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Schedule Sprinklers every 48 hours, not set days of the week


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OK. I am stumped. How do I set the if statement to run every 48 hours. I am working with the EZ-Rain sprinklers. This is what I have so far:


Time is 7:00pm

And Module 'Climate' Rain Today <= 0.1"


Set 'A1-Sprinkler1-DW Ret Wall 1' On

Wait 8 minutes

Set 'A1-Sprinkler1-DW Ret Wall 1' Off

Wait 15 seconds

Set 'A1-Sprinkler2-DW Ret Wall 2' On

Wait 8 minutes

Set 'A1-Sprinkler2-DW Ret Wall 2' Off

Wait 15 seconds

Set 'A1-Sprinkler3-DW Prop Line' On

Wait 8 minutes

Set 'A1-Sprinkler3- DW Prop Line' Off

Wait 15 seconds

Set 'A1-Sprinkler4-Gardenias' On

Wait 8 minutes

Set 'A1-Sprinkler4-Gardenias' Off

Wait 15 seconds

Set 'A1-Sprinkler5-Master Bdrm Pla' On

Wait 8 minutes

Set 'A1-Sprinkler5-Master Bdrm Pla' Off

Wait 15 seconds

Set 'A1-Sprinkler6-Pine Tree Plant' On

Wait 8 minutes

Set 'A1-Sprinkler6-Pine Tree Plant' Off


No Actions


My question is how do I tell it to run every other day (Every 48hours at 7pm)? Where and what goes there to make this happen? I know I can hard set days like Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat but that is not truly every 48 hours.

I have tried a few different things but no luck.


Any ideas? I will be so greatful.

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Hi cyberduo,


Try using a Repeat statement in the Action section such as:


Repeat Every 48 Hours

-- Your zone 1

-- Wait 8 minutes

.... and so on and so forth


To make things cleaner, you might want to put the sprinkler schedules in another program (without any conditions) and then do:


Repeat Every 48 Hours

-- Run program my-sprinklers (Then path)



With kind regards,


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