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Can't Open Admin Console after Win 10 Update

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I am in my vacation condo, really my moms, in the middle of doing a LOT of programming inside the admin console. I realize I needed to add another on/off link to a closet, I do so, and in that time period something occured that would not allow me to access my admin console. Windows was not responding, so I did a force restart, and windows does an update. Great.

I do all of the java cash reset tricks, reinstall the ISY994 Admin app, which launches, but does not open the admin console. When I alt tab, I can see the window, and I can see the SYSTEM BUSY text with the yellow flag in the bottom left corner.

Again, all I did was add a on/off linc switch, which I turned the breaker off to in the odd case the switch was doing some odd feedback. Everything has been power cycled multiple times. I am running the latest java update, which came out today, which I am guessing might have broke access to the admin panel?

Its just really frustrating, I took vacation to come setup automation for my mother, and some random event is keeping me from completing my task.

EDIT: All programs and functionality are working as intended. The device works, I just can not access the admin console to link the new devices or finish installing the hidden door links I was in the process of installing. After the ISY window opens, windows will not let me click on that box, but I can alt tab and see the admin console displaying SYSTEM BUSY.


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I am getting the same which started yesterday, having all sorts of issues since using new launcher and clean install of latest java on new PC. seems to be stuck in loops waiting on status on some devices. started with ELK  - waiting endlessly for get topology so I disabled ELK module. Now its trying to get status from devices. Eventually it show an error "Socket Open Failed java.net.socketTimeoutException. After that point the console does not respond to anything and is close to frozen.

Tried both new ISY launcher and 4.6.2 launcher. both have same issue Also tested java 1.8.0_181 and _161

Note I can open the console fine, but its useless given it never gets past System busy windows

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