the router, its firewall, the NS code and how the Hue module you used did the authorization. I hard wired the hub IP into the code, with no success. I even accessed the Hue hub directly, creating an authorized user using the POST api, then interrogating it and could see all of the lights. I then knew it was most-likely a race condition (in the truest sense of the words).

My solution: (Only for future users who have a Hue hub located semi-distantly)

1. Setup the Hue NS until the banner/message appears instructing the button press and restart.

2. STOP the NS (this turned out to be the difference in getting the authorization within the allotted 30 secs)

3. Put on jogging shorts for a sprint to the finish line.

4. Press hub button.

5. Race back to Poly server and START the Hue NS again.

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11 minutes ago, HABit said:

Just wanted to say thanks @xKingfor another useful NS.

I had a little difficulty getting this setup, which in no way had anything to do with the NS. My Hue hub is located in the utility room, but my office is down two long halls and upstairs. The notice banner says to hit the hub (authorization) button and then restart the NS within 30 seconds. This I tried and tried again and again, even timing my excursion from utility room to office to ensure it was within the allotted time. Then of course I started over-thinking this failure, first going through the router, its firewall, the NS code and how the Hue module you used did the authorization. I hard wired the hub IP into the code, with no success. I even accessed the Hue hub directly, creating an authorized user using the POST api, then interrogating it and could see all of the lights. I then knew it was most-likely a race condition (in the truest sense of the words).

My solution: (Only for future users who have a Hue hub located semi-distantly)

1. Setup the Hue NS until the banner/message appears instructing the button press and restart.

2. STOP the NS (this turned out to be the difference in getting the authorization within the allotted 30 secs)

3. Put on jogging shorts for a sprint to the finish line.

4. Press hub button.

5. Race back to Poly server and START the Hue NS again.

Why couldn’t you take your laptop to the utility room or temporarily hook up the hub in your office?

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Guys,

Can someone with this node server run a quick test?

From the admin console command "Set XY Color"  change the Transition time, then press "Set XY Color".  Is the transition time updated?



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  • 1 month later...

Can someone please explain how to use ColorLoop? or perhaps, how to reset the hue and or apply/use multiple settings in a scene? 

I turned on color loop by pressing the set effect "button" after selecting ColorLoop,

I then activated my scene which goes to 2700K and brightness 254.  The lights got brighter, but the setting of 2700 didn't take.  The lights are now locked in their colorloop, and until I overwrite "Set Effect" the color temp setting is ignored.

Seems like a bug since you then can't use the effect ever, and if youre lights ever get into a weird mode, you can't get out.

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  • 1 month later...

Guys, I have installed this node server version 0.1.11 , I integrated some Hue devices in my ISY scenes. It works fine, but I need every 24h to restart the nodeserver. It's like if it disconnect from the bridge. Any idea what is causing this and how to fix it?


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52 minutes ago, mserrar said:

Guys, I have installed this node server version 0.1.11 , I integrated some Hue devices in my ISY scenes. It works fine, but I need every 24h to restart the nodeserver. It's like if it disconnect from the bridge. Any idea what is causing this and how to fix it?


Any clues in the log?

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18 hours ago, MrBill said:

Any clues in the log?

Here is part of what I see in the log:


