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Polyglot weather station node servers


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34 minutes ago, glarsen said:

No, it doesn't.  When I wrote the meteobridge parser for the rainmachine I used individual template rules which do include et0, so I just assumed.....

Thanks anyway.

I'm certainly not an expert on meteobridge usage.  Can you explain how you did the rainmachine parser?  Maybe that's better than what I'm doing now and I can update the node server to work is a similar way.

I'm actually connecting to the meteobridge on TCP port 5557 to get the data, when making a socket connection to that port it outputs the same data I see from the livedata.cgi link.  This seemed like the best way since it's easy and doesn't require any authentication to get at the data.  I believe the livedata can be changed via templates, but I have't experimented with that at all.

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Ahh, I understand better now.  Digging into it a bit more, I'm surprised that the livedata.cgi isn't returning the et0 data.  It looks like it's on the SOL sensor along side the solar radiation.  Can you check the node server log and verify that it's not there?

You should see a debug line with the livedata result XML. That line should contain a SOL tag, mine looks like:

 <SOL date="20191217225618" id="sol0" rad="112" lowbat="0" />\n

If you see an evo="xxxx" in there too, then it is available and I can easily parse it out.

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2019-12-17 15:49:13,604 [Controller] [DEBUG] b'<logger>\n  <TH date="20191217234829" id="th0" temp="7.1" hum="88" dew="5.2" lowbat="0" />\n  <UV date="20191217234829" id="uv0" index="0.0" lowbat="0" />\n  <SOL date="20191217234903" id="sol0" rad="12" lowbat="0" />\n  <WIND date="20191217234909" id="wind0" dir="234" gust="0.0" wind="0.0" chill="7.1" lowbat="0" />\n  <RAIN date="20191217234817" id="rain0" rate="0.0" total="300.4" delta="0.0" lowbat="0" />\n  <THB date="20191217234851" id="thb0" temp="20.2" hum="50" dew="9.4" press="1008.7" seapress="1016.5" fc="2" lowbat="0" />\n</logger>\n'

It doesn't look like it's included.

Edited by glarsen
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I loaded up the Weatherbit poly on my Polisy.  Seems to work well once I changed the poll rates to 600 short and 3600 long.  The defaults ended up using too many queries and quickly pushed me over the 500 calls/day as you mentioned in an earlier post.

One note that doesn't seem right is that the current weather value for Solar Radiation is shown with watts/sq. meter, which is what I'd expect but when I try to use that value in a program, it has a label of UV Index.  And for some reason, if I compare the value against a constant value (i.e. Solar Radiation < 40), it never goes true.


I'm on v5.0.16A firmware in the ISY, which I think added the units of watts/sq meter.

And something else that's weird is that the Polisy Nodeserver store still shows "install" next to the weatherbit poly, when I already have it installed.  Probably a Polyglot issue, rather than an issue with your Poly specifically.

Thanks for the work on these weather polys!!

Edited by Toddimus
hit enter too early!
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12 minutes ago, Toddimus said:


I loaded up the Weatherbit poly on my Polisy.  Seems to work well once I changed the poll rates to 600 short and 3600 long.  The defaults ended up using too many queries and quickly pushed me over the 500 calls/day as you mentioned in an earlier post.

One note that doesn't seem right is that the current weather value for Solar Radiation is shown with watts/sq. meter, which is what I'd expect but when I try to use that value in a program, it has a label of UV Index.  And for some reason, if I compare the value against a constant value (i.e. Solar Radiation < 40), it never goes true.


I'm on v5.0.16A firmware in the ISY, which I think added the units of watts/sq meter.

And something else that's weird is that the Polisy Nodeserver store still shows "install" next to the weatherbit poly, when I already have it installed.  Probably a Polyglot issue, rather than an issue with your Poly specifically.

Thanks for the work on these weather polys!!

I see the problem and will get it fixed shortly.  Looks like set solar radiation to the wrong UOM in the profile files.

The store may be because I changed the node server name. Originally it was WeatherBit.io, which was fine for Polisy and local polyglot, but not acceptable for the Polyglot cloud because of the '.' character.  So I changed it to just WeatherBit.  However, the store doesn't update the name in it's database.  This seems to be a bug in Polyglot and I have no idea how to go about getting it fixed. It probably needs to be removed from the store and have me re-submit it.

