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Polyglot weather station node servers


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19 minutes ago, oneklakes said:

@simplextechThanks again for your willingness to look into this some more. And just to be clear, I didn't generate the new API key yet, I was just asking if doing that might help!

I installed Ambient Weather on my Polisy (local install) and everything is working as it has been.

I'm trying to check with Polyglot Cloud but PGC is just spinning and not loading.  I know a couple of the dev/test ISY units I had are offline and Portal licenses expired and looking in my Portal I see my primary ISY is no longer listed only the Polisy.  So at this point in time I can't access Polyglot Cloud.  

Do you have a Polisy or means to run Polyglot in a local install?

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6 minutes ago, simplextech said:

I installed Ambient Weather on my Polisy (local install) and everything is working as it has been.

I'm trying to check with Polyglot Cloud but PGC is just spinning and not loading.  I know a couple of the dev/test ISY units I had are offline and Portal licenses expired and looking in my Portal I see my primary ISY is no longer listed only the Polisy.  So at this point in time I can't access Polyglot Cloud.  

Do you have a Polisy or means to run Polyglot in a local install?

Sorry to say that I don't have a Polisy or other means to run Polyglot locally. ?

But if the NS runs OK on your Polisy maybe what that means is the issue is that the something got corrupted on the PGC NS or there is some other issue specific to PGC?

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8 minutes ago, oneklakes said:

Sorry to say that I don't have a Polisy or other means to run Polyglot locally. ?

But if the NS runs OK on your Polisy maybe what that means is the issue is that the something got corrupted on the PGC NS or there is some other issue specific to PGC?

I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with that PGC connection to that ISY994i.  I just paid for the renewal of the subscription which was expired and waiting for things to update.  At this point the problem is isolated with PGC and Ambient Weather.  I have no idea yet what it could be.

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21 hours ago, oneklakes said:

But if the NS runs OK on your Polisy maybe what that means is the issue is that the something got corrupted on the PGC NS or there is some other issue specific to PGC?

I'm still having odd issues with PGC and my ISY994i.  I was able to install the NS from PGC to the ISY running on Polisy.  In that combination of installation the NS is not updating and throwing odd errors.

Local install of Polyglot V2 on Polisy with ISY994i is working as expected.  PGC install is not.

[EDIT]: After another stop and waiting and then starting the NS on PGC it's now running and updating the values correctly with ISY on Polisy.  My guess would be some network issue of retrieving the data from the API and what was processed was bad/incomplete.  Very odd issue but after the stop/start things are working correctly.

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@simplextech After reading (a lot) of posts on various forums and websites, it appears that the problem is the replacement temp/humidity sensor (WH-31E) is the problem even though Ambient claims it is supposed to be compatible with the Observer IP. What's strange is that the sensor data does populate on the Ambient dashboard but cannot be exported to Weather Underground and other services. I suspect that incompatibility issue also applies to yours and Bob's NS. The other strange thing is that besides not showing any of its data in the NS, it seems to corrupt the data from the indoor temp/humidity causing it not to show up either.

Per the threads I read, the workaround is to purchase a different sensor from Ecowitt which I ordered last night and is supposed to be delivered later this week. I'll install it when it comes in and post back.

Thanks again for your willingness to look into my problem and offer your assistance. I really appreciate it! 

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3 minutes ago, oneklakes said:

 After reading (a lot) of posts on various forums and websites, it appears that the problem is the replacement temp/humidity sensor (WH-31E) is the problem even though Ambient claims it is supposed to be compatible with the Observer IP. What's strange is that the sensor data does populate on the Ambient dashboard but cannot be exported to Weather Underground and other services.

That is a very odd problem.  If the data is showing in the Ambient Weather Dashboard then it should also be available via the API for use.  I don't have any of that model of sensor to see what/how the data format might have changed.  This is not a surprise to me that Ambient Weather may have changed the data format without any documentation.

4 minutes ago, oneklakes said:

a different sensor from Ecowitt

Funny thing is that the hardware is the same.  EcoWitt is the consumer direct front end for FoshK who is the OEM for the devices and weather stations that Ambient Weather re-packages and sells.  I've migrated to only EcoWitt devices myself and GW1000 for integrating the sensors and PWS array.  It's completely local.

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5 minutes ago, simplextech said:

Funny thing is that the hardware is the same.  EcoWitt is the consumer direct front end for FoshK who is the OEM for the devices and weather stations that Ambient Weather re-packages and sells.  I've migrated to only EcoWitt devices myself and GW1000 for integrating the sensors and PWS array.  It's completely local.

