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Polyglot V2 Ecobee Nodeserver


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Got 2.0.16 loaded and it looks good for occupancy and updates. Custom climate still shows up as a number in admin console display, but custom names show up as setting options.

Personally, I don't think we need a humidity field for sensors, the only sensor that measures humidity is the tstat sensor and that value is already reported in the tstat data. However, no big deal.

Still getting some payload errors in log, but I don't see any lack of functionality. FYI, I have ecobee3 downstairs and ecobee3 lite upstairs.

Thanks again @Jimbo and @einstein.42 for all the work.


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Update: Ran for about an hour, then updates stopped and started getting provisioning error again.

modifyUserLock: { "message": "The level of configured provisioned throughput for the table was exceeded. Consider increasing your provisioning level with the UpdateTable API.", "code": "ProvisionedThroughputExceededException", "time": "2018-12-30T22:22:08.021Z", "requestId": "A071TL6I792Q9ILS7H9FB8MEEJVV4KQNSO5AEMVJF66Q9ASUAAJG", "statusCode": 400, "retryable": true }

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17 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

That is strange they still show as a number? Did you close and reopen the admin console?

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

Yes, just closed and reopened again to make sure. See screenshot, the climate type pull down shows all my customs by name, but the status display shows 6.


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4 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

Strange. But hard to tell. When there is a download log package on PGC I'll have you send it to me. In the meantime send me your custom names and I'll test them in mine.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

In addition to the standard Home, Away and sleep, I have Office AM, Office PM and Karen Dress. Are spaces a problem? My upstairs doesn't have any customs and it's displaying Home just fine.

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6 minutes ago, larryllix said:


Using NodeLink, the Home, Sleep, Away, & Vacation climate types are available but the user defined ones are only sent as "Smart1", "Smart2"... etc.. io_guy reported the names were not available from the ecobee response (easily?).

@Jimbo added the functionality in 2.0.15, see release notes.

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47 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

Strange. But hard to tell. When there is a download log package on PGC I'll have you send it to me. In the meantime send me your custom names and I'll test them in mine.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

Discover climates in log looks like it's seeing them all

12/30/18 17:19:10:121 [NodeServer][DEBUG] :: discover: climates={'311054229478': [{'name': 'Away', 'ref': 'away'}, {'name': 'Home', 'ref': 'home'}, {'name': 'Sleep', 'ref': 'sleep'}, {'name': 'Office AM', 'ref': 'smart1'}, {'name': 'Karen dress', 'ref': 'smart3'}, {'name': 'Office PM', 'ref': 'smart4'}], '411994000837': [{'name': 'Away', 'ref': 'away'}, {'name': 'Home', 'ref': 'home'}, {'name': 'Sleep', 'ref': 'sleep'}]}
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Using NodeLink, the Home, Sleep, Away, & Vacation climate types are available but the user defined ones are only sent as "Smart1", "Smart2"... etc.. io_guy reported the names were not available from the ecobee response (easily?).
The names are easy to get, the hard part is building a custom isy nodedef for each thermostat to support it. But I've done that extensively with the Harmony NS so this was easy

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

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Discover climates in log looks like it's seeing them all

12/30/18 17:19:10:121 [NodeServer][DEBUG] :: discover: climates={'311054229478': [{'name': 'Away', 'ref': 'away'}, {'name': 'Home', 'ref': 'home'}, {'name': 'Sleep', 'ref': 'sleep'}, {'name': 'Office AM', 'ref': 'smart1'}, {'name': 'Karen dress', 'ref': 'smart3'}, {'name': 'Office PM', 'ref': 'smart4'}], '411994000837': [{'name': 'Away', 'ref': 'away'}, {'name': 'Home', 'ref': 'home'}, {'name': 'Sleep', 'ref': 'sleep'}]}

The ISY is showing 6 because that is not a valid selection anymore based on your custom names. I can add back the smart names...

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

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47 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

The ISY is showing 6 because that is not a valid selection anymore based on your custom names. I can add back the smart names...

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

Current profile was Office PM which is the 6th name in the list, but maybe that's not how it works. Anyway if no one else is having issues, certainly don't worry about it. 