It will be interesting to see what happens when publish the update.

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1 hour ago, bpwwer said:

I see the problem and will get it fixed shortly.  Looks like set solar radiation to the wrong UOM in the profile files.

The store may be because I changed the node server name. Originally it was WeatherBit.io, which was fine for Polisy and local polyglot, but not acceptable for the Polyglot cloud because of the '.' character.  So I changed it to just WeatherBit.  However, the store doesn't update the name in it's database.  This seems to be a bug in Polyglot and I have no idea how to go about getting it fixed. It probably needs to be removed from the store and have me re-submit it.

It will be interesting to see what happens when publish the update.

Thanks Bob.  I see you updated the version to 1.0.1 in the Polyglot store.  I tried to install it (still says install instead of upgrade).  I deleted the poly on the Dashboard page and then did the install from the store and added it to a poly slot.  After entering the config data and restarting the poly, it still shows v1.0.0 on the dashboard and the units are still wrong on the ISY. 

My suspicion is that the name change is causing this, as you suggested.

I then deleted the poly again from the Dashboard and SSH'ed into the Polisy and deleted the WeatherBit.io folder from the /var/polyglot/nodeservers folder.  Went back to the Polyglot Store and installed v1.0.1 successfully, loaded the config data and it showed up correctly in the ISY admin console with the units fixed.  Thanks!!

Curiously though, the Polyglot store still shows "install" next to the WeatherBit.io poly.  I would expect it to say "Uninstall" after I've installed it.  No big deal though, it works now.


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7 minutes ago, Toddimus said:

Thanks Bob.  I see you updated the version to 1.0.1 in the Polyglot store.  I tried to install it (still says install instead of upgrade).  I deleted the poly on the Dashboard page and then did the install from the store and added it to a poly slot.  After entering the config data and restarting the poly, it still shows v1.0.0 on the dashboard and the units are still wrong on the ISY. 

My suspicion is that the name change is causing this, as you suggested.

I then deleted the poly again from the Dashboard and SSH'ed into the Polisy and deleted the WeatherBit.io folder from the /var/polyglot/nodeservers folder.  Went back to the Polyglot Store and installed v1.0.1 successfully, loaded the config data and it showed up correctly in the ISY admin console with the units fixed.  Thanks!!

Curiously though, the Polyglot store still shows "install" next to the WeatherBit.io poly.  I would expect it to say "Uninstall" after I've installed it.  No big deal though, it works now.


Yeah, it's all because of the name change. Basically, it installs but then since the name doesn't match, it doesn't know it was installed. However if you try to install it again, it fails because it's already installed.  It's being removed from the store now so that I can re-add it with the new name.  That should fix all new installs, but I'm not sure what that means for existing installs.

Update: Looks like it should work fine with existing installs. If you refresh the store, it should now be called WeatherBit and it should have the "Uninstall" button.

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3 minutes ago, bpwwer said:

Yeah, it's all because of the name change. Basically, it installs but then since the name doesn't match, it doesn't know it was installed. However if you try to install it again, it fails because it's already installed.  It's being removed from the store now so that I can re-add it with the new name.  That should fix all new installs, but I'm not sure what that means for existing installs.

It seems to have worked!  I saw you remove then add the poly and now the nodeserver store shows uninstall as an option.  I didn't do anything other than hit refresh on the store.


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On 12/18/2019 at 2:43 PM, bpwwer said:

Yeah, it's all because of the name change. Basically, it installs but then since the name doesn't match, it doesn't know it was installed. However if you try to install it again, it fails because it's already installed.  It's being removed from the store now so that I can re-add it with the new name.  That should fix all new installs, but I'm not sure what that means for existing installs.

Update: Looks like it should work fine with existing installs. If you refresh the store, it should now be called WeatherBit and it should have the "Uninstall" button.


I checked in the Polyglot store and while I see Weatherbit v1.0.1, I don't see the uninstall button. I have the original Weatherbit.io installed. How should I proceed?

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4 hours ago, DennisC said:


I checked in the Polyglot store and while I see Weatherbit v1.0.1, I don't see the uninstall button. I have the original Weatherbit.io installed. How should I proceed?

Sounds like you may have installed it before I changed the name.  You can try just installing the new version, I'm not sure if this will work or not. It may fail because of the different name.

