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ISY to recognize switchlinc status


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I am using an app on an Ipad as a remote control for home theater. It sends commands to a Global Cache wifi to IR receiver. That sends IR commands to a IRlinc to control lighting through Switchlinc dimmers. My problem is the ISY doesn't recognize a Switchlinc status when it's controlled that way. I have a program that is dependent on status of the dimmer to execute so need the ISY to know status. Any suggestions?  

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58 minutes ago, Culvdave said:

I am using an app on an Ipad as a remote control for home theater. It sends commands to a Global Cache wifi to IR receiver. That sends IR commands to a IRlinc to control lighting through Switchlinc dimmers. My problem is the ISY doesn't recognize a Switchlinc status when it's controlled that way. I have a program that is dependent on status of the dimmer to execute so need the ISY to know status. Any suggestions?  

Did you build the Insteon Scene connection using the ISY as the scene manager? ISY doesn't know statuses unless the devices tell them. Insteon devices do not send out status changes from scenes IIRC.  If so remove the scene from both units and/or factory reset them, restore them from ISY and then use ISY to build the scenes so ISY knows what you are doing or use programs to pass the information.

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The scene was built on the Irlinc, I.'m not sure how to do it using ISY as the ir command is coming from the Global cache. The ISY recognizes an on command, just not off.  The odd thing is, it used to work the way I have it, the Switchlinc is pretty old and the last few days I was getting some odd behavior from it so I replaced it and now have this issue. 

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First, all Insteon devices should be factory reset before linking them to your ISY. They can come with all kinds of weird things inside them.

ISY admin console has a button in the top menu that creates a scene. This will appear in the device list page as another device. To add devices to the scene just mouse drag and drop the devices into the scene icon. You will be asked if you want them to be responders. All should be responders except one, if wanted . ISY will then write the links automatically to all devices involved. Battery devices need to be in linking mode first.

ISY will then keep track of your scenes, can repair them with a simple mouse click etc... Once created the secene devices can be modified for different ramp rates and levels in the admin console. It's a great Scene manager, making it much easier.

Your iRLink is likely full of half links going to the old SwitchLinc and needs to be factory reset to clean them out first.

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1 hour ago, Culvdave said:

Ok, I understand how to create a scene with ISY, how does the IR linc tell ISY to activate the scene?

Scenes can be activated by programs inside ISY or without any ISY functions by including a device in the scene as an initiator/controller? (I never remember what ISY calls it) when you include it into the scene.

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12 hours ago, Culvdave said:

Ok, I understand how to create a scene with ISY, how does the IR linc tell ISY to activate the scene?

The ISY has 2 functions with Insteon:

  1.  Controller and automation using ISY programs.
  2. Insteon network manager.  While this function supports 1., its separate. By using the Link Management menu, Insteon devices are found, added to the ISY and scenes programmed into the devices remotely, rather that using manual linking between devices as described in the directions provided with the device. In the ISY Link management menu,  pick "New INSTEON Scene" to manage all links on all of your devices

    If you choose to manually link devices.. you can, but the ISY will not have any knowledge of that and can't participate. Its much better to let the ISY set it up using scenes and features for the irlinc.  There are also specific features for the irlinc that UDI has added to the ISY. See the pic below


The short answer is that the ISY does not activate the irlinc scenes. As network manager, the ISY programs the links from the irlinc to the insteon network up front when you add the irlinc and its buttons. This one time and the ISY is done at this point. You don't need the ISY or PLM after this setup is done. Both could fail and this will keep working. You can use ISY to enhance events via programs if that helps.

I know this sounds like a pain, but my suggestion is that you:

  • Scroll down on this page and read how the ISY supports the IRlinc
  • Write down the remote / button logic of what you have today in the GC/irlinc.
  • Delete the IRlinc from the ISY, if its in the ISY
  • Factory reset the irlinc
  • Add the IRlinc back into the ISY using the linking menu
  • Add the buttons back in using the linking menu features in the picture


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12 minutes ago, Culvdave said:

Actually Paul, there is an issue, the IR Linc buttons connected to the ISY with no problem but when I execute a scene linked to the button it doesn't recognize on level or ramp rate. 

What iR devices do you have that support "On level" or "Ramping speed"?

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1 hour ago, Culvdave said:

Actually Paul, there is an issue, the IR Linc buttons connected to the ISY with no problem but when I execute a scene linked to the button it doesn't recognize on level or ramp rate.

OK.  Try mouse-click on the lts low (IRLinc Reciever) within the scene definition.  Check to be sure the ramp rates and ON levels match those shown in your snip.  (Most likely they do not.)  Remember, responder levels can be different for each controller.


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4 hours ago, Culvdave said:

When I activate the scene via ISY the on level and ramp rate do what the scene is set at, it's when I use the button on the Ipad that it doesn't get the settings. The lights all react, just not to the settings in the scene

Insteon devices have many settings. There is a unrelated on level and ramp rate for each link/scene, local control, and ISY program control.

What you set in scenes does not affect the manual on from ISY or the manual on via the switch paddle.

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