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help with leak sensor program package


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I've had this program running well for over 2 years,  and just recently it started to have problems after multiple power failures within a 2 hour period.

3 out of 4 sensors now give a "3" report twice a day (heartbeat check program not running).  I can manually reset those 3 to a 1 notification by running "then" via the admin console summary window in each sensor's "variable control 2" .  This brings the notification on all three back to a "1".....but a few hours later (NOT at 6 pm or 9am) all three of those sensors revert to a 3 notification.

Somehow this all seems to stem from the recycling of the ISY during the 2 power failures,   but I am stumped and lost as to how to get the program running correctly again.  Would appreciate any  help or advice.

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