If not, you probably have to delete the node server from Polyglot, delete the WeatherBit directory from the polyglot machine (/var/polyglot/nodeservers for a Polisy, ~/.polyglot/nodeservers for local install). Then install it fresh from the store.

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10 hours ago, bpwwer said:

Sounds like you may have installed it before I changed the name.  You can try just installing the new version, I'm not sure if this will work or not. It may fail because of the different name.

If not, you probably have to delete the node server from Polyglot, delete the WeatherBit directory from the polyglot machine (/var/polyglot/nodeservers for a Polisy, ~/.polyglot/nodeservers for local install). Then install it fresh from the store.

I will give it a try next week.

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On 12/20/2019 at 12:06 PM, bpwwer said:

Sounds like you may have installed it before I changed the name.  You can try just installing the new version, I'm not sure if this will work or not. It may fail because of the different name.

If not, you probably have to delete the node server from Polyglot, delete the WeatherBit directory from the polyglot machine (/var/polyglot/nodeservers for a Polisy, ~/.polyglot/nodeservers for local install). Then install it fresh from the store.

Hi Bob,

I completed the update to the new version. I had to manually delete the previous nodeserver as per your instructions. All is good. Thanks for the help.

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Is anyone having any issues with DarkSky Node Server going offline overnight? The last two mornings, I woke up to find DarkSky failed during the night. Checking the Polyglot log, I see some "socket failures" but I don't know if there are related. I have restarted the Raspberry Pi running Polyglot, so we will see if the issue continues tomorrow.

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3 hours ago, DennisC said:

Is anyone having any issues with DarkSky Node Server going offline overnight? The last two mornings, I woke up to find DarkSky failed during the night. Checking the Polyglot log, I see some "socket failures" but I don't know if there are related. I have restarted the Raspberry Pi running Polyglot, so we will see if the issue continues tomorrow.

One of the problems I've had with the various weather node servers is that I don't always anticipate bad data from the service so sometimes bad data will cause them to crash.  I've been trying to make them more robust and it helps to report why it crashed (from the node server log).

However, in this case, socket failures could be a polygot/ISY failure or a nodeserver/DarkSky failure.  I can'really only attempt fixes if it's a nodeserver/DarkSky failure.

I do have a new version of the DarkSky node server (and OpenWeatherMap as well) that I'll be publishing shortly.  These are based on the same design as the current WeatherBit node server. 

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I am trying your Ambient weather NodeServer 0.1.8 on my new Polisy (v2.2.8) and believe I found a few issues. (The Simplex version doesn't run at all after moving in from my Pi) 


#1 Rain rate is not being picked up, only shows "0" inches per hour while my weather station is reporting a non zero value.

#2 Solar Radiation is also showing a zero value, it looks like only the UV value is being read?

Let me know if you need any additional information?  Thanks!