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Current profile was Office PM which is the 6th name in the list, but maybe that's not how it works. Anyway if no one else is having issues, certainly don't worry about it. 
Yes, its the 6th name, but they start at zero so it should show 5. Sorry, should have clarified that. Try latest and see what it shows.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

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5 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

So @larryllix did mention Vacation could be a climate type, technically it's not in Ecobee terminology, but could be added. Not sure how to handle it since in the app you define start and end time of the vacation and heat, cool, fan modes. I was planning to make one of my climate modes be used for this...

Don't quote me on that one! :) The vacation setup is the weirdest thing I have come across in ecobee stats. I believe there is about 4-5 different vacation modes in these stats.
I set a time out vacation on my ecobees a few weeks ago. While remote accessing one I mistakenly set it into vacation mode. When I cancelled the vacation mode it fell back to my original vacation settings on the stat (with the termination date and time) before I left home.

Yeah. Nested vacation settings???  Just when you think you figured out how it works. :(


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Some research just showed me that 'Climate type'  includes 'Away' (0 status). This can be activated by the ecobee Quick Menu onscreen, or the stat internal schedule.

However, this is not the 'Vacation' mode where it can be set in the stat menus or the ecobee webpage. (This is where you set Vacation from date/time to date/time).  It turns out NodeLink does not report this status or operate this  mode remotely from ISY.

hmmmmmm.... I have been writing HVAC programs dependent on this mode status and it turns out none of them work, unless a temporary 'Away' climate type is used in it's place.

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Some research just showed me that 'Climate type'  includes 'Away' (0 status). This can be activated by the ecobee Quick Menu onscreen, or the stat internal schedule.
However, this is not the 'Vacation' mode where it can be set in the stat menus or the ecobee webpage. (This is where you set Vacation from date/time to date/time).  It turns out NodeLink does not report this status or operate this  mode remotely from ISY.
hmmmmmm.... I have been writing HVAC programs dependent on this mode status and it turns out none of them work, unless a temporary 'Away' climate type is used in it's place.
Yes, I understand how it all works in the Ecobee, took a while and would have been very painful if I didn't actually have one now.
That is why I was thinking I would just create my own climate type called AwayExtended with settings for when I would be gone for a while. I can't call it Vacation since it's going to be at my lake house

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15 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

Yes, I understand how it all works in the Ecobee, took a while and would have been very painful if I didn't actually have one now.
That is why I was thinking I would just create my own climate type called AwayExtended with settings for when I would be gone for a while. I can't call it Vacation since it's going to be at my lake house emoji3.png

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

It's definitely a new technology. Who would think a simple bang/bang (on/off) stat could turn into such a monster? :)

Even the terminological "climate type" makes the hair on the back of my neck stand on end,  but what else would you call it? When there was only four, some would refer to them a schedule quadrants. :(

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2 hours ago, Jimbo said:

Yes, its the 6th name, but they start at zero so it should show 5. Sorry, should have clarified that. Try latest and see what it shows.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

I'm trying to check out latest, but AWS seems to be maxed out again and I can't get it started. I'll report back when I can get it running.

For vacation, it seems like a choice of using tstat/web to manually set/schedule true vacation mode or use ISY to set AwayExtended as a climate. I would lean towards using ISY because I already have a vacation mode set up for lights and sensor alerts so it would be one less manual step I would need to do on two ecobee's when leaving. One voice command and I'm out the door with HA and HVAC all set for vacation mode.

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I'm back up and running 2.0.17 w/o any resource errors. Climate type reports as smart4. Still getting some payload errors.

12/31/18 16:38:35:356 [Interface ][ERROR] :: Received Payload Error: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) :: 'ype":"cloud"}}'
12/31/18 16:38:35:456 [Interface ][ERROR] :: Received Payload Error: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) :: 'rname":"pgc","type":"cloud"}}'
12/31/18 16:38:35:551 [Interface ][ERROR] :: Received Payload Error: Extra data: line 1 column 8 (char 7) :: '5374048,"isyUsername":"pgc","type":"cloud"}}'
12/31/18 16:38:35:636 [Interface ][ERROR] :: Received Payload Error: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) ::
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It's working well for me now.  Thanks so much [mention=3609]Jimbo[/mention]
I added a new "Comfort Setting" to the thermostat schedule, but it doesn't show in the ISY's "Climate Type" drop down.  How do I refresh this?
Good to hear it's working well. You can hit the Re-Discover button on the controller node, or restart the nodeserver. Make sure to close and reopen the admin console after it's done.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

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