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Venstar losing comm with Nodelink, nothing in log


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Have 5 T7900s, and I"ve seen several times lately that one of the stats (not sure it is same one every time - will monitor) will just stop updating in Nodelink window.

Have ISY set up to send an email if a stat loses heartbeat, and send another upon return of HB.

So I get the lost HB email, and don't ever see the "it's back online" email - so check Nodelink, and there are no "Get errors" or anything listed in the log (set to "notice").

Watching status in Nodelink you can see that nothing is being updated for that 'stat, but others are showing active HB and other changes as expected.

Killing Nodelink and starting again restores proper comm with that 'stat.

Any ideas?

Thank you.



What you're describing would be the poll loop on the NodeLink deviced dieing   Should be error handling around that but anything's possible.  I'd suspect for it to happen there should be some sort of error.   Sure the log is clean?

2 hours ago, io_guy said:

What you're describing would be the poll loop on the NodeLink deviced dieing   Should be error handling around that but anything's possible.  I'd suspect for it to happen there should be some sort of error.   Sure the log is clean?

Nothing in it other than some preceeding "get" time out errors, and a "poll handling error" of some sort, but related to a different 'stat than the one that stopped responding to nodelink.


12 hours ago, io_guy said:

Can you post it - not sure what a "poll handling error" is.

Don't think I have a log from the time that one 'stat stopped responding to nodelink (even though stat showed good wifi, could still get to it via "skyport", and other 'stats still reading out current info to Nodelink - restarting Nodelink fixed it...), but it didn't have anything other than the stuff that's in the snippets below.

But here are 2 short log sections that show recurring issues with multiple stats.

1st one below shows the "Venstar Poll Error" I get periodically, plus numerous "Timeout" errors (I have it set to 5 seconds, so I presume I'm going to get more of these errors because of that. Oddly, they seem to group around the same time, then sometimes none for 4-5 hours). I guess I'm not worried about Timeouts, as maybe they are a sporadic WiFi signal issue...


2018-06-09 14:41:03 - Venstar Get Error: Timeout [ven5]
2018-06-09 14:44:15 - Venstar Get Error: Timeout [ven5]
2018-06-09 14:45:20 - Venstar Get Error: Timeout [ven5]
2018-06-09 15:01:53 - Venstar Get Error: Timeout [ven5]
2018-06-09 16:13:13 - Venstar Get Error: Timeout [ven5]
2018-06-09 16:13:48 - Venstar Get Error: Timeout [ven5]
2018-06-09 16:20:06 - Venstar Poll Error - There was an error deserializing the object of type NodeLink.Venstar+VSensors. Encountered unexpected character 'H'. [ven3]
2018-06-09 16:20:06 - Venstar Poll Error (Data) - HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: max-age=300
ST: venstar:thermostat:ecp
USN: colortouch:ecp:B0:72:BF:13:F9:F2:name:Kitchen:type:residential

2018-06-09 16:31:02 - Venstar Get Error: Timeout [ven5]
2018-06-09 17:07:55 - Venstar Get Error: Timeout [ven3]
2018-06-09 17:24:41 - ISY resolved to
2018-06-09 17:24:41 - ISY Node Server config detected (profile 1)
2018-06-09 17:24:44 - Relay Server: Started on port 2405
2018-06-09 19:34:56 - Venstar Poll Error - There was an error deserializing the object of type NodeLink.Venstar+VAlerts. Encountered unexpected character 'H'. [ven5]
2018-06-09 19:34:56 - Venstar Poll Error (Data) - HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: max-age=300
ST: venstar:thermostat:ecp
USN: colortouch:ecp:DC:EF:CA:90:2A:4B:name:MBR:type:residential


This section of log is after I added a Venstar WiFi temp. sensor to one of my 'stats.

The 'stat is paired with it, and I can see the temp from that sensor on the stat. So I went to Nodelink and clicked the "Install ISY nodes" under the 'stat that has the sensor.

Never could get the additional sensor to show up in ISY. 

(Also noticed that my wired sensors (not the one built into 'stat), that have their own Node in ISY, are showing same temp as the internal 'stat sensor. Have setup as "supply" in the 'stat, and they should not be showing the same number obviously.)