019-12-27 10:22:22,116 [Controller] [INFO ] {'dateutc': 1577467020000, 'tempinf': 66.9, 'humidityin': 44, 'baromrelin': 29.85, 'baromabsin': 28.671, 'tempf': 47.1, 'humidity': 94, 'winddir': 36, 'windspeedmph': 0, 'windgustmph': 0, 'maxdailygust': 4.5, 'hourlyrainin': 0.071, 'eventrainin': 0.228, 'dailyrainin': 0.02, 'weeklyrainin': 0.902, 'monthlyrainin': 1.429, 'totalrainin': 12.63, 'solarradiation': 64.96, 'uv': 0, 'feelsLike': 47.1, 'dewPoint': 45.46, 'feelsLikein': 66.9, 'dewPointin': 44.3, 'lastRain': '2019-12-27T17:17:00.000Z', 'date': '2019-12-27T17:17:00.000Z'}
2019-12-27 10:22:22,118 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver temperature - ST: 47.1, uom: 17
2019-12-27 10:22:22,120 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver temperature - GV0: 47.1, uom: 17
2019-12-27 10:22:22,123 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver temperature - GV1: 45.46, uom: 17
2019-12-27 10:22:22,125 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver humidity - ST: 94, uom: 22
2019-12-27 10:22:22,128 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver pressure - GV0: 29.85, uom: 23
2019-12-27 10:22:22,130 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver pressure - ST: 28.671, uom: 23
2019-12-27 10:22:22,132 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver pressure - GV1: 1, uom: 25
2019-12-27 10:22:22,134 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver wind - ST: 0, uom: 48
2019-12-27 10:22:22,137 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver wind - GV0: 36, uom: 76
2019-12-27 10:22:22,140 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver wind - GV1: 0, uom: 48
2019-12-27 10:22:22,142 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver rain - GV0: 0.071, uom: 105
2019-12-27 10:22:22,145 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver rain - GV1: 0.02, uom: 105
2019-12-27 10:22:22,148 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver rain - GV2: 0.902, uom: 105
2019-12-27 10:22:22,150 [Controller] [WARNING] Missing data: yearlyrainin
2019-12-27 10:22:22,151 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver light - ST: 0, uom: 71
2019-12-27 10:23:21,675 [Controller] [INFO ] Connecting to Ambient Weather server
2019-12-27 10:23:21,676 [Controller] [INFO ]
2019-12-27 10:23:28,095 [Controller] [INFO ] {'dateutc': 1577467020000, 'tempinf': 66.9, 'humidityin': 44, 'baromrelin': 29.85, 'baromabsin': 28.671, 'tempf': 47.1, 'humidity': 94, 'winddir': 36, 'windspeedmph': 0, 'windgustmph': 0, 'maxdailygust': 4.5, 'hourlyrainin': 0.071, 'eventrainin': 0.228, 'dailyrainin': 0.02, 'weeklyrainin': 0.902, 'monthlyrainin': 1.429, 'totalrainin': 12.63, 'solarradiation': 64.96, 'uv': 0, 'feelsLike': 47.1, 'dewPoint': 45.46, 'feelsLikein': 66.9, 'dewPointin': 44.3, 'lastRain': '2019-12-27T17:17:00.000Z', 'date': '2019-12-27T17:17:00.000Z'}
2019-12-27 10:23:28,097 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver pressure - GV1: 1, uom: 25
2019-12-27 10:23:28,099 [Controller] [WARNING] Missing data: yearlyrainin
2019-12-27 10:24:21,688 [Controller] [INFO ] Connecting to Ambient Weather server
2019-12-27 10:24:21,689 [Controller] [INFO ] h
2019-12-27 10:24:21,988 [Controller] [INFO ] {'dateutc': 1577467020000, 'tempinf': 66.9, 'humidityin': 44, 'baromrelin': 29.85, 'baromabsin': 28.671, 'tempf': 47.1, 'humidity': 94, 'winddir': 36, 'windspeedmph': 0, 'windgustmph': 0, 'maxdailygust': 4.5, 'hourlyrainin': 0.071, 'eventrainin': 0.228, 'dailyrainin': 0.02, 'weeklyrainin': 0.902, 'monthlyrainin': 1.429, 'totalrainin': 12.63, 'solarradiation': 64.96, 'uv': 0, 'feelsLike': 47.1, 'dewPoint': 45.46, 'feelsLikein': 66.9, 'dewPointin': 44.3, 'lastRain': '2019-12-27T17:17:00.000Z', 'date': '2019-12-27T17:17:00.000Z'}
2019-12-27 10:24:21,990 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver pressure - GV1: 1, uom: 25