Yep, you would think with same manufacturer, the sensors should all work the same. But from what I read that's not the case. The other thing that burns me is that the new sensor (outdoor) seems to corrupt the data stream from the exising sensor (indoor). That's unacceptable!

Hopefully this all gets cleared up when the Ecowitt sensor get delivered and installed. And yes, I fully intend to migrate to the GW1000 and a Polisy so that everything will run locally. That was the whole reason for getting the ISY in the first place!

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  • 1 month later...

I don't know of an existing node server that supports it nor do I know of any plans to create one.

I seem to recall that they don't provide any API's for access the data and a quick look at their site doesn't find any info on an API or subscription plans to access data via an API.  

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Since it was sold to the Weather Channel and then to IBM, it has become much more restrictive in the personal use of its data.

Today they DO have an api but only for those who contribute data via their personal weather stations (PWS): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eKCnKXI9xnoMGRRzOL1xPCBihNV2rOet08qpE_gArAY/edit

@TJF1960 is there something in particular they have that you are looking for? There are so many, less restrictive options.



Edited by DaveStLou
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I used the Weather Underground API for several years. (I have a Personal Weather Station (PWS) that contributes data to WU).   However so far as I am aware the free access to the API was discontinued maybe at the end of 2018.  In 2017 it had became very erratic -- they had a problem with synchronizing their cloud servers so sometimes you would hit the API and get current uploaded PWS data and sometimes it would be a few minutes or a few hours old.  The data on the WU website for my PWS was always current, though.   Also WU reported precipitation data that purported to be from my PWS but was different from what was uploaded from my PWS.   By 2018 support from weather undergound wouldn't answer emails. 

I ended up getting forecast data from NOAA and my weather station data from the same linux puck that sends data from my Davis weather station to WU.  

If you look closely you will see that the WU app and website no longer provides hyperlocal or even truly local  forecasts even if it displays local data from a PWS.   

Also WU's precipitation probabilities (daily and hourly) and amounts are mathematically inconsistent.  

IBM has taken WU very far from its original focus on the PWS user. 

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Thank you for the replies! 

I have an Acurite 5in1 with the old hub, I set up an Rpi with Acuparse. On the same Rpi I have PG2 running Bob's Weatherpoly v1.0.11 and it works great. I have it set up to fire to PWS and Wunderground which works beautifully as well. But I want move it to PG2 or 3 on IoP but for some reason the data from Acuparse does not get to Weatherpoly on PG2 or 3.  I have not been able to figure out why.  Acuparse sends to PWS and WU without issue, it seems to me (in my simple mind) that it should send to IoP without issue too. But for some reason it doesn't seem to. 

I ordered the new Acurite Access figuring I could use the Acurite node server on PG3 but I also want the access hub to send data to PWS but natively it only sends to WU. 

Question, if Acuparse is indeed sending the data to PG2 or 3 but there is something that PG2 or 3 doesn't like or can't process, should it show up in the logs for Weatherpoly? Maybe as an error? If so what should I set the log level to (assuming it is adjustable)?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,



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WeatherPoly uses port 8080 by default.  IoP also uses port 8080 by default so they conflict.

I suspect that WeatherPoly isn't even able to start it's server because the port is in use.  The best solution is to change the WeatherPoly port to something else (8081, 8800, 8888, almost anything > 1000 will work).  You'll also have to change the port that acuparse is using to send the data to match what you set WeatherPoly to.

The standard port for a web server is port 80, so many devices that want to expose a web server, but don't want to conflict with that use 8080 instead.  With Polisy, we are now running a number of different web servers (ISY, PG3, and various nodes servers) and they all need to run on a unique port number.

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Hi @bpwwer, Thank you.

I did change the port on weatherpoly to 8087 and I tried a couple of other port numbers for testing. I also changed the port in acuparse to match each time. Still would not get the data into weatherpoly on IoP. 

Is there any logging that I can look at in Polisy and or weatherpoly that would indicate the data was being refused or was not able to process? Or is there a way to verify the connection is being made from acuparse to weatherpoly?

Thank you,




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2 hours ago, TJF1960 said:

Is there any logging that I can look at in Polisy and or weatherpoly that would indicate the data was being refused or was not able to process? Or is there a way to verify the connection is being made from acuparse to weatherpoly?