EDIT: I deleted that T. Stat from ISY, and clicked "Install Nodes" back in Nodelink, and the WiFi sensor now shows in ISY, but all temps still show the same number - Thermostat's internal sensor, the Supply sensor, and the wireless / wifi sensor. All show the temperature from the internal temp sensor.

EDIT: My mistake - WiFi / wireless is reading correctly - only the wired external sensor is reading same as internal stat sensor 


2018-06-09 20:27:42 - ISY Error: Web Error - BadRequest (ns/1/nodes/n001_ven1/add/VenstarF?primary=n001_ven1&name=Venstar&nls=140V)
2018-06-09 20:27:42 - ISY Error: Web Error - BadRequest (ns/1/nodes/n001_ven1_s00/add/VenstarSensorF?primary=n001_ven1&name=Space Temp&nls=140VS)
2018-06-09 20:27:42 - ISY Error: Web Error - BadRequest (ns/1/nodes/n001_ven1_s01/add/VenstarSensorF?primary=n001_ven1&name=Sensor 1&nls=140VS)
2018-06-09 20:27:58 - ISY Error: Web Error - BadRequest (ns/1/nodes/n001_ven2/add/VenstarF?primary=n001_ven2&name=Venstar&nls=140V)
2018-06-09 20:27:58 - ISY Error: Web Error - BadRequest (ns/1/nodes/n001_ven2_s00/add/VenstarSensorF?primary=n001_ven2&name=Space Temp&nls=140VS)


This line is what I get (and have gotten for a while now) when I change the set-temp of the 'stat via drop down box in ISY admin console. It changes the temp as expected, both in ISY admin console and on the stat, but I always get this line in the Nodelink window / log. Any stat gives same message.


2018-06-09 20:39:21 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven1]



The "Venstar Set Error" should be fixed in the next version.

For the external sensor reading the same I need a piece of the Debug Venstar data.

For the poll stopping to work, I unfortunately don't see anything that could be causing this yet.  You mentioned you setup an email notify.  Does the time of the email correlate with the Poll Error you're seeing?

14 hours ago, io_guy said:

The "Venstar Set Error" should be fixed in the next version.

For the external sensor reading the same I need a piece of the Debug Venstar data.

For the poll stopping to work, I unfortunately don't see anything that could be causing this yet.  You mentioned you setup an email notify.  Does the time of the email correlate with the Poll Error you're seeing?


OK - now have a more complete log section that covers a time period (late yesterday to earlier today) during which 2 T7900s go unresponsive at same time (6-11, ~2:15am), and a 3rd goes out later (6-11, ~7:29am), then another at 12:20pm and last of the 5 goes out at 2:39pm.

See *** Starred / Bolded sections in log below.

I didn't touch ISY at any point during this log. This was all stuff going on w/out interaction by me.

2018-06-10 15:38:53 - ISY NodeLink Server v0.9.14 started
2018-06-10 15:38:53 - OS: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.17134.0
2018-06-10 15:38:53 - Web config server started (
2018-06-10 15:38:53 - ISY resolved to
2018-06-10 15:38:54 - ISY Node Server config detected (profile 1)
2018-06-10 15:38:57 - Relay Server: Started on port 2405
2018-06-10 18:18:38 - Venstar Get Error: Timeout [ven5]
2018-06-10 18:50:40 - Venstar Get Error: Timeout [ven5]
2018-06-10 18:57:55 - Venstar Get Error: Timeout [ven5]
2018-06-10 19:02:43 - Venstar Get Error: Timeout [ven5]
2018-06-10 19:12:40 - Venstar Get Error: Timeout [ven5]
2018-06-10 19:13:46 - Venstar Get Error: Timeout [ven5]
2018-06-10 19:22:44 - Venstar Get Error: Timeout [ven5]
2018-06-10 19:33:35 - Venstar Get Error: Timeout [ven5]
2018-06-10 19:46:04 - Venstar Get Error: Timeout [ven5]
2018-06-10 20:00:46 - Venstar Get Error: Timeout [ven5]
2018-06-10 20:08:03 - Venstar Get Error: Timeout [ven5]