2019-12-27 10:24:21,992 [Controller] [WARNING] Missing data: yearlyrainin
2019-12-27 10:25:21,689 [Controller] [INFO ] Connecting to Ambient Weather server
2019-12-27 10:25:21,690 [Controller] [INFO ] 
2019-12-27 10:25:22,200 [Controller] [INFO ] {'dateutc': 1577467260000, 'tempinf': 67.1, 'humidityin': 44, 'baromrelin': 29.853, 'baromabsin': 28.674, 'tempf': 47.3, 'humidity': 94, 'winddir': 30, 'windspeedmph': 0.2, 'windgustmph': 0.7, 'maxdailygust': 4.5, 'hourlyrainin': 0.071, 'eventrainin': 0.24, 'dailyrainin': 0.031, 'weeklyrainin': 0.913, 'monthlyrainin': 1.441, 'totalrainin': 12.642, 'solarradiation': 66.31, 'uv': 0, 'feelsLike': 47.3, 'dewPoint': 45.66, 'feelsLikein': 67.1, 'dewPointin': 44.5, 'lastRain': '2019-12-27T17:21:00.000Z', 'date': '2019-12-27T17:21:00.000Z'}
2019-12-27 10:25:22,202 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver temperature - ST: 47.3, uom: 17
2019-12-27 10:25:22,204 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver temperature - GV0: 47.3, uom: 17
2019-12-27 10:25:22,207 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver temperature - GV1: 45.66, uom: 17
2019-12-27 10:25:22,209 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver pressure - GV0: 29.853, uom: 23
2019-12-27 10:25:22,213 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver pressure - ST: 28.674, uom: 23
2019-12-27 10:25:22,215 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver pressure - GV1: 1, uom: 25
2019-12-27 10:25:22,217 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver wind - ST: 0.2, uom: 48
2019-12-27 10:25:22,221 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver wind - GV0: 30, uom: 76
2019-12-27 10:25:22,223 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver wind - GV1: 0.7, uom: 48
2019-12-27 10:25:22,226 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver rain - GV1: 0.031, uom: 105
2019-12-27 10:25:22,229 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver rain - GV2: 0.913, uom: 105
2019-12-27 10:25:22,231 [Controller] [WARNING] Missing data: yearlyrainin
2019-12-27 10:26:21,692 [Controller] [INFO ] Connecting to Ambient Weather server
2019-12-27 10:26:21,693 [Controller] [INFO ] 
2019-12-27 10:26:22,106 [Controller] [INFO ] {'dateutc': 1577467020000, 'tempinf': 66.9, 'humidityin': 44, 'baromrelin': 29.85, 'baromabsin': 28.671, 'tempf': 47.1, 'humidity': 94, 'winddir': 36, 'windspeedmph': 0, 'windgustmph': 0, 'maxdailygust': 4.5, 'hourlyrainin': 0.071, 'eventrainin': 0.228, 'dailyrainin': 0.02, 'weeklyrainin': 0.902, 'monthlyrainin': 1.429, 'totalrainin': 12.63, 'solarradiation': 64.96, 'uv': 0, 'feelsLike': 47.1, 'dewPoint': 45.46, 'feelsLikein': 66.9, 'dewPointin': 44.3, 'lastRain': '2019-12-27T17:17:00.000Z', 'date': '2019-12-27T17:17:00.000Z'}
2019-12-27 10:26:22,108 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver temperature - ST: 47.1, uom: 17
2019-12-27 10:26:22,110 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver temperature - GV0: 47.1, uom: 17
2019-12-27 10:26:22,113 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver temperature - GV1: 45.46, uom: 17
2019-12-27 10:26:22,115 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver pressure - GV0: 29.85, uom: 23
2019-12-27 10:26:22,118 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver pressure - ST: 28.671, uom: 23
2019-12-27 10:26:22,121 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver pressure - GV1: 1, uom: 25
2019-12-27 10:26:22,123 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver wind - ST: 0, uom: 48
2019-12-27 10:26:22,126 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver wind - GV0: 36, uom: 76
2019-12-27 10:26:22,129 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver wind - GV1: 0, uom: 48
2019-12-27 10:26:22,131 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver rain - GV1: 0.02, uom: 105
