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Attempting to setup my ISY with Alexa

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I'm finding the documentation to be this product to be frustrating to say the least.

1) I started here, https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_Amazon_Echo_Integration_V3

2) I was then sent here, https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_Installation_Instructions

3) and then here, https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Network_Security, to check to see if I have the proper TLS settings. This then has me download a PDF file.

4) The PDF file then sends me here, https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Installing_the_Admin_Console_Icon_on_Your_Desktop

5) This has me download a java application, which says "ISY Finder : Not Found". Any attempt to use the <Add> button to add an ISY at the IP address I know is correct responds with "Not Found". If there's something more that needs to be added to the URL in this dialog, there are no instructions on what it should be. I've tried various random things such as "http://<ip>/admin", "http://<ip>/admin/", "http://<ip>/admin.jnlp".

6) I can open the admin console to my ISY with "http://<ip>/admin.jnlp". That all works (Thank God). But the PDF didn't tell me to open the admin console. It told me to open the "Dashboard". Why on Earth are there two different things, an admin console and a dashboard, and the TLS settings are only available in the dashboard, which I've only found instructions on how to access through the finder, when I don't even need a finder, because I know the freaking IP address of the ISY already?????

Anyhow, that's where I'm at. I suppose I can assume the TLS setting is correct (it's probably not; murphy's law) and proceed with attempting the Alexa integration anyway.


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Hello Michel,

Eventually I was able to get the "ISY Finder" to work by using "https://<ip>" instead of "http://<ip>". I stumbled across this somewhere in the forum yesterday.

Alexa integration is now working, though the process was not without its issues as well. For a while the portal configuration page did not show up. I'm not sure what I did to resolve that, as I tried multiple things, including reloading the admin page, using an admin.jnlp that I downloaded from somewhere else, etc. It may be the case that I just needed to wait a while, I'm not sure. Eventually the page showed up and I was able to validate the portal.


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