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Insteon Lamplinc will not participate in scene

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I'm running ISY 994i zw under 4.6.2.

I have a lamp linc 2457D2 dual-band dimmer BiPhy v. 43 that previously ran well, but is no longer cooperating as part of a scene.

on the back under 2457D2 is printed R3.6 2615.

I had removed it using the ISY and tried to re-add it several times, to no avail: it works individually, but not as part of a scene.

the lamp linc has a single floor lamp plugged into it.

I call the lamp: family room corner floor lamp.

When I try to control the lamp linc from my ISY it turns on/off individually.

When I turn the lamp knob it turns on/off individuallfamily room mini remote switch Device Links Table.v4.6.2__Mon 2018.03.19 10.27.01 PM y as well.

When I try to control it via a scene - the controller is a one button mini remote switch v.39 or via ISY directly, the lamplinc does not turn on or off.

I call the controller family room mini remote switch

I've tried a factory reset, but this pattern has not changed.

Any advice?family room corner floor lamp Device Links Table.v4.6.2__Mon 2018.03.19 10.29.19 PM

Thanks, Chicago

PS I have included the link tables for each device, but am not familiar with how to interpret them.  Are these even relevant to the problem?


The two possibilities that seem most likely to me are that the mini remote are not saving the links (those battery devices have always seemed a bit more difficult to program, in my experience, requiring different steps than those wired-in devices).  The second likely possibility is comm problems.  Scene responses work a bit differently than directly controlling a device from the admin panel, with the direct control being a bit more robust.

One would think that a dual-band lamplinc would readily respond to an RF remote close by.  Have you tried unplugging the load from the lamplinc?  Have you tried moving the lamplinc to another outlet?


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