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Adjust scene not showing up


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v4+ = ISY version 4, v5+ = ISY version 5. Is your UI also 4.6.2? Adjusting a scene is for setting the On-level of a dimmer. Which lock? What else is in that same scene? Unless it's an Insteon lock, the usual program.

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ok it looks like i better get the correct version first.

is there a version 5.? and where can i get it. i tried updating my isy 994i-zw and it said 4.6.2 was the latest stable release.

does the user interface have the ability to be upgraded like the isy firmware or are they same, please tell me where i can get the latest please



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An update will not fix your problem. In fact, if you have a problem, it won't go away and may get worse. You need to have a full functioning system before you update.

ISY version 5 is an Alpha release. That means, it's not ready for release but is available if you want to be in a test mode.

Once again, a scene adjust is primarily to control a dimmer, not a lock. Also, you haven't replied to any of my questions.

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22 hours ago, bcondemi said:

ok it looks like i better get the correct version first.

is there a version 5.? and where can i get it. i tried updating my isy 994i-zw and it said 4.6.2 was the latest stable release.



4.6.2 is the latest stable release.

The 5.x versions are Alpha (not even Beta yet), and so are not considered stable yet.

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My system is functioning perfectly so i will leave as is,  my isy994i-zw is firmware 4.6.2

let me start again...

I have a zwave kwikset doorlock and functions perfectly (lock/unlock) from my computer and my android phone. However, my whole reason for coming to the forums is to figure a way to enable a voice command through google assistant to lock the door (since google assistant does not directly support door locking/unlocking)

I am using mobilinc on my phone which google assistant uses for the voice recognition and execution, not the google assistant only.

I was looking for a way to create a scene (lets call it) 'lock the door' and executing the scene changing the kwikset state to 'lock', thus locking the door. however, there is no way to change the lock's state to 'lock'/'unlock' (as per your response, a scene controls a dimmer not a lock). 

Is there a work around to create maybe a program that can be executed by a voice command?


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This is what I so far...

From reading other forums i did the following.

-created a scene 'the front door' in it is the zwave kwikset device.

-created a phantom x10 device called 'D1" then in the 'Notes' section of the device I set the spoken field to 'kwikset'. (this is for google assistant)

created 2 programs

Door Locked (program1)


Control 'x10 modules / D1 is switched on'


set 'the front door' lock

Door Unocked (program 2)


Control 'x10 modules / D1 is switched off'


set 'the front door' unlock


that's it. However when I speak 'turn on kwikset' then the door locks. If I speak turn off kwikset'' the the door unlocks.

This workaround kinda works. I would rather not use an x10 command, but the only way I could associate a control command in the program, and...I would rather say 'lock' or 'unlock' kwikset (since the mobilinc/google assistant only understands 'turn on' 'turn off'.)

so that's as far as I got. any suggestions?






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I don't have a problem with running Then and Else, I have a problem with triggering the program, I'll explain why...

I use mobilinc connect in order for google assistant to receive the voice commands from the isy. I don't use the isy portal. If I switch to setting up universal devices account in the google assistant/google home app, i have to manually input every device and spoken action. This is a too lengthy process. 

Also, there is no complete walkthrough on how to do anything. there is only questions why i don't do this, or why i don't do that, or a link to read something, then another link to read some more, so the answer to your question, what about the then and else program statements? how would i use them to voice trigger 'unlock the front door'?



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   - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')
        Set 'DR / Devices / DR ZW004 Deadbolt' Lock
        Set 'DR / Devices / DR ZW004 Deadbolt' Unlock


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What I named the program is inconsequential, use whatever name you desire. Asking Alexa to turn the program_name On, runs Then. Off runs Else. So, if the spoken you assign to the program is, say, Lemon, then, "Alexa, turn the Lemon on," will lock the lock and, "Alexa, turn the lemon off," will unlock it.

However, the ability to lock a lock is built into Alexa. You only need to ask Alexa to lock the name you assigned to the lock itself. For security reasons, a program is required to unlock the door.

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google home doesn't support the word 'lock' 'unlock' not yet anyway, this is what Im trying to achieve...

however I did a little more reading as well as use your alexa example with the then/else program.

google can run programs (as long as they are put in a sub folder of 'voice') in the program section of the isy. I can now say 'hey google, turn on door lock' and 'on' means lock. it works,

similarly 'turn off door lock' and the lock unlocks.

It works, but not with the correct voice command. however, it's a start until google supports 'lock'. There is an android app called 'auto voice' that seems to be able to interface with google assistant and allow different voice commands to trigger other commands. It's promising but that is for another day.

I appreciate your help and patience.


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