2019-12-27 10:26:22,134 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver rain - GV2: 0.902, uom: 105
2019-12-27 10:26:22,136 [Controller] [WARNING] Missing data: yearlyrainin
2019-12-27 10:27:21,697 [Controller] [INFO ] Connecting to Ambient Weather server
2019-12-27 10:27:21,698 [Controller] [INFO ] 
2019-12-27 10:27:22,060 [Controller] [INFO ] {'dateutc': 1577467020000, 'tempinf': 66.9, 'humidityin': 44, 'baromrelin': 29.85, 'baromabsin': 28.671, 'tempf': 47.1, 'humidity': 94, 'winddir': 36, 'windspeedmph': 0, 'windgustmph': 0, 'maxdailygust': 4.5, 'hourlyrainin': 0.071, 'eventrainin': 0.228, 'dailyrainin': 0.02, 'weeklyrainin': 0.902, 'monthlyrainin': 1.429, 'totalrainin': 12.63, 'solarradiation': 64.96, 'uv': 0, 'feelsLike': 47.1, 'dewPoint': 45.46, 'feelsLikein': 66.9, 'dewPointin': 44.3, 'lastRain': '2019-12-27T17:17:00.000Z', 'date': '2019-12-27T17:17:00.000Z'}
2019-12-27 10:27:22,063 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver pressure - GV1: 1, uom: 25
2019-12-27 10:27:22,066 [Controller] [WARNING] Missing data: yearlyrainin
2019-12-27 10:28:21,711 [Controller] [INFO ] Connecting to Ambient Weather server
2019-12-27 10:28:21,712 [Controller] [INFO ] 
2019-12-27 10:28:22,022 [Controller] [INFO ] {'dateutc': 1577467500000, 'tempinf': 66.9, 'humidityin': 44, 'baromrelin': 29.85, 'baromabsin': 28.671, 'tempf': 47.1, 'humidity': 95, 'winddir': 37, 'windspeedmph': 0, 'windgustmph': 0, 'maxdailygust': 4.5, 'hourlyrainin': 0.071, 'eventrainin': 0.24, 'dailyrainin': 0.031, 'weeklyrainin': 0.913, 'monthlyrainin': 1.441, 'totalrainin': 12.642, 'solarradiation': 71.07, 'uv': 0, 'feelsLike': 47.1, 'dewPoint': 45.74, 'feelsLikein': 66.9, 'dewPointin': 44.3, 'lastRain': '2019-12-27T17:25:00.000Z', 'date': '2019-12-27T17:25:00.000Z'}
2019-12-27 10:28:22,023 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver temperature - GV1: 45.74, uom: 17
2019-12-27 10:28:22,025 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver humidity - ST: 95, uom: 22
2019-12-27 10:28:22,028 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver pressure - GV1: 1, uom: 25
2019-12-27 10:28:22,030 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver wind - GV0: 37, uom: 76
2019-12-27 10:28:22,034 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver rain - GV1: 0.031, uom: 105
2019-12-27 10:28:22,037 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver rain - GV2: 0.913, uom: 105
2019-12-27 10:28:22,040 [Controller] [WARNING] Missing data: yearlyrainin
2019-12-27 10:29:21,713 [Controller] [INFO ] Connecting to Ambient Weather server
2019-12-27 10:29:21,714 [Controller] [INFO ]
2019-12-27 10:29:22,082 [Controller] [INFO ] {'dateutc': 1577467500000, 'tempinf': 66.9, 'humidityin': 44, 'baromrelin': 29.85, 'baromabsin': 28.671, 'tempf': 47.1, 'humidity': 95, 'winddir': 37, 'windspeedmph': 0, 'windgustmph': 0, 'maxdailygust': 4.5, 'hourlyrainin': 0.071, 'eventrainin': 0.24, 'dailyrainin': 0.031, 'weeklyrainin': 0.913, 'monthlyrainin': 1.441, 'totalrainin': 12.642, 'solarradiation': 71.07, 'uv': 0, 'feelsLike': 47.1, 'dewPoint': 45.74, 'feelsLikein': 66.9, 'dewPointin': 44.3, 'lastRain': '2019-12-27T17:25:00.000Z', 'date': '2019-12-27T17:25:00.000Z'}
2019-12-27 10:29:22,083 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver pressure - GV1: 1, uom: 25
2019-12-27 10:29:22,086 [Controller] [WARNING] Missing data: yearlyrainin
2019-12-27 10:30:21,714 [Controller] [INFO ] Connecting to Ambient Weather server
2019-12-27 10:30:21,715 [Controller] [INFO ] 
2019-12-27 10:30:22,624 [Controller] [INFO ] {'dateutc': 1577467020000, 'tempinf': 66.9, 'humidityin': 44, 'baromrelin': 29.85, 'baromabsin': 28.671, 'tempf': 47.1, 'humidity': 94, 'winddir': 36, 'windspeedmph': 0, 'windgustmph': 0, 'maxdailygust': 4.5, 'hourlyrainin': 0.071, 'eventrainin': 0.228, 'dailyrainin': 0.02, 'weeklyrainin': 0.902, 'monthlyrainin': 1.429, 'totalrainin': 12.63, 'solarradiation': 64.96, 'uv': 0, 'feelsLike': 47.1, 'dewPoint': 45.46, 'feelsLikein': 66.9, 'dewPointin': 44.3, 'lastRain': '2019-12-27T17:17:00.000Z', 'date': '2019-12-27T17:17:00.000Z'}
