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Elk M1 and ISY on a Insteon/x10 system


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Hi Couple questions I have


Does the Elk M1G interface between the ISY allow the Elk to issue x10 command thru the ISY or does the Elk system need to have its own Power line interface to control the x10 devices?


Can you reorder the imported xml via cut and paste in the M1Gold Lighting section in order to free up a house code that the xml imported over or will doing that cause some behind the scenes problem.


Thanks in advance

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HI clyp,


1. You cannot issue X10 command from ELK through ISY

2. Unfortunately not


With kind regards,



Hi Couple questions I have


Does the Elk M1G interface between the ISY allow the Elk to issue x10 command thru the ISY or does the Elk system need to have its own Power line interface to control the x10 devices?


Can you reorder the imported xml via cut and paste in the M1Gold Lighting section in order to free up a house code that the xml imported over or will doing that cause some behind the scenes problem.


Thanks in advance

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