5/10/2021, 00:01:14 [polyglot] info: Hue(1): Processing command: status 5/10/2021, 00:01:14 [polyglot] info: Hue(1): n001_880106d58a970b GV6 set sucessfully to 1 : UOM 2 5/10/2021, 00:01:14 [polyglot] info: Hue(1): n001_huegrp3 ST set sucessfully to 0 : UOM 51 5/10/2021, 00:01:14 [polyglot] info: Hue(1): n001_huegrp3 GV1 set sucessfully to 0.3129 : UOM 56 5/10/2021, 00:01:14 [polyglot] info: Hue(1): n001_huegrp3 GV2 set sucessfully to 0.3291 : UOM 56 5/10/2021, 00:01:14 [polyglot] info: Hue(1): n001_huegrp3 GV4 set sucessfully to 77 : UOM 100 5/10/2021, 00:01:14 [polyglot] info: Hue(1): n001_huegrp3 GV5 set sucessfully to 5 : UOM 100 5/10/2021, 00:01:14 [polyglot] info: Hue(1): n001_huegrp3 GV3 set sucessfully to 41437 : UOM 56 5/10/2021, 00:01:14 [polyglot] info: Hue(1): n001_huegrp3 GV6 set sucessfully to 3 : UOM 56 5/10/2021, 00:01:14 [polyglot] info: Hue(1): n001_huegrp3 RR set sucessfully to 400 : UOM 42 5/10/2021, 00:01:14 [polyglot] info: Hue(1): n001_huegrp3 CLITEMP set sucessfully to 6536 : UOM 26 5/10/2021, 00:07:53 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-fy3FF 5/10/2021, 00:07:53 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-fy3FF keep alive timeout 5/10/2021, 00:07:53 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected: 5/10/2021, 00:07:55 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-fy3FF authenticated successfully. 5/10/2021, 00:07:55 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected: 5/10/2021, 00:07:55 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected. 5/10/2021, 00:16:53 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-fy3FF 5/10/2021, 00:16:53 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-fy3FF keep alive timeout 5/10/2021, 00:16:53 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected: 5/10/2021, 00:16:55 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-fy3FF authenticated successfully. 5/10/2021, 00:16:55 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected: 5/10/2021, 00:16:55 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected. 5/10/2021, 00:24:53 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-fy3FF 5/10/2021, 00:24:53 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-fy3FF keep alive timeout 5/10/2021, 00:24:53 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected: 5/10/2021, 00:24:55 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-fy3FF authenticated successfully. 5/10/2021, 00:24:55 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected: 5/10/2021, 00:24:55 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected. 5/10/2021, 00:31:53 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-fy3FF 5/10/2021, 00:31:53 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-fy3FF keep alive timeout 5/10/2021, 00:31:53 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected: 5/10/2021, 00:31:55 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-fy3FF authenticated successfully. 5/10/2021, 00:31:55 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected: 5/10/2021, 00:31:55 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected. 5/10/2021, 00:39:53 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-fy3FF 5/10/2021, 00:39:53 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-fy3FF keep alive timeout 5/10/2021, 00:39:53 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected: 5/10/2021, 00:39:55 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-fy3FF authenticated successfully. 5/10/2021, 00:39:55 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected: 5/10/2021, 00:39:55 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected. 5/10/2021, 00:46:53 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-fy3FF 5/10/2021, 00:46:53 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-fy3FF keep alive timeout 5/10/2021, 00:46:53 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected: 5/10/2021, 00:46:55 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-fy3FF authenticated successfully. 5/10/2021, 00:46:55 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected: 5/10/2021, 00:46:55 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected. 5/10/2021, 00:53:53 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-fy3FF 5/10/2021, 00:53:53 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-fy3FF keep alive timeout 5/10/2021, 00:53:53 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected: 5/10/2021, 00:53:55 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-fy3FF authenticated successfully. 5/10/2021, 00:53:55 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected: 5/10/2021, 00:53:55 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected. 5/10/2021, 01:01:53 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-fy3FF 5/10/2021, 01:01:53 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-fy3FF keep alive timeout 5/10/2021, 01:01:53 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected: 5/10/2021, 01:01:55 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-fy3FF authenticated successfully. 5/10/2021, 01:01:55 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected: 5/10/2021, 01:01:55 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected. 5/10/2021, 01:10:53 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-fy3FF 5/10/2021, 01:10:53 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-fy3FF keep alive timeout

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This was from the polisy log, and this is from the hue node log:

2021-05-10 00:01:14,757 Controller polyinterface ERROR polyinterface:write: Exception in thread Controller: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 926, in _bootstrap_inner self.run() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 870, in run self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs) File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/polyinterface/polyinterface.py", line 857, in _parseInput self.nodes[input[key]['address']].query() File "/var/polyglot/nodeservers/Hue/node_types.py", line 442, in query self._updateInfo() File "/var/polyglot/nodeservers/Hue/node_types.py", line 469, in _updateInfo self.brightness = self.data['action']['bri'] KeyError: 'bri'

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Polisy updated I get this and no nodes for lights: 

Please help. BTW, this is by far the most useful node.

2021-05-11 10:36:33,080 NodeServer polyinterface INFO hue:connect: Connection OK 2021-05-11 10:36:33,086 NodeServer polyinterface INFO hue:_discover: Hub Starting Hue discovery... 2021-05-11 10:36:33,115 NodeServer polyinterface INFO hue:_discover: Hub 1 bulbs found. Checking status and adding to ISY if necessary. 2021-05-11 10:36:33,126 NodeServer polyinterface ERROR polyinterface:write: Exception in thread NodeServer: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 926, in _bootstrap_inner self.run() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 870, in run self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs) File "./hue.py", line 45, in start self.discover() File "./hue.py", line 150, in discover self._discover(idx) File "./hue.py", line 167, in _discover for lamp_id, data in self.lights[hub_idx].items(): AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'items'

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