2019-12-27 10:30:22,625 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver temperature - GV1: 45.46, uom: 17
2019-12-27 10:30:22,627 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver humidity - ST: 94, uom: 22
2019-12-27 10:30:22,630 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver pressure - GV1: 1, uom: 25
2019-12-27 10:30:22,633 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver wind - GV0: 36, uom: 76
2019-12-27 10:30:22,636 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver rain - GV1: 0.02, uom: 105
2019-12-27 10:30:22,638 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver rain - GV2: 0.902, uom: 105
2019-12-27 10:30:22,641 [Controller] [WARNING] Missing data: yearlyrainin
2019-12-27 10:31:21,725 [Controller] [INFO ] Connecting to Ambient Weather server
2019-12-27 10:31:21,726 [Controller] [INFO ]
2019-12-27 10:31:22,074 [Controller] [INFO ] {'dateutc': 1577467500000, 'tempinf': 66.9, 'humidityin': 44, 'baromrelin': 29.85, 'baromabsin': 28.671, 'tempf': 47.1, 'humidity': 95, 'winddir': 37, 'windspeedmph': 0, 'windgustmph': 0, 'maxdailygust': 4.5, 'hourlyrainin': 0.071, 'eventrainin': 0.24, 'dailyrainin': 0.031, 'weeklyrainin': 0.913, 'monthlyrainin': 1.441, 'totalrainin': 12.642, 'solarradiation': 71.07, 'uv': 0, 'feelsLike': 47.1, 'dewPoint': 45.74, 'feelsLikein': 66.9, 'dewPointin': 44.3, 'lastRain': '2019-12-27T17:25:00.000Z', 'date': '2019-12-27T17:25:00.000Z'}
2019-12-27 10:31:22,076 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver temperature - GV1: 45.74, uom: 17
2019-12-27 10:31:22,078 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver humidity - ST: 95, uom: 22
2019-12-27 10:31:22,080 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver pressure - GV1: 1, uom: 25
2019-12-27 10:31:22,083 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver wind - GV0: 37, uom: 76
2019-12-27 10:31:22,086 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver rain - GV1: 0.031, uom: 105
2019-12-27 10:31:22,088 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver rain - GV2: 0.913, uom: 105
2019-12-27 10:31:22,091 [Controller] [WARNING] Missing data: yearlyrainin
2019-12-27 10:32:21,742 [Controller] [INFO ] Connecting to Ambient Weather server
2019-12-27 10:32:21,743 [Controller] [INFO ] 
2019-12-27 10:32:22,096 [Controller] [INFO ] {'dateutc': 1577467020000, 'tempinf': 66.9, 'humidityin': 44, 'baromrelin': 29.85, 'baromabsin': 28.671, 'tempf': 47.1, 'humidity': 94, 'winddir': 36, 'windspeedmph': 0, 'windgustmph': 0, 'maxdailygust': 4.5, 'hourlyrainin': 0.071, 'eventrainin': 0.228, 'dailyrainin': 0.02, 'weeklyrainin': 0.902, 'monthlyrainin': 1.429, 'totalrainin': 12.63, 'solarradiation': 64.96, 'uv': 0, 'feelsLike': 47.1, 'dewPoint': 45.46, 'feelsLikein': 66.9, 'dewPointin': 44.3, 'lastRain': '2019-12-27T17:17:00.000Z', 'date': '2019-12-27T17:17:00.000Z'}
2019-12-27 10:32:22,098 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver temperature - GV1: 45.46, uom: 17
2019-12-27 10:32:22,100 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver humidity - ST: 94, uom: 22
2019-12-27 10:32:22,103 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver pressure - GV1: 1, uom: 25
2019-12-27 10:32:22,106 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver wind - GV0: 36, uom: 76
2019-12-27 10:32:22,109 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver rain - GV1: 0.02, uom: 105
2019-12-27 10:32:22,112 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver rain - GV2: 0.902, uom: 105
2019-12-27 10:32:22,115 [Controller] [WARNING] Missing data: yearlyrainin


