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Tesla ~ Second Automated Death


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I got thinking about drunk Telsa driver being for ed to a stop and you have to give the car credit.

Think about a dumb car having a drunk driver getting it to the highway and then passing out.

The smarts may have saved his life as well as the life of a few families in other cars.

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57 minutes ago, Mustang65 said:

...Emergency vehicles will tell your car that they are approaching from behind and your vehicle pulls over to the side of the road to let it pass. Police officer's car instructs your car to pull over after the police car informs your car that it is being pulled over because it was going 15 mph over the speed limit, your car informs you (speaker) of the situation and your car responds by pulling over, puts itself in park and turns on the emergency flashers. In the case of an unmarked police car, your car may contact the police department with the police car data to verify that it is actually an unmarked police car.

A car getting on to a congested expressway and pulls up next to your car asks your car to allow it to enter the express way in front of you, your car allows it to without your approval (only because it was another bright red Chevy and it was a member of the opposite sex driving (is that politically correct?).  Your car may get some vibes from you that you were unhappy with its decision to allow the other car in and apologizes for its decision and will discuss its decision the next time that the same thing happens. Two cars approaching an intersection, from different directions, out of the Lidar radar's sight, your car tells the other car that you have the right-of-way and the other car stops at the intersection. OR, the traffic light at that intersection tells the car that it has a stop light in 150 feet start to slow down and stop which it does...

:-D  And I'm imagining the black market dollars to be made on this --- after-market add-ons sort of like the replacement car CPU chips they sell to re-tune your engine and transmission.  Only these would be programmed to do things like tell the other car on the ramp to go pound sand, to go some percentage faster than the maximum speed limit sent by the roadside speed transmitters, or even to tell the vehicle in front of you that your're an unmarked emergency vehicle.

In the end, people are people, and they will thwart all of our best attempts to automate.

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Stumbled upon this article on how the NHTSA arrived at their "autopilot reduced crash rates by 40%" conclusion.  It doesn't paint a very pretty picture of government's ability to determine whether autonomous cars are actually safer.
More evaluation of autonomous vehicles using human driver assisted by technology stats.

The whole evaluation process is a crock.

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This is probably the same data I was referring to earlier.  As I mentioned, you need to compare accidents per million miles of similar cars/drivers, not against all cars/drivers.  For example, compare Tesla model S against a BMW 7 series or Mercedes S Class.  Basically, it is the same bunch of middle aged, upper income professionals and business people.  Not a lot of teenagers and otherwise irresponsible people.  None-the-less, a 40% lower rate of accidents probably survives those controls, just eye-balling it. 

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