2018-06-10 20:59:59 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-10 21:00:04 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-10 21:30:03 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-10 21:30:09 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-10 21:30:14 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-10 21:44:26 - Venstar Get Error: Timeout [ven5]
2018-06-10 21:44:56 - Venstar Get Error: Timeout [ven5]
2018-06-10 22:42:11 - Venstar Get Error: Timeout [ven5]
2018-06-11 00:58:08 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 00:58:13 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 01:08:11 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 01:08:17 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 01:08:22 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 01:40:57 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 01:41:02 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 01:50:22 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 01:50:27 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 01:50:33 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 02:11:12 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 02:11:19 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 02:13:36 - Venstar Get Error: Timeout [ven1]
2018-06-11 02:13:36 - Venstar Get Error: Timeout [ven4]

************  2:15 am  Gmail time - ISY sends 2 emails:  Ven1 (Den) and Ven4 (Foyer) are Offline (ISY HB program waits 2 min.)

2018-06-11 02:19:19 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 02:19:24 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 02:19:29 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 02:40:32 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 02:40:37 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 02:49:48 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 02:49:54 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 02:49:59 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 03:06:34 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 03:06:39 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 03:26:56 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 03:27:02 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 03:27:07 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 03:53:09 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 03:53:14 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 04:01:07 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 04:01:12 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 04:01:17 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 04:18:48 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 04:18:53 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 04:33:16 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 04:33:21 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 04:33:26 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 04:52:08 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 04:52:13 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 05:26:30 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 05:26:35 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 05:26:40 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 05:57:55 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 05:57:59 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 06:28:24 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 06:28:29 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 06:28:34 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 06:48:55 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 06:49:00 - Venstar Set Error: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Http.StringContent'. [ven2]
2018-06-11 07:27:27 - Venstar Get Error: Timeout [ven5]

*************  7:29 am Gmail time - ISY sends email that Ven5 (MBR) is Offline

2018-06-11 12:18:53 - Venstar Get Error: Timeout [ven3]

************** 12:20 pm Gmail time - ISY sends email that Ven3 (Kitchen) is Offline
2018-06-11 14:37:11 - Venstar Get Error: Timeout [ven2]

***************  2:39 pm Gmail time - ISY sends email that Ven2 (Upstairs) is Offline

15 hours ago, io_guy said:

The "Venstar Set Error" should be fixed in the next version.

For the external sensor reading the same I need a piece of the Debug Venstar data.

For the poll stopping to work, I unfortunately don't see anything that could be causing this yet.  You mentioned you setup an email notify.  Does the time of the email correlate with the Poll Error you're seeing?

Where / how do I find the Venstar debug data? I'll get it to you ASAP.

Thanks for looking into this, esp why all 'stats fail connection gradually until I restart Nodelink.


In addition to the nodelink general log level, you can set the level on each stats config page for additional detail logging

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Thanks Paul.


i.o. guy,

Noticed that in the debug level log, the proper external sensor temps are being displayed (Supply Temp). In ISY, however, it is listed as "Space Temp" (which is also an entry in the log, but appears to be same as "indoor temp".  I have several 'Stats with Supply Temp setups, and they all read "Space Temp" in ISY, and don't give the proper temp, which I now see is getting into Nodelink, just not to ISY.

Will let log run tonight in debug, and maybe the cause of Nodelink losing / dropping communication with each Venstar over time will become apparent.




PM me the log. The venstar has a lot of firmware/config specific code, your case likely just isn't captured properly. 

10 hours ago, io_guy said:

PM me the log. The venstar has a lot of firmware/config specific code, your case likely just isn't captured properly. 

OK - done.


11 hours ago, telljcl said:

OK - done.


Also noticed this is now near the beginning of the log each time I restart Nodelink:


2018-06-12 21:13:01 - ISY Warning: Stale node exist on the ISY (n001_ven1_sr)

How do I purge a "Stale Node" - I only see the nodes I'm expecting to see, but "Ven1" is one I've deleted from ISY a time or two and re-added by clicking "install nodes" in Nodelink. Is there an issue with that routine?



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