(Remove the HTTP requests with my MAC and API key)

Edited by kemac
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11 minutes ago, kemac said:

(The Simplex version doesn't run at all after moving in from my Pi) 

Did you open a support request or mention anything at all?  I run this on Polisy daily without issue so without reporting something I don't know of any issues.

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12 minutes ago, simplextech said:

Did you open a support request or mention anything at all?  I run this on Polisy daily without issue so without reporting something I don't know of any issues.

I just posted in your thread with a log snippet, let me know if you need any additional info or if you need me to open a support request?  Thanks for the assistance.

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1 hour ago, kemac said:


I am trying your Ambient weather NodeServer 0.1.8 on my new Polisy (v2.2.8) and believe I found a few issues. (The Simplex version doesn't run at all after moving in from my Pi) 


#1 Rain rate is not being picked up, only shows "0" inches per hour while my weather station is reporting a non zero value.

#2 Solar Radiation is also showing a zero value, it looks like only the UV value is being read?

Let me know if you need any additional information?  Thanks!


019-12-27 10:22:22,116 [Controller] [INFO ] {'dateutc': 1577467020000, 'tempinf': 66.9, 'humidityin': 44, 'baromrelin': 29.85, 'baromabsin': 28.671, 'tempf': 47.1, 'humidity': 94, 'winddir': 36, 'windspeedmph': 0, 'windgustmph': 0, 'maxdailygust': 4.5, 'hourlyrainin': 0.071, 'eventrainin': 0.228, 'dailyrainin': 0.02, 'weeklyrainin': 0.902, 'monthlyrainin': 1.429, 'totalrainin': 12.63, 'solarradiation': 64.96, 'uv': 0, 'feelsLike': 47.1, 'dewPoint': 45.46, 'feelsLikein': 66.9, 'dewPointin': 44.3, 'lastRain': '2019-12-27T17:17:00.000Z', 'date': '2019-12-27T17:17:00.000Z'}

(Remove the HTTP requests with my MAC and API key)

I don't believe the Ambient API provides rain rate data.  There isn't any in the data you captured from the log.   When I wrote this, the station I was testing with didn't have solar radiation so I had that commented out. I see it is in the data, so I enabled it and pushed a new version.

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21 minutes ago, bpwwer said:

I don't believe the Ambient API provides rain rate data.  There isn't any in the data you captured from the log.   When I wrote this, the station I was testing with didn't have solar radiation so I had that commented out. I see it is in the data, so I enabled it and pushed a new version.

Solar radiation is working with the new version, thank you!  I can use hourly rain data instead of rain rate.

Edited by kemac
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I installed meteobridge on my Polisy today... all working, however:

I set Units to "US", wind does show MPH so i suspect that seems to be working, however temperature is reported in C units.  I would expect F with units set to US?  Or do I need to just write a program that does the conversion updates a variable? 

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2 hours ago, MrBill said:

I installed meteobridge on my Polisy today... all working, however:

I set Units to "US", wind does show MPH so i suspect that seems to be working, however temperature is reported in C units.  I would expect F with units set to US?  Or do I need to just write a program that does the conversion updates a variable? 

It should display the temperature in F.  Did you try restarting the node server after changing the parameter and also restarting the admin console?   The admin console will only read the node profile information once when it starts up and won't pick up any changes that are made to it until it is restarted again.

I have seen some weirdness with the programming UI on the admin console where it will initially show the temperature as C, but the drop down actually has both units on the list, you just have to scroll it.

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4 minutes ago, bpwwer said:

I have seen some weirdness with the programming UI on the admin console where it will initially show the temperature as C, but the drop down actually has both units on the list, you just have to scroll it.

This weirdness actually isn't weird as the node definition you're using has both UOM 4 and UOM 17 listed so when the UI reads the profile and builds the resulting UI it includes BOTH in the list.  Ideally (and I hoped) that it would allow a easy way to support both measurement types but it does not. 

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17 minutes ago, bpwwer said:

It should display the temperature in F.  Did you try restarting the node server after changing the parameter and also restarting the admin console?   The admin console will only read the node profile information once when it starts up and won't pick up any changes that are made to it until it is restarted again.

I have seen some weirdness with the programming UI on the admin console where it will initially show the temperature as C, but the drop down actually has both units on the list, you just have to scroll it.

I know admin was restarted when the nodeserver was installed, but just to be certain, I closed the admin console, restarted the node server, then reopened the admin console.  Still only seeing C for temperatures. 






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