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How to transfer everything to another ISY controller?


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I currently have an ISY-994i and am waiting for an ISY-994iZW/Pro to be delivered as an upgrade. I have backups from the ISY-994i, a spare PLM, and was wondering the easiest way to set up the new controller.

I was thinking: 1. Take the old PLM and connect it to the new ISY. 2. Plug the PLM into the wall. 3. Power on the new ISY. 4. Login and restore from a backup. Is this the proper way to do it?

The ISY-994i and spare PLM, I could use as a backup, and possibly upgrade it to Z-Wave later. Would I have to buy new modules for the new ISY or can they be transferred to the upgraded ISY? Thanks!

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My ISY-994iZW/Pro arrived yesterday and I followed those instructions, however, I did so without taking the old ISY device off the network since I had a brand-new PLM so I could open the admin console of each and do a side-by-side comparison after the fact. I did this:
1. Backed up the old ISY-994
2. Changed the IP address of the older ISY-994 to an unused address
3. Rebooted the older ISY-994
4. Logged into the admin console to make sure the IP address had been changed
5. Connected the new ISY-994 to the network
6. Attached the new PLM to Port A and plugged it into the wall
7. Connected the included power supply to power it up
8. Launched the admin console of the new ISY-994 and logged in with the default username/password
9. Restored the new ISY with the backup of the old
10. Logged into the new ISY to make sure all my settings were correct and changed the "Query All" program to read:
QueryAll - [ID 0002][Parent 0001][Run At Startup]

        Time is  1:21:00AM
     Or Time is Last Run Time for 'QueryAll' + 12 hours 
        Set Scene 'All Devices' Query
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

 11. Lastly, since it was a new PLM, ran the "Restore Modem" command

Now everything appears to be functioning OK except for one weird thing. Every time the new ISY-994 reboots, upon startup I get 2 notifications that my garage door has been closed and two minutes later I get a notification that the ISY has been powered up. My "At ISY Boot-up" file looks like this:
At ISY Boot-up - [ID 004B][Parent 0001][Run At Startup]

   - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')
        Wait  2 minutes 
        Send Notification to 'Rob.sms' content 'ISY Power-up Notification '
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

For the life of me, I cannot figure out why I am getting the first two text notifications stating that my garage door has been closed, both within one second of each other each time the unit is powered up. The older ISY-994 does not do this. It's a minor annoyance, but it has me puzzled.
Edited to Add: I forgot to mention that when I go into Programs, Summary tab, the only programs that run at startup are: At ISY Bootup and QueryAll.

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Thanks for the quick response. I am ashamed to admit this, but I didn't realize how easy it was to use the Find command to weed through your programs, AND, I was incorrect. Both units behave the same way.

But with your help, I am happy to report that this issue is SOLVED. I didn't have any other program running at startup, however, what I do have is this program which must be running after the QueryAll. The sensor on the IOLinc is toggled on or off by a magnetic contact closure mounted at the base of my garage door.

garage door notify by text on close 1 - [ID 005C][Parent 0067]

        Status  'garage 39.48.23-Sensor' is Off
        Send Notification to 'Rob.sms' content 'Garage Door Closed'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

It's now time to send that email to transfer my modules over to the new ISY controller and start learning more about Z-wave! Thanks again.

– Rob


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