Thank you,


Yes, in the node server details there is a log button, when you select that you can then set the level of logging and the log file should be displayed. With the level set to debug, it should report what it receives from acuparse. 

Also, it is acuparse that connects to WeatherPoly and sends the data.  WeatherPoly won't report anything until it sees a connection.  If the connection attempt is failing, it would have to be acuparse that reports that.

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Oh sorry, I thought you were trying to get the PG3 version working since you originally said you had it working with PG2.

The PG2 version should be output debug messages to the log by default.

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Thanks @bpwwer.

So have done some more troubleshooting. I have Weatherpoly on PG2 v0.1.11 on Rpi (which is and has worked fine), PG2 v0.1.11 on IoP and PG3 v2.0.0 (neither of which has ever worked).

I finally found the error logged on acuparse which contains the stream it sends to weatherpoly:

PHP Warning:  file_get_contents( failed to open stream: Connection refused in /opt/acuparse/cron/cron.php on line 229

If I open a browser and pass the above string to PG2 on IoP the browser indicates successful transmission. But the Data does not update the nodeserver, the values do not change in weatherpoly.

If I pass the same string to PG3 the connection is refused. 

Additionally if I pass the below string to PG2 the value does change to the string value. However PG3 connection is still refused.

What are your thoughts?

Oh, one last thing. I am unable to update weatherpoly in PG2 on IoP, when I try I get the error "pullrepo:undefinded"

PG2 version is v2.2.13 on IoP

PG3 version 3.0.41 on IoP.




Edited by TJF1960
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Try version 2.0.1 of weatherpoly on PG3 and see if that works better.  Simply restarting the node server should automatically do the update.

Also, the URL you have from acuparse is not a valid URL.  I'm guessing it might just be the way it displayed, but if not then something is wrong there.  The parameters should be separated by only a '&' not the '&' that is that URL.

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Hi @bpwwer,

Updated to v2.0.1, Weatherpoly log show this when acuparse sends the data:

2022-03-03 18:54:06,082 Thread-4   udi_interface      INFO     weatherstation:log_message: "GET /acuparse?ID=&PASSWORD=&dateutc=2022-03-04+02:54:02&tempf=55.1&winddir=270&winddir_avg2m=161&windspeedmph=4&windspdmph_avg2m=4&baromin=29.81&humidity=86&dewptf=50.9&rainin=0&dailyrainin=0&softwaretype=Acuparse&action=updateraw HTTP/1.0" 200 -

Again this is what acuparse log shows it sends:

So it does appear to send the &amp.

Now with v2.0.1 acuparse is not recording a http error anymore and clearly the string now is getting into Weatherpoly but it is not displaying the values in the nodes.

What is stumping me is that if I put the http: string above into a browser and send it to PG2 on my Rpi it works fine, parses and displays the data in the nodes just fine. If I use the same string in the browser but point it to PG3 the browser comes back with "Successful data submission" now but the node values do not update.

Could it be something in Polyglot. My Rpi PG2 version is 2.2.10 and I was having this same issue trying to get PG2 on IoP to work which is v2.2.13, while both PG2 Weatherpoly versions are the same v0.1.11



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Like I said, I don't know if it's just the way acuparse is writing the URL to the log, but the formatting is not correct for URL parameters and WeatherPoly is not able to parse that.  Parameters are separated by the '&' character so something like &tempf=67.6 is parsed as "amp;tempf" and not "tempf" which is what it is probably looking for.

You've never reported what the WeatherPoly log is reporting so I don't know what it's doing.  My guess now is that it may be reporting that it can't parse any of the values because of the format of the URL.

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Hi @bpwwer,

Here is Weatherpoly on PG3, you are of course correct, it does not like the "amp"

