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Programmatically Check if Garage Door is Open?


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I have an IOLinc 2450 on my garage door.  I have my ISY994i send me a text when the garage door is opened or closed.  I can use my Echo to open or close the door by saying "Alexa, turn on the Garage Door".   I see 2 devices in my Main tab for the garage door:  Garage Door-Relay and Garage Door-Sensor.  Is there a program that test to see if the door is open and if so, close it?  I'm wondering if I can test Garage Door-Sensor for Off which is closed and On which is Open?  Will that work?

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The program I have to send me texts on door open and closed is in the attached screenshot.  I'm still not clear on the test in the IF section.  Why is the to see if the switch is on AND also if it is not off?  Isn't that redundant?  This works but I want to understand it so I can maybe use something similar to test the current state of my door.  

Screen Shot 2018-11-26 at 11.33.36 AM.jpg

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First. ISY programs do not actually "test" anything. ISY programs are event driven by changes of devices sent from the remote devices. ISY then remembers what the position of the devices are until told differently. Programs only run when a line causes them to "Wake up" from those events.

You can try something like this in another program and develop it further by adding more lines.

    Garage door sensor is switched On
    I am not home <------------ if you have a method of knowing this in ISY

    Wait 2 hours
    Close garage door


WARNING! This could be dangerous to close a garage door without having a visual of the opening and most will not recommend it. Prepare for some flack here possibly. Newer garage door operators do this on a timer but warning beepers are used before closing. This doesn't help a toddler that could get killed by the door or a toy that could damage your door and/or gasket seal.. Your conscience!


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3 hours ago, larryllix said:

First. ISY programs do not actually "test" anything. ISY programs are event driven by changes of devices sent from the remote devices. ISY then remembers what the position of the devices are until told differently. Programs only run when a line causes them to "Wake up" from those events.

To put a finer point on what Larry wrote, a device can create a "switched on" event or a "switched off" event.  Programatically they are two different events even though they come from the same device and represent opposite states.  To handle this you could write two programs:

Program 1
      device is switched on
      Send email "Device is on"

Program 2
      device is switched off
      Send email "Device is off"

or you can do as you have done above and handle it in one program via the "Else" section

Program 1
      device is switched on
  and device is not switched off
      Send email "Device is on"
      Send email "Device is off"

The "switched on" captures the switched on event and executes the "Then" section while the "not switched off" captures the switched off event and executes the "Else".

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  • 2 weeks later...

I set a button on a keypad linc to illuminate when the door is open.  I then check for that in my programs:

   Status GarageKeypad - B is not off
   Send Notification to 'Text' content 'GarageDoorOpen'

... and created a few reminder programs:

   Status GarageKeypad - B is not off
   Wait 15 minutes
   Send Notification to 'Text' content 'GarageDoorDelay15'


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