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The System Was Restarted - Message?!?


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Trying to set up a new NR for the Notify Me Skill for what ever reason pressing the save button was taking forever. :? When it was done thinking this is what I was presented with?!? In all the years using the ISY Series Controller I have never seen this specific message.

ISY Restart.PNG

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11 hours ago, Michel Kohanim said:

Hi Teken,

Can you please take a look at your error log to see what was happening right before the restart? Also, are you using for the resource?


With kind regards,

Logs were full so nothing could be gleaned from that unfortunately. I do not use for any NR's as this is known to tie up and bring down the controller. As an aside, since this error message came up the system has auto-magically restarted every *Disabled Program* in my system. 

Programs that I disabled more than five years ago just came on line and started sending random emails. 

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7 hours ago, Michel Kohanim said:

Hi Teken,

What do you mean by "Logs were full"? You could not download them? You could not read them? What exactly does that mean?


With kind regards,


When I downloaded the logs to view them, the time frame prior to that event wasn't there as the log was full. Meaning it stopped capturing any further events in the system. Apparently my system has lots of activity and thus fills up the logs and there isn't anything to be seen when I need to review them. 

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