2022-03-03 20:26:59,250 Command    udi_interface.interface DEBUG    interface:_parseInput: DEQUEING shortPoll
2022-03-03 20:27:04,038 Thread-4   udi_interface      DEBUG    weatherstation:acuparse: Got some acuparse data
2022-03-03 20:27:04,039 Thread-4   udi_interface      INFO     weatherstation:acuparse: map has 9 entries, but not amp;dateutc
2022-03-03 20:27:04,039 Thread-4   udi_interface      INFO     weatherstation:acuparse: map has 9 entries, but not amp;tempf
2022-03-03 20:27:04,040 Thread-4   udi_interface      INFO     weatherstation:acuparse: map has 9 entries, but not amp;winddir
2022-03-03 20:27:04,041 Thread-4   udi_interface      INFO     weatherstation:acuparse: map has 9 entries, but not amp;winddir_avg2m
2022-03-03 20:27:04,041 Thread-4   udi_interface      INFO     weatherstation:acuparse: map has 9 entries, but not amp;windspeedmph
2022-03-03 20:27:04,042 Thread-4   udi_interface      INFO     weatherstation:acuparse: map has 9 entries, but not amp;windspdmph_avg2m
2022-03-03 20:27:04,042 Thread-4   udi_interface      INFO     weatherstation:acuparse: map has 9 entries, but not amp;baromin
2022-03-03 20:27:04,043 Thread-4   udi_interface      INFO     weatherstation:acuparse: map has 9 entries, but not amp;humidity
2022-03-03 20:27:04,044 Thread-4   udi_interface      INFO     weatherstation:acuparse: map has 9 entries, but not amp;dewptf
2022-03-03 20:27:04,044 Thread-4   udi_interface      INFO     weatherstation:acuparse: map has 9 entries, but not amp;rainin
2022-03-03 20:27:04,045 Thread-4   udi_interface      INFO     weatherstation:acuparse: map has 9 entries, but not amp;dailyrainin
2022-03-03 20:27:04,045 Thread-4   udi_interface      INFO     weatherstation:acuparse: map has 9 entries, but not amp;softwaretype
2022-03-03 20:27:04,046 Thread-4   udi_interface      INFO     weatherstation:acuparse: map has 9 entries, but not amp;action
2022-03-03 20:27:04,047 Thread-4   udi_interface      INFO     weatherstation:log_message: "GET /acuparse?ID=&PASSWORD=&dateutc=2022-03-04+04:27:02&tempf=53.8&winddir=270&winddir_avg2m=164&windspeedmph=4&windspdmph_avg2m=4&baromin=29.81&humidity=93&dewptf=51.8&rainin=0&dailyrainin=0&softwaretype=Acuparse&action=updateraw HTTP/1.0" 200 -
2022-03-03 20:27:04,259 MQTT       udi_interface.interface DEBUG    interface:_message: QUEUING incoming message shortPoll

For some reason logging in Weatherpoly on PG2 on Rpi is not reporting beyond the restart point below:

2022-03-03 20:11:19,402 NodeServer polyinterface      INFO     weatherstation:start: Starting WeatherPoly Node Server
2022-03-03 20:11:19,405 NodeServer polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:saveCustomData: Sending customData to Polyglot.
2022-03-03 20:11:19,501 NodeServer polyinterface      INFO     weatherstation:set_logging_level: set_logging_level: Setting log level to 0
2022-03-03 20:14:59,923 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polylogger:set_basic_config: set_basic_config: enable=True level=30
2022-03-03 20:15:00,228 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:init_interface: Received Config from STDIN.
2022-03-03 20:15:00,229 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     __init__:<module>: UDI Polyglot v2 Interface 2.1.0 Starting...
2022-03-03 20:15:00,258 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: gws: {'default': {2: ('', 'eth0')}, 2: [('', 'eth0', True)]}
2022-03-03 20:15:00,259 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: gw: default=('', 'eth0')
2022-03-03 20:15:00,259 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: ifad: eth0=[{'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''}]
2022-03-03 20:15:00,259 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:__init__: Connect: Network Interface: {'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''}
2022-03-03 20:15:00,260 Interface  polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_startMqtt: Connecting to MQTT... localhost:1883
2022-03-03 20:15:00,260 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     weatherstation:<module>: Calling Controller to create controller node
2022-03-03 20:15:00,454 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Connected with result code 0 (Success)
2022-03-03 20:15:00,454 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/polyglot/ns/8 -  MID: 1 Result: 0
2022-03-03 20:15:00,455 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/polyglot/connections/polyglot -  MID: 2 Result: 0
2022-03-03 20:15:00,455 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: Sent Connected message to Polyglot
2022-03-03 20:15:00,476 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_subscribe: MQTT Subscribed Succesfully for Message ID: 1 - QoS: (0,)
2022-03-03 20:15:00,477 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_subscribe: MQTT Subscribed Succesfully for Message ID: 2 - QoS: (0,)
2022-03-03 20:15:00,551 NodeServer polyinterface      INFO     weatherstation:start: Starting WeatherPoly Node Server
2022-03-03 20:15:00,552 NodeServer polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:saveCustomData: Sending customData to Polyglot.
2022-03-03 20:15:00,600 NodeServer polyinterface      INFO     weatherstation:set_logging_level: set_logging_level: Setting log level to 0

However PG2 on Rpi Polyglot log does show this:

3/3/2022, 8:30:17 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): Processing command: status
3/3/2022, 8:30:17 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): n008_temperature ST set sucessfully to 53.8 : UOM 17
3/3/2022, 8:30:17 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): n008_wind GV0 set sucessfully to 270.0 : UOM 14
3/3/2022, 8:30:17 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): n008_wind ST set sucessfully to 4.0 : UOM 48
3/3/2022, 8:30:17 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): n008_wind GV4 set sucessfully to 5.0 : UOM 48
3/3/2022, 8:30:17 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): n008_pressure GV0 set sucessfully to 29.82 : UOM 23
3/3/2022, 8:30:17 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): n008_humidity ST set sucessfully to 93.0 : UOM 51
3/3/2022, 8:30:17 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): n008_temperature GV0 set sucessfully to 51.8 : UOM 17
3/3/2022, 8:30:17 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): n008_rain ST set sucessfully to 0.0 : UOM 24
3/3/2022, 8:30:18 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): n008_rain GV1 set sucessfully to 0.0 : UOM 105
3/3/2022, 8:32:06 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): Processing command: status
3/3/2022, 8:32:06 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): Processing command: status
3/3/2022, 8:32:06 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): Processing command: status
3/3/2022, 8:32:06 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): Processing command: status
3/3/2022, 8:32:06 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): Processing command: status
3/3/2022, 8:32:06 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): Processing command: status
3/3/2022, 8:32:06 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): Processing command: status
3/3/2022, 8:32:06 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): Processing command: status
3/3/2022, 8:32:06 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): Processing command: status
3/3/2022, 8:32:06 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): n008_temperature ST set sucessfully to 53.8 : UOM 17
3/3/2022, 8:32:06 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): n008_wind GV0 set sucessfully to 270.0 : UOM 14
3/3/2022, 8:32:06 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): n008_wind ST set sucessfully to 3.0 : UOM 48
3/3/2022, 8:32:06 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): n008_pressure GV0 set sucessfully to 29.82 : UOM 23
3/3/2022, 8:32:06 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): n008_wind GV4 set sucessfully to 4.0 : UOM 48
3/3/2022, 8:32:06 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): n008_humidity ST set sucessfully to 93.0 : UOM 51
3/3/2022, 8:32:06 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): n008_temperature GV0 set sucessfully to 51.8 : UOM 17
3/3/2022, 8:32:06 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): n008_rain ST set sucessfully to 0.0 : UOM 24
3/3/2022, 8:32:06 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): n008_rain GV1 set sucessfully to 0.0 : UOM 105
3/3/2022, 8:33:04 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): Processing command: status
3/3/2022, 8:33:04 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): Processing command: status
3/3/2022, 8:33:04 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): Processing command: status
3/3/2022, 8:33:04 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): Processing command: status
3/3/2022, 8:33:04 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): Processing command: status
3/3/2022, 8:33:04 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): Processing command: status
3/3/2022, 8:33:04 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): Processing command: status
3/3/2022, 8:33:04 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): Processing command: status
3/3/2022, 8:33:04 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): Processing command: status
3/3/2022, 8:33:04 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): n008_wind GV0 set sucessfully to 270.0 : UOM 14
3/3/2022, 8:33:04 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): n008_temperature ST set sucessfully to 53.5 : UOM 17
3/3/2022, 8:33:04 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): n008_wind ST set sucessfully to 3.0 : UOM 48
3/3/2022, 8:33:04 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): n008_wind GV4 set sucessfully to 3.0 : UOM 48
3/3/2022, 8:33:04 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): n008_pressure GV0 set sucessfully to 29.82 : UOM 23
3/3/2022, 8:33:04 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): n008_humidity ST set sucessfully to 93.0 : UOM 51
3/3/2022, 8:33:04 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): n008_temperature GV0 set sucessfully to 51.4 : UOM 17
3/3/2022, 8:33:04 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): n008_rain ST set sucessfully to 0.0 : UOM 24
3/3/2022, 8:33:04 PM [polyglot] info: WeatherPoly(8): n008_rain GV1 set sucessfully to 0.0 